Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2258: showdown

"What's the matter?" Noting her nervousness, Song Qingshu came to her and asked.

"Sister Yang came with me. She led the chasers away for me so that I could sneak into the princess's bedroom." Xue Baochai looked anxious. "We used to check the Xixia Yipintang in the Imperial City Department, and we knew that the Yipintang was Xixiatai. The concubine created it with one hand. This Xixia Toffee martial arts is unfathomable. Now that she has disturbed her, Sister Yang may be in danger."

"Why is she here too?" Song Qingshu did not expect that the assassin was a woman in a yellow shirt.

"It's not because I'm worried that you are in danger here, and Sister Yang is worried that I will come alone." Xue Baochai bit his lip tightly, "What should I do now."

"Don't worry, it's okay..." Song Qingshu was stunned as he said. Of course, he would not cause the yellow shirt woman to have an accident, but the reason could not be explained to her.

"How could it be okay." Sure enough, Xue Baochai did not believe his comforting words, and grabbed his hand, "Go, I will take you out first, and then come to meet Sister Yang."

"Take me out?" Song Qingshu was taken aback, how should I answer this?

Feeling his hesitation, Xue Baochai's pretty face turned pale: "Why, you don't want to go with me."

"It's not unwilling, but..." Song Qingshu considered how to explain it.

"It's just that you can't bear the Xixia princess, and Xixia's glory and wealth?" Xue Baochai looked at him coldly.

Song Qingshu hesitated for a moment. It’s okay to take this opportunity to have a break with her, so as not to worry about Baoyu all the time and make it even more troublesome afterwards: "Sister Bao, you also know the current situation of Jia’s family. I go back to Lin’an, what can I do? future?"

Xue Baochai opened his mouth, but couldn't refute it. Now the Jia family can retain its former glory, largely because it has just experienced the defeat of the Northern Expedition and the Sichuan Mutiny, etc., and has not dared to move the Jia family for the time being, but when the situation stabilizes, The matter of Wudang Mountain must be settled after the autumn. As Jia Sidao’s son, how can he escape?

Song Qingshu continued: "And even if you don't think about those, just say your father, will your father agree to you marry me?"

Xue Baochai shook her figure, as smart as she hadn't thought about these problems, but every time she thought about it, she avoided it subconsciously and paralyzed herself. Now that the other party directly said it, she realized that the two were destined to have no future.

"So this time you are here to recruit, for Princess Xixia?" Xue Baochai was about to bite and bleed.

Seeing her heartbroken, Song Qingshu couldn't bear it

, But as the saying goes, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, lest she find out that Jia Baoyu is already dead in the future, so she nodded: "Yes!"

Xue Baochai shook his figure and smiled sadly: "I'm so stupid, I have been stupidly helping you, saying what to fight for your face."

"Sister Bao, this is the end of the matter, you should leave the palace quickly, or you will be in trouble if you get caught." Song Qingshu kindly reminded.

"You don't need to teach it!" Xue Baochai gave him a fierce look, and was about to go out, but Li Qinglu's voice came from outside:

"Brother Song, an assassin is here."

Xue Baochai heard that it was the voice of the princess. Her first reaction was to stop the opponent, and then use her as a hostage to relieve the woman in yellow shirt. But when she was about to shoot, she suddenly remembered that she had fought against the princess in Lin'an. Although she is young, she is extraordinary in martial arts, and when she really fights, she is probably not an opponent.

So she flashed, and she was ready to hide, and later took advantage of her unpreparedness to make a sneak attack.

Seeing her running behind the screen, Song Qingshu stretched out his hand to scream, but it was over.

"Huh?" Xue Baochai and Mu Wanqing stared at them with big eyes, and both of them were dumbfounded.

She recognized that the other party was the queen of Xixia, and her head crashed for a while, wondering why the queen was in the princess room and stayed alone with Baoyu?

Noting that the other party's clothes were untidy, her expression suddenly became weird. When she first came to Xixia to visit the palace, the woman's intuition made her realize that Queen Xixia treats Baoyu somewhat unusually, but she didn't think about it. The two of them, but the scene before her now allows her to string everything together.

Baoyu and this Xixia empress seem to have... a leg?

She was born in the Imperial City Division, she had seen a lot of bizarre things, but the scene before her was beyond her imagination.

Mu Wanqing's embarrassed appearance was seen by the other party. She was already embarrassed and immediately shot at the other party. Unfortunately, the butterfly sleeve arrow that she is best at was not worn on her body. Where is Xue Baochai's opponent who has been practicing in the imperial city only by fist , Was countered almost instantly.

Although all this description is long, from the face to face of the two women to Mu Wanqing being restrained, it only happened in the blink of an eye.

Perceiving what happened behind the screen, Song Qingshu was headed for a while, and was about to dissuade him. Li Qinglu had already pushed the door in: "An assassin came outside with a high level of martial arts, and even the concubine was alarmed."

At this time, Xue Baochai, behind the screen, stopped Mu Wanqing's acupoint and motioned her not to make a sound.


, Toffee was alarmed, it was quite high. "Song Qingshu replied absent-mindedly. At this time, his attention was all behind the screen, for fear of something wrong with the two of them.

Seeing that he didn't care much about his tone, Li Qinglu couldn't help but smile: "Yes, assassin martial arts high martial arts low martial arts does not make much difference to you."

Xue Baochai behind the screen understood another meaning. With Jia Baoyu’s martial arts, as long as an assassin is taller than him, then naturally there is no difference. At this time, she is wondering another thing: how do you hear the princess’s tone? He is very familiar.

"Hey, why are you alone, Mu..." Li Qinglu was looking around, Song Qingshu hurriedly stepped forward to stop her, and changed the subject, "Is the assassin caught now?"

"Not yet, but the toffee took the shot himself, that assassin can't escape." Li Qinglu's tone was full of admiration.

"Oh, then you go and tell the concubine that you must capture the assassin alive and don't hurt the assassin." Song Qingshu knew that Li Qiushui was cruel and worried about what happened to the girl in the yellow shirt, but at this time he couldn't go away.

"Why, an assassin killed when he killed it." Li Qinglu frowned.

Song Qingshu hurriedly said: "After these few disturbances and chaos in the city, the guards in the palace have been strengthened several times, and the other party can still break in. Obviously, the backing is not small. Of course, we have to catch them alive and interrogate them."

"Well, yes, I don't know who sent it. We are really bullying in Xixia." Li Qinglu said and left angrily.

Seeing her leaving, Song Qingshu hurriedly came to the back of the screen and saw the posture of the two of them. He couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "The big water rushes into the Dragon King Temple, and harmony makes money.

While talking, he went to hold Xue Baochai's hand. Xue Baochai originally planned to restrain Mu Wanqing, but she let go when she knew her hand was numb, and she didn't know what was going on, but she didn't care, just as she was in a trance. And there is no guard against him.

"Who is her own family with her!" the two women said in unison.

Xue Baochai glared at Song Qingshu: "Baoyu, I didn't expect you not only and Princess Xixia, but even their queen..." After the words, she was a yellow flower girl who could say it, and at this time she felt a sense of absurdity. Song Xia didn't know how many wars he fought in the past hundred years, and Xixia, who was unable to conquer after hundreds of thousands of soldiers died, was now conquered by Jia Baoyu in an alternative way?

Mu Wanqing had been dissatisfied for a long time, but now she can't help it: "What kind of jewels are so ugly, Song Lang tell her who you are!"

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