Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2264: Suspicious

"Your elder sister?" Song Qingshu thought for a while, and it was inconvenient to say about the affairs with Li Wan. After all, when the people in Jia Mansion wanted to insult her, it harmed her reputation. "In fact, I know your eldest sister better."

"My eldest sister?" Li Wenxiu blinked and didn't react for a while.

"Your eldest sister was lost when she was a child and fell into the rivers and lakes. Later, she joined the Tomb School and became a scared fairy who made fear in the rivers and lakes..." Song Qingshu had to lament that the genes of the Li family are good, and the three sisters have their own characteristics. Li Mochou is cold and arrogant, Li Wan is gentle and quiet, and Li Wenxiu is youthful and enthusiastic, each with his own beauty.

"The eldest sister found it!" Li Wenxiu finally reacted, "Since I can remember, I have often noticed that my mother is washing her face in tears. Now that the eldest sister is still alive, she can finally rest assured. Oh, I really want to go back to Jiangnan to see the eldest sister... "

As she spoke, she looked at Supu next to her subconsciously, and a blush flashed across her cheek.

"Your eldest sister is probably not in Jiangnan now. You will see her if you have a chance in the future." Song Qingshu smiled knowingly when he noticed her expression. , It doesn't seem to mean that to her.

"By the way, I heard from your father and your sister that you like to play around, have you come to the desert to play now?" Song Qingshu asked.

"Big Brother Song laughed, I'm really a bit playful. I'm afraid my dad is so angry that I'm so angry," Li Wenxiu stuck his tongue out, "I was in the area of ​​Tieyanbu recently. The people in Tieyanbu are very hospitable, Song Brother, do you want to play with us?"

Supu frowned slightly. He subconsciously hated Han people and naturally didn't want the other party to pass by, but he was not stupid. The other party's martial arts were so high, how could he say anything unwelcome.

Song Qingshu shook his head: "I still have important things to do, so I won't pass this time. By the way, what's the matter with this map of Gaochang Labyrinth?"

Li Wenxiu replied: "I was traveling in the northwest a few days ago and met a couple, Baima Li San and Jin Yin Xiaojian Shang Guan Hong. Later, after talking, I learned that they are still the collaterals of our Li family. My uncle’s, they got this map by chance. The legend records where the treasures of the ancient country of Gaochang are located."

Supu hurriedly said: "Gaochang has been perished for hundreds of years. I don't even remember the legend of it in the tribe. I think this treasure map is mostly fake."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly, knowing that he was worried about taking the treasure map as his own.

Li Wenxiu continued: "Later, I didn’t know how Lu Liang Sanjie learned about this news. Huh, it was said that it was Sanjie, but it was actually three robbers. They chased and killed Li San and his wife. Although their couple killed Shi Zhongjun of Sanjieli, But still outnumbered, three Jerry’s other two, Huo Yuanlong and Chen Dahai, were seriously injured. They met me just before dying, so they gave me the treasure map and told me not to let the treasure map fall into those. In the hands of the traitor."

"So Huo Yuanlong and Chen Dahai sent people to chase me all the way. I was chased by Chen Dahai. They thought they were going to die, but they met the Dongying warrior just now. When he and Chen Dahai started their hands, we took the opportunity to run. Fortunately, I met Big Brother Song, otherwise we are the opponent of the Dongying people." While talking, he patted his chest in fear.

"So that's it." Song Qingshu was suddenly thrown away, and the treasure map slowly flew towards Li Wenxiu.

Li Wenxiu subconsciously reached out and grabbed it, and took the treasure map in his hand, and couldn't help but sigh: "Big Brother Song, your martial arts is really high. You should be the highest martial artist I have ever seen in my life."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "There are people outside and there are heaven outside the sky."

"Big Brother Song, your martial arts is so high and so humble, unlike the men I know, you have a little ability to brag about him everywhere, for fear that others don't know that he is good." Li Wenxiu said with emotion.

Supu's face on the side was hot. He is the son of the first warrior in the tribe. He is usually arrogant and brave, but he knows that he is far behind the real master.

"By the way, Brother Song, leave this thing to you for safekeeping. Putting it on us will only be guilty. Your martial arts are so high, no one will dare to grab it." Li Wenxiu said and passed the treasure map in his hand. come out.

Song Qingshu shook his head: "This was given to you by the Li San couple before they died. How can I take it? You should keep it. When it comes to the Tieyan Department, Lu Liang Sanjie should not dare to mess around. Just leak the news."

He is not a pedantic person. If there is a treasure, the other party will take the initiative to send it away. He has no reason not to. After all, military expenses, food and grass are all bottomless pits that cost money, but as far as he knows, this treasure of Gaochang country seems to be Tang The paper, ink, pen, inkstone, and qin that were sent over during the Korean period were nothing but a treasure for the Gaochang country at that time, but they were meaningless to the people of the Central Plains. However, they were rumored for hundreds of years, making everyone think of the Gaochang labyrinth. There is a mysterious treasure in it.

"In that case, let me put it away first." Li Wenxiu hesitated and took the treasure map back into his arms.

Without chasing soldiers, the two did not have to leave in a hurry, so they planned to stay here overnight.

Because Song Qingshu and the Li family are familiar with each other, the relationship between the two parties has suddenly become closer. Li Wenxiu asked him about Jiangnan in recent years, and there are many legends about Li Mochou. Song Qingshu answered one by one and asked about some information on the grassland by the way.

Although Supu didn't like Han people, he was rescued by him before. At the same time, seeing that he was not eager to hide the treasure map, he changed a lot and tried his best to answer the inquiry.

Song Qingshu learned about the customs of many grassland tribes, especially many about Mongolia, which was extremely beneficial to his next actions.

After talking about going to bed in the middle of the night, and getting up early the next morning, Li Wenxiu and the others bid farewell to Song Qingshu. The Tieyan Department was in the west and Mongolia was in the north.

When they were parting, Song Qingshu gave them some dry food and entanglements, and asked them to buy horses from nearby herdsmen. Li Wenxiu was so moved that even Su Pu kept thanking him.

After taking them away, Song Qingshu came to the corpse of Shuiyue Dazong, took off his clothes, and found some belongings from his package. The most valuable thing on his body is probably the Shuiyue knife. People are indeed a sword that cuts iron like mud.

Immediately afterwards, the corpse of Shuiyue Dazong was turned into a pool of blood with the corpse powder of the White Camel Villa, so that no one would know about pretending to be him.

After finishing all this, Song Qingshu continued on his way. He decided to catch up with Xu Liewu first and follow their team back to Helin, otherwise it would be a troublesome problem to face the interrogation of Mongolian troops along the way.

After chasing them all the way north for two days, they finally found them, but Song Qingshu didn't rush to follow, because he found a team of people peeping around Xu Liewu's team.

"What's the situation, it seems that you should be a horse thief dressed up, but on the Mongolian grasslands, which group of horse thief would dare to fight Xu Liewu's idea?" Song Qingshu's doubts rose sharply.

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