Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2261: Prairie men and women

"Assassin? What a coincidence." Song Qingshu frowned, always feeling that there was a conspiracy hidden behind him.

Wan Yan Zhongjie replied: "It's only an assassin who claims to be an assassin. People in the shop have speculated that it was Temujin's hand."

Song Qingshu was silent, Zhao Min told him last time that the relationship between Ruyang Palace and Da Khan is tense, so she wants to go back to take care of it; Wang Baobao also hurried home a few days ago, it seems that King Ruyang really has an accident.

"Is there any news from other people in Ruyang Palace?" Song Qingshu asked worriedly.

Wanyan Chongjie curled his lips: "If you want to ask others, Princess Shaomin just ask directly, and you have to be so covert. After the death of King Ruyang, everyone thought that the Royal Palace of Ruyang would rise up in rebellion, but no Thinking that the princess empress went directly to Lin to find Dahan to take charge of her father to find out the truth, she also brought her brother Wang Baobao’s wife Han Fei and her young nephew to Beijing together. On the surface, she was crying. Actually On the other hand, he took the initiative to act as hostages to show his loyalty, which made Temujin really not able to deal with them, but the methods were really clever."

Li Qinglu on the side couldn't help but angrily said: "Wang Baobao has already married his biological son, then he is coming to recruit?"

Song Qingshu thought that you never planned to marry him again, it would be too entertaining.

Wan Yan Zhongjie sneered and said: "The customs of the Mongols are very different from those of the Central Plains. They can marry several wives at the same time. Just like Temujin, there are 4 queens in total, and there are countless other concubines. Wang Baobao is a powerful prince. What are the wives and concubines?"

Li Qinglu snorted coldly, turned her face away, obviously being run by the other party made her very upset.

The corners of Wanyan's lips rose slightly, obviously feeling a little proud, little fairy, don't even think of what I can't get.

The more I thought about it, the happier he was, and waved to Song Qingshu: "I'm going back to the Kingdom of Jin first, and you are welcome to come to Daxing Mansion to play with me at any time."

"Be careful all the way." Song Qingshu asked a few words. After watching her leave, all her thoughts were on Zhao Min's side, and she didn't know how she was now.

Then immediately returned to the palace and asked the women Yelu Nanxian and Mu Wanqing to talk about it.

Yelu Nanxian said sympathetically: "It was just before that we were discussing the need to prepare for Mongolia’s attack in advance. Brother Song, you should go to Mongolia. You can see Ms. Zhao and

You can check some news about the Mongolian attack in advance. "

Mu Wanqing curled her lips, obviously she was a little jealous, she obviously didn't want to be together and separated, but she also distinguished the priorities, hesitated for a while and didn't say anything, just asked him to pay attention to safety. After He Lin did what he could, don't be impulsive if things cannot be done.

As for Li Qinglu, she was psychologically prepared when she first learned about the news. She also ordered people to prepare Dawanma, the most precious horse in the palace: "Go and Lin all the way to the desolate, this horse travels thousands of miles a day, can help Song Lang. "

Song Qingshu didn't expect the three women to talk so well. He planned to stay with them for a day, but was driven out by the three women. The three women could see that he was anxious, so naturally he would not waste his time at this moment.

Because of the sensitive identities of the women, it is not convenient to send him off. Song Qingshu left the palace alone and found Madam Zhen’s residence. When Madam Zhen saw him, she threw herself in his arms and said excitedly to thank him for helping Hua Lazimo. His subjects avenged their revenge. Obviously, Xu Liewu's body was scorched by the bombing, and the story of losing the princess in the literary test has spread all over the streets.

Feeling the fiery enthusiasm of the woman in his arms, if it is on weekdays, Song Qingshu would have no choice but to move the boat, but today he has something to do and hurriedly explained his intentions.

After learning that Song Qingshu was going to and Lin, Mrs. Zhen was surprised and offered to accompany him. Song Qingshu hesitated for a while and refused. This time he went to the enemy camp and left alone. If he brought another person, it would be difficult to make sure The safety of her companions, not to mention that Mrs. Zhen led Huarazimo to fight the Mongols so many times. Wouldn't it be the case that taking her there to send the sheep to the tiger's mouth?

Mrs. Zhen was also aware of the serious relationship, and did not refuse, only that she would wait for him in the city to return, and then reluctantly bid him farewell.

After all the things on Xixia’s side were settled, Song Qingshu rode a horse and galloped out of the north gate of Xingqing Mansion and ran all the way to the north. At the beginning, there were towns, but the surrounding area became more and more desolate, not to mention the market, even the shadows of people. There are not many.

After all, Xixia is different from the prosperous Jiangnan. There are Gobi, deserts, and of course grasslands everywhere.

When Song Qingshu saw the sparsely populated scenes around him, he suddenly realized a very serious problem. In Mongolia, most people live in groups of tents, and each tent is a household. It is hard to be like the city of Central Plains

There are houses and yards everywhere, and you can hide in any place, not to mention the fact that you are dressed as a Han, which is really eye-catching after the past.

But it was still far away from Lin, so the matter was not in a hurry.

After rushing for most of the day, the night gradually fell, Song Qingshu came to the foothills of Helan Mountain before dark, looking at the snow-capped mountain top, Yue Fei's red full of rivers suddenly appeared in his mind: angry hair rushed to the crown, lean on the railing... drove the long car, stepped through. Helan Mountain is missing.

A trace of doubt flashed across his face, Yue Fei fought with Jin Guoren, and Helan Mountain was on the side of Xixia, so someone really came from the sky in a pot at home.

Speaking of Yue Fei, he couldn't help thinking of Little Dragon Girl, and he didn't know where she was right now.

Song Qingshu suddenly felt that he was a little bit scumbag, and he was obviously going to save Zhao Min, so why was he still thinking of other women on the way.

It was already dark and naturally it was impossible to hurry anymore. I found a camping site, raised a bonfire, and was eating dry food. Suddenly a rush of footsteps sounded, and a pair of young men and women ran over in embarrassment.

Song Qingshu had noticed their arrival very early, but from the breathing and footsteps, they could tell that the martial arts of the two were ordinary, so they didn't care much about it.

"It's actually a Han Chinese. Leave your horse behind and you can go." The young man's tone was a little weird, but he could barely understand it.

Song Qingshu silently ate the cakes Mu Wanqing had prepared for him, and ignored him at all, but he was a little surprised that this man should be from Central Asia, and he could speak Chinese so fluently.

"I'm sorry this Xiongtai, my eldest brother doesn't like Han people because his family has been harmed by Han people," the girl behind him hurriedly ran out to apologize, "Can you sell this horse to us, we If you are in a hurry, you will pay a high price."

"Not for sale." Song Qingshu replied faintly. Although the girl's appearance is beautiful, it can't attract the slightest disturbance in his heart. The only thing worth noting is that the girl's attire is somewhat prairie style, but she looks more like a Jiangnan woman, and she speaks faintly Some Wu Nong's soft words are really strange.

"Why do you talk so much nonsense with him, whoever has the big fist, this horse belongs to." The young man angered.

The girl shook her head: "How can we grab other people's things casually? How is this different from the thief who chased us?"

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