Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2259: trade off

"Song Lang?" Xue Baochai looked at Song Qingshu with a puzzled look. At this moment, he suddenly remembered that the princess Xixia came in just now and seemed to call Song brother.

"Baoyu, why did she call you Song Lang?" Now Xue Baochai can't even care about the other queen calling him Lang, his attention is all on the Song character.

Song Qingshu hurriedly explained: "That's it. I escaped from Mongolia and met the queen by chance. At that time, she was not a queen... Well, because the Mongolian masters have been chasing me. Fortunately, The queen and the princess rescued each other. At that time, in order to avoid the Mongols from tracking, I randomly chose a name surnamed Song."

"That's it." Xue Baochai looked at Mu Wanqing suspiciously.

Mu Wanqing frowned slightly and snorted, but in the end she didn't say anything to refute.

"In this way, you have already decided this time to recruit relatives?" Xue Baochai suddenly said in a cold voice.

Song Qingshu said nonchalantly: "It's not a default. If it wasn't for luck, I wouldn't be able to get to the end of the martial arts trial."

Xue Baochai thought that he was worried that he would not be able to make it out of the group stage, and he deliberately taught him the tricks, and he felt a pain in his heart.

"Let the Princess Xixia stop!" Xue Baochai thought that the lady in the yellow shirt was still in danger, and he had no time to heartache. He hurriedly counted to Mu Wan. Although the lady in the yellow shirt was high in martial arts, the Princess of Xixia was too deep and unfathomable. I'm afraid Sister Yang won't be able to support it over time.

Mu Wanqing turned away and said coldly: "You also know that she is a concubine, I am just a new queen, how can I control her?"

Xue Baochai snorted: "You still know that you are the queen. If others know that the Queen of Xixia did something to sorry the emperor, I don't know what will happen?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Seeing that the other party described herself as that kind of woman, Mu Wanqing was furious in an instant and wanted to rush over again.

Song Qingshu hurriedly stopped between the two of them: "When is this, don't bother you two here." Then he lowered his voice and said to Mu Wanqing: "You go out and talk to Li Qiushui first, and give it to me first. ."

Mu Wanqing stomped her feet and turned and left. When she left, her little mouth was raised up high, and she was obviously extremely unhappy in her heart.

"How did you let her go?" Xue Baochai was suddenly anxious, and was about to catch up to stop this important hostage.

Song Qingshu grabbed her: "Don't worry,

She went out to intercede with the concubine, so that Sister Yang would be fine. "

Xue Baochai looked at him with a very strange look: "It seems that this queen is quite obedient to you." At this moment, she suddenly felt that the man in front of her who had grown up together was a little strange, and she was not. Get to know him like you think.

"It's just considering the gains and losses of the interests." Song Qingshu explained wryly, "I will send you out first, otherwise more people will find you, and I am afraid it will cause disputes between the two countries."

Xue Baochai was a bit reluctant at first, but she was born in the Imperial City Department, and she was deeply influenced by the patriotism of loyalty to the emperor since she was a child, and she did not want to cause trouble to the court.

The two of them were silent all the way, until they reached the wall of the palace courtyard, when Xue Baochai said: "I wanted to pick you up this time, but now I see you are mixed in the palace like a fish, and there is a beautiful and noble queen. There is also a lovely princess, and I am reluctant to leave if it is replaced."

Song Qingshu sighed: "Sister Bao, I'm sorry, forget me."

"I hate you!" Xue Baochai jumped out of the palace and disappeared into the night sky.

Song Qingshu raised her head and touched the water stains on her cheeks, knowing how sad she was at this time, but the real Jia Baoyu had already died on Xia Ke Island, it would be better for her to take this opportunity to forget.

When the girl in the yellow shirt flew out of the palace to the agreed place, she found Xue Baochai's face covered with tears, and she couldn't help being startled: "What's the matter? Have you seen Baoyu?"

"I saw it." Xue Baochai wiped the tears from his cheek with his hand.

"What happened to him?" the woman in the yellow shirt asked.

"Don't mention him again." Xue Baochai just shook his head, "Sister Yang, are you all right."

The woman in the yellow shirt stroked her somewhat stray hair: "It was fine at first, but then the martial arts of the Princess Xixia was too high. Fortunately, she retreated later, otherwise it would be really a little troublesome."

"It seems that she is quite trustworthy." Xue Baochai said to himself.

The woman in the yellow shirt was taken aback: "She? Who are you talking about."

"It's nothing, let's go back." Xue Baochai did not say what he saw today. Firstly, it was a bit unbelievable. Secondly, she didn't want Jia Baoyu to encounter any danger again.

Seeing that she was not like she was when she first came, the girl in the yellow shirt breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that it seemed that the two had met and explained clearly.

At this time, in the palace, Mu Wanqing, Li Qinglu, and Yelu Nanxian were trialing Song Qingshu in the three divisions.

"Why let her go, what if we reveal our secrets?" Mu Wanqing was very irritated when she thought that she had been controlled by the other party just now.

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "Is it possible to kill her without letting go? Don't worry, because of the relationship between her and Jia Baoyu, you won't tell the outside world, even if you really say it, who will believe that you are a dignified Queen of Xixia What kind of relationship will it have with me, the son of the Southern Song Dynasty."

On the side, Li Qinglu smiled like a flower: "After all, it's not that some people have committed the problem of Lianxiangxiyu again, and I can't bear it."

Yelu Nanxian said with a weird expression: "I also think Big Brother Song, your move is too risky." She was dealing with the departure of missions from various countries, but she hurried back when she learned that the palace had caused assassins.

"And I have to keep Jia Baoyu's identity all the time, to make it look like what's between Jia Baoyu and I really." Mu Wan said angrily.

Song Qingshu said apologetically: "I really don't want to kill her, but this is not the only reason. After Xu Liegu returns to Mongolia, Mongolia's revenge will definitely come. At that time, we need to contact all countries to fight against Mongolia. Although the senior leaders of the Southern Song Dynasty are weak , But the real national power is not weak, but the Southern Song and Mongolia have reached an armistice. If they want to send troops, they must have a reasonable and reasonable reason, and Jia Baoyu is Xixia’s servant horse, so that the Southern Song Division can be famous."

Hearing this explanation, the women gradually became relieved. Li Qinglu also smiled and came out to round the court: "I said when I entered the room just now, why didn't I see Sister Mu? It turned out that she was hiding behind the screen with Miss Xue, how? Did you get dressed at that time?"

Mu Wanqing blushed, and hurriedly defended: "Of course it's ready, what's in your mind."

"Sister Mu, of course I believe it, but according to Brother Song's temperament, I don't believe that he can leave you without eating," Li Qinglu teased a few words, and then went out, "Forget it, this princess will not bother you. You continue to be in the bridal chamber."

Yelu Nanxian's face was hot, and he hurriedly stood up: "I'm leaving too."

Mu Wanqing was so ashamed that she hurriedly reached out and grabbed them: "Don't leave!"

Li Qinglu said with a faint smile: "I don't mind being together, but Sister Mu, when have you been so bold?"

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