Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2262: Threat

The boy frowned upon hearing her say this, but did not refute it any more.

Song Qingshu was a little curious: "Is anyone chasing you?"

The girl nodded: "Yes, there is someone... No, he is a demon. His skills are too terrifying. Thanks to our good riding skills, we temporarily let go of him. But now the horse is exhausted. I'm afraid he is very tired. It’s about to catch up with us."

The girl looked very sad when she mentioned that the horse was exhausted, and it was obvious that she and the horse had a deep relationship.

"Are you planning to help us?" There was a glimmer of hope in the girl's eyes.

"No help." Song Qingshu answered simply.

"The Han is really hateful." The young man on the side was furious, rolled up his sleeves and wanted to beat him.

The girl stopped him: "Forget Supu, this horse is so beautiful, I think it's a priceless thing, but we can't bear to sell it to other people."

The young man sat down angrily, but couldn't help but mumbled: "Han people know what horses."

"Well, can you...sell us a little dry food. We rushed all the way, and there was no food on our body." When the girl spoke, she felt a little ashamed of such a request.

Song Qingshu was taken aback, and he threw a packet over: "Eat, no money."

The girl was overjoyed at once: "Thank you." While taking it, she handed it to her companion on the side.

The boy frowned and said, "The Han people are the most treacherous. Be careful that there is poison in them."

The girl shook her head and said: "We meet right on the water, and there is no hatred, how could others harm me? What's more, if we really harbor evil intentions, they should be more enthusiastic, so you worry too much."

After speaking, he glanced at Song Qingshu apologetically: "This eldest brother is embarrassed. Supu and his mother were once murdered by the Han people by despicable means, so he has prejudices against the Han people. I hope to forgive me.

Song Qingshu nodded, he wouldn't be angry at this little thing.

The girl ate a few bites in a hurry, her face showing nostalgia: "Since I left Jiangnan, it has been a long time since I have eaten such exquisite cakes." Although Xixia is located in the northwest, a country's imperial palace includes chefs from all over the country, and Mu Wanqing himself He has lived in the south for a long time, and he knows the taste of Song Qingshu. The cakes he prepares are naturally south of the Yangtze River.

"Are you from Jiangnan?" Song Qingshu was a little surprised.

"Yeah." The girl obviously didn't want to talk more about her life experience. She helped her companion pick a few pieces of cakes and brought her, and then returned the package to Song Qingshu, "Thank you, we are going on our way, otherwise the demon will soon catch up. ."

Song Qingshu nodded, and when they met Pingshui, he was not interested in caring about other people's affairs.

"By the way, you should leave here as soon as possible, that person is very bad, maybe you will be in danger too." The girl walked a few steps and turned around to remind.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "The little girl has a good heart, I am not afraid of bad people."

The young man urged: "Don't delay, or that person will catch up."

At this moment, there was a burst of laughter in the air: "Hahaha, I can't get away anymore."

A dark figure fell to the ground with a bang, lifting up the dust in the sky. Song Qingshu frowned and found a man crawling up embarrassingly. He looked very vicious, but now he shrank like a quail.

Song Qingshu focused on the other person on the side, tall and straight, wearing a scarlet-blooded sleeveless coat, pure white brand-new trousers, and sandals. The thick, snow-white hair hung over his broad shoulders, his eyes shone brightly, and his face was like an eagle with no expression at all.

His expression suddenly became a little exciting, but he didn't expect to see an old acquaintance here, who was it if he wasn't Shuiyue Dazong? But who is this on the ground?

"Is this little girl holding the treasure map of Gaochang Labyrinth?" Shuiyue Dazong glanced at that person.

The man nodded: "Yes, the treasure map was in Baima Li San and Jin Yin Xiaojian Shangguan Hong before. They gave the treasure map to this woman before they died."

Dazong Shuiyue nodded, then flashed a cold light, and said faintly: "Then you have no use value."

The man covered his throat, his mouth gurgled, but could not say anything, and finally fell to the ground unwillingly, his eyes widened when he died.

The girl opposite couldn't help but sighed: "The incredible Sanjie Lu Liang, it's so easy to die."

Song Qingshu frowned, not remembering the information of Lu Liang Sanjie, judging from the martial arts of the man just now, he thought he was a stranger in the world.

"Hand over the treasure map." Shuiyue Dazong put his hand in front of the girl's eyes.

"You were deceived by this person, where is there a treasure map on my body, if you don't believe it, you search it yourself." After speaking, a small chest appeared, and he looked wronged.

"Okay, let me do a search." A hint of licentiousness flashed in Shuiyue's eyes, and he walked directly to the girl.

"Huh?" The girl was dumbfounded. She thought that the other party's martial arts was strong and old, and most of them would lose face because of her self-respect, but she knew that she would be shameless at all.

"Asshole, I'm fighting with you." The young man named Supu was furious and rushed up with his fist, but he was kicked to the ground with a flower in front of him.

"Quickly let him go." The girl exclaimed, but she knew the difference in martial arts between the two sides and wisely did not rush forward.

Shuiyue Dazong stepped on Supu and said to the girl: "This is your lover?"

The girl's face flushed: "Don't talk nonsense, there is a beloved girl."

"Oh, it turned out to be unrequited love." With a clear expression, Shui Yue Dazong pulled out the long Japanese sword in his hand and put it on Supu's neck. "Hand over the treasure map and I will spare him his life. ."

The girl bit her lip tightly, apparently undergoing a fierce psychological struggle, but Shuiyue Dazong couldn’t wait. The sharp long knife made a cut directly in Supu’s neck. Supu had a backbone, and he did not feel any pain. voice.

But seeing the blood flowing along the long knife to the ground, the girl finally panicked: "No, I will give you the treasure map."

She hurriedly took out a map from her arms, and saw that she had carefully kept it, although it was a little shabby, she had carefully wrapped it with a handkerchief.

Shuiyue Dazong took it and saw that the map was unintentional. He couldn't help but laughed. He really was the time to move. With this legendary treasure, there was no need to go to the Mongols to get angry.

"Take off your clothes!" Shuiyue Dazong put the treasure map in his arms, and then greedily looked at the delicate and beautiful girl in front of him. It was so exciting to occupy her in front of the other's lover.

"Huh?" The girl was dumbfounded, she never expected him to make such a shameless request.

"Do you still want his life?" Shuiyue Dazong gestured at Su Pu's neck with a knife.

There were tears in the girl's eyes: "You don't speak credit!"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Dazong Shuiyue snorted coldly.

"Wenxiu, don't care about me, run by yourself!" Su Pu struggled desperately, but his strength was no better than the opponent's deep skill.

"The kid is nothing to do with you." Shuiyue Dazong directly kicked his sleeping point, and then looked at the girl, "Don't you like him, but he has a sweetheart. Normally, you don't have the slightest chance, but if you For him to make a huge sacrifice, as a man, he must be guilty of you, and he will inevitably take the responsibility, so that you will get what you want, and thank me for speaking.

The girl's face was green and white, and before she had time to speak, a faint voice suddenly sounded next to her: "This kind of bullying of a younger generation, a dignified generation of sect masters, is really getting better and better."

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