Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2257: Go crazy

"You said that you just chose the cohort, and you stayed in the palace, aren't you afraid of criticism?" Song Qingshu squeezed her cheek. Although she had a melon-seeded face, she was still a young girl full of collagen.

"We don't have as many red tapes as there are in the Southern Song Dynasty. If we like it, we can be together. What's more, we control Chaotang. Who dares to say anything?" Li Qinglu twisted her body, obviously feeling a little itchy on her face.

"That's true," Song Qingshu remembered that Menggu from Tianlong Babu had directly left Xuzhu on the same day. Thinking of this, he couldn't help asking, "Who would you choose today without me? What do you think of that Xuzhu? ?"

"Most of you will choose Xu Liewu. If you can marry the powerful Mongolia, I think many people in China are willing to make it." Li Qinglu frowned, "Xu Zhu? Is that fake monk, he looks so ugly, if I choose him Isn't it blind?"

"His appearance is indeed a little plain..." Song Qingshu was relieved at once. Originally, the bridge between Princess Xixia and Xuzhu in the original work was very illogical. Just because of the relationship, the princess was heartbroken to him? Instead of seeking revenge from the man who insulted her, is he recruiting his relatives? You must know that Princess Xixia is not a lady who pays attention to the three obediences and four virtues in the Southern Song Dynasty, let alone Li Qiushui's granddaughter.

"The Queen Empress is here!"

When the two were warming up, a message from the palace lady suddenly came from outside.

Li Qinglu hurriedly sat up straight from his arms and said with a smile: "Last time she gave me a hand, but today she gave you to her."

Song Qingshu couldn't help but complain: "How do you feel that you have become a Tang monk?"

"What Tang monk?" Mu Wanqing just came in and heard, confused.

"It's the story of Tang Seng and a group of beautiful female fairies..." Song Qingshu said roughly, and the more he said it was a strange expression. How can I tell the feeling of Jinpingmei in a Journey to the West?

"This Tang Seng is really unfeeling, and he has ignored the infatuation of so many women for him." Mu Wanqing snorted coldly.

Li Qinglu focused on other things and smiled: "If Tang Seng meat is really eaten for immortality, I will keep it and eat it every day. Brother Song, you are my Tang Seng meat. It happens that you became a concierge. Just stay in the palace and serve us female elves."

Mu Wanqing flushed on the side, and said, "You want to be a fairy, but I don't want to be."

Song Qingshu replied, "I'm afraid I can't stay here for long. This time

Xu Liewu lost face, and Mongolia must have made a big move. If I expected it well, within three months to six months, Mongolia will invade by a large number of troops. I want to take precautions and contact all allies. "

People all over the world think that Xixia recruited relatives for Xu Liewu, but now the consort has chosen someone else. Where can Xu Liewu and Mongolia get off the stage?

What's more, Mongolia's Western Expedition has been almost completed, and now the attention has turned to the Central Plains, worrying that there is no excuse for invigorating troops, this time Xixia recruiting relatives just gave them a legitimate opportunity to send troops.

Of course Song Qingshu doesn't regret it. If he can't even protect his own woman, how can he stand in the world? What's more, there will be a battle with Mongolia sooner or later, even if not this time, they will find another excuse to invade.

"Are you leaving again?" Mu Wanqing suddenly felt a little lost, always in a state of gathering less and more.

Li Qinglu on the side snorted: "I think he just can't let go of the Mongolian princess, just find a reason to see her."

Song Qingshu's old face became hot, and said: "I am indeed a little worried about Zhao Min, but it is also true that we have to contact all anti-Mongolian forces."

"It's okay. From the three questions you answered, you know what kind of radish you are," Li Qinglu wrinkled her nose, "Be with Sister Mu while there is still time."

When he said that, he pushed Mu Wanqing into his arms, and Mu Wanqing fell into Song Qingshu's arms, exclaiming all over, and said angrily: "Why did it happen to me again?"

Li Qinglu smiled and said, "Last time you gave her to me, I can't eat alone. I will give you the wedding night today." After that, she left cheerfully, and did not forget to be considerate when she left. Close the door for them.

There were only two people left in the room, and Mu Wanqing's pretty face blushed suddenly: "This girl is getting more and more crazy. How can it be the wedding night on the first day of recruiting a son-in-law."

Song Qingshu hugged her soft body, leaned into her ear and whispered: "Anyway, I only need to have a beautiful bride's bridal chamber, no matter who she is."

Mu Wanqing's body immediately softened, and the time he spent with him was not short. Naturally, he knew his nature: "Of course you would like someone else to come..."

When the two were warm in the room, suddenly the noisy voice of the guard came from the palace: "There is an assassin!"

Mu Wanqing immediately sat up straight, revealing a flawless upper body: "Ah, has an assassin in the palace?"

Song Qingshu gave her a hand

He pulled it back again: "It doesn't matter whether he is an assassin or an assassin. Anyway, there is a master at Yipintang."

"I hate it~" Mu Wanqing sighed, she didn't know what she had encountered, and she couldn't speak again after she screamed.

After another while, Song Qingshu suddenly got up and sneered again and again: "I didn't expect the assassin to touch here."

As he raised his hand, he didn't intend to be merciful when the good news was interrupted.

At this moment, a faint voice came from outside the door: "Baoyu, are you there, Baoyu?"

Song Qingshu was startled, and put his hands away instinctively: "Why did she come?"

"Who is it?" Mu Wanqing asked as she put on her clothes.

"Xue Baochai." Song Qingshu said with a wry smile.

"She found here?" Mu Wanqing was taken aback. She had heard about her from Li Qinglu and couldn't help but feel jealous. "I shot her to death!"

But when he raised his hand, he found that his arm was bare, and his clothes weren't ready. There was no poisonous sleeve arrows.

Hearing the sound of footsteps getting closer, Song Qingshu said to Mu Wanqing: "You should hide first, let her see it."

"The palace is my territory, why should I hide?" Mu Wanqing snorted, but even though she said so, she didn't want to be seen by others at this time. She hastily packed her clothes and ran to the house. Behind the side screen.

As soon as she hid in, a beautiful shadow turned in from the window: "Baoyu, you are really here."

Song Qingshu put on Jia Baoyu's mask again in the moment of Kung Fu just now, and greeted him with a surprised look: "Sister Bao, why are you here?"

"Not yet..." Xue Baochai's face suddenly blushed, "Isn't it worried about you? They didn't embarrass you?"

Song Qingshu smiled wryly: "Of course there is no more, and they even took out their most precious things to entertain me."

Behind the screen, Mu Wanqing took a sip, thinking that Song Lang really hates... the most precious thing in the entire palace, doesn't it mean she is the queen.

"The most precious thing?" Xue Baochai was taken aback, not understanding what he was talking about.

At this time, Li Qiushui's cold and icy voice suddenly sounded in the palace: "Dare to go to the deep palace at night, when I am no one in Xixia?"

"Crap!" Hearing this voice, Xue Baochai immediately got up and looked at the window.

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