Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2265: Kill the game

At this time, Xu Liewu’s team apparently discovered something wrong. Hong Yan Hua Jieyu looked into the distance and said to Xu Liewu with anxiety: "Master, there seems to be some suspicious figures around these two days. , Most of it is wrong to our intentions."

Although the red face and white hair were husband and wife, they had already played their own roles. Her husband Liu Yaozhi died silently in the hands of the old man in the mountain. She didn't know who the murderer was. After a short period of sadness, she had recovered.

Mietian smiled and said: "The Flower Guardian is too much worrying. Now who on this grassland dares to do something to our prince." Now among the ten evil gods of the Magician Palace, there are gold, wood, water, fire, earth, sun, moon and stars. Folded in the Xingqing Mansion, it was either killed by Fu Cailin from Goryeo, or injured by a mysterious person when dealing with Mrs. Zhen in Hua Lazmo. Only the boss and the second child Mietian and Jedi were left, but the martial arts of the two were far away. Better than the other eight people, in time, they can train another eight evil spirits.

Now that he returned to the grassland and escaped from the nightmare of Xingqing Mansion, he was naturally in a much better mood.

The Jedi and others nearby also laughed in agreement, obviously not thinking that anyone dared to pull their teeth out.

Xu Liewu frowned slightly: "Don't be careless, why the scouts sent before have not come back." After all, he is a famous general on the battlefield, and his sense of smell made him realize that there is some crisis, so he immediately sent a few guards there. Check again in all directions.

But the guards just not far from riding a horse, suddenly shot a few feather arrows, a few people fell over.

"Enemy attack!" A Mongolian warrior yelled desperately. A bunch of warriors gathered in front of Xu Liewu. Hua Jieyu and Mietianjedi guarded him on both sides. As for the old man in the mountain with his men, At a distance from him, it can be clearly seen that Xu Liewu is not at ease with him. He also knows that he is not close to him at this sensitive time.

"What are you doing around me? Go up and fight!" Xu Liewu had already seen clearly at this time. A team of horse thieves appeared nearby. There were nearly two hundred people. Although there were a lot of people, they were all on their side. The knights who have gone through many battles are not afraid of these horse thieves.

Xu Liewu’s generals had long ago led people from the flanks to roundabout behind the horse thieves, and while galloping, they shot the enemies with their horses. Song Qingshu in the distance looked dreadful. No wonder Mongolia has been in the world for so many years, no matter it is alone. Both military strength and organizational efficiency are far better than one

The army of a general country.

However, the horse thieves were unwilling to lag behind, and they opened their bows and arrows one after another, riding and shooting against each other, and they also intersect Xu Liewu's camp with a very clever formation.

"Master, these are not ordinary horse thieves." Mietian said to Xu Liewu hurriedly.

Xu Liewu nodded. Although the tribes on the grassland basically have the skill of riding and shooting, only the most elite troops can use such rigorous tactics. What is the origin of this group of people.

"Huo Shan, go and help them." Xu Liewu ordered.

The pupils of the old man in the mountain shrank. The Assassin faction was good at assassination but not good at frontal impact. Xu Liewu's order made it clear that his people and the horse thieves were hurting both.

However, people had to bow their heads under the eaves. He quickly lowered his head to hide his true emotions: "Yes!"

So he rushed to the battlefield with the Treasure Tree King under his command. After all, he is a super master with half of his foot into the Grand Master. Even if he is not good at frontal charges, his strength can still be decisive in such a small-scale battle. Effective.

The formation of the horse thieves gradually loosened, and could no longer withstand the repeated impact of Xu Liewu's men. The leader screamed and hurriedly gathered his men and fled to the north.

"It's the remnant of the Tatar Ministry." Mie Tian Jedi exclaimed at the same time, and they recognized each other's accent, which was the language of the Tatar Ministry.

The Tatar tribe used to be the most powerful tribe in the Mongolian steppe, but then Temujin rose up, and after more than ten years of fighting, it finally replaced it. Now even the young wife of Temujin, Queen Zhenren, was snatched from the Tatar tribe.

Because Temujin once issued an order to the Tatar Ministry to "kill those who are higher than the wheels", the Tatar people are almost extinct, and a small number of remnants hide in the mountains and forests, and they have blood and blood feuds with the Mongols.

"How could the Tatar Ministry still maintain such a fighting power?" Xu Liegu frowned. You must know that Mongolia has launched a large-scale purge of the Tatar Ministry from time to time in recent years. It is basically impossible for the Tatar Ministry to find adult men. How can it be assembled like this? A strong team?

"Huo Shan, catch them all back, this king needs to know who is behind the scenes!" Xu Liewu ordered.

The old man in the mountain nodded and led his cavalry to chase the opponent.

"Who is going to do it to me? Who has this strength?" Xu Liewu thought hard, traversing all possible enemies in his mind, and suddenly a bright light flashed in his mind, thinking of a possibility, his face changed drastically. "Come back quickly and let them all come back."

But the old man in the mountain had run out of sight with two cavalry teams, how could he catch up? At this moment, a black line suddenly appeared on the west side, and Xu Liewu's heart was instantly cold. He who has been on the battlefield did not know this. What does the black line mean.

A team of cavalry with at least 300 men charged here!

"Hurry up and protect the lord and go!" Mietianjedi's expression also changed drastically, and he hurriedly ordered his men to protect Xu Liewu away. Now there are only dozens of horses left beside him, how can he stop the attack of the opponent's 300 cavalry?

"Can't run, spread to both sides!" Xu Liewu remained calm. If he was not injured, he could still ride back while riding to prevent chasing soldiers. The Mongolian army likes to pretend to be defeated and retreat to chase the enemy. Then use shooting and shooting to mess up the opponent's formation.

But now he has broken his legs and can't ride a horse at all. The speed of a carriage is nowhere comparable to that of a steed horse, and he will soon be overtaken. That would be a unilateral slaughter.

Of course, it is not wise to stay in place and face the impact of the opponent. The opponent's impulse has already been achieved, and he died faster when staying in place, so although he was not flustered, he ordered his cavalry to disperse and detour back to the opponent's flank. Disperse the opponent's camp, but at any rate can support for a while, and wait until his main force comes back, you can turn defeat into victory.

In the distance, Song Qingshu looked at him and nodded secretly. No wonder Xu Liewu was called the second whip of God by Westerners, and he did have a set of commanding the army.

However, no matter how clever the art of command is, it still doesn't make much sense in the face of the absolute disparity between strengths and weaknesses. The two sides quickly handed over. Because of the disadvantage of the number of people, Xu Liewu's guards fell one by one.

Xu Liewu's face was gloomy, and everyone who could serve as his guard was one of the best warriors in the army. Even if the number of soldiers was inferior, they should not die so fast. Obviously, the cavalry on the opposite side was also the elite of the elite.

It didn't take long for the guards beside him to be left. If it hadn't been for the extinction of heaven and earth and Huajieyu's martial arts high-powered guards, he would have been killed on the spot.

But there is no shortage of masters in the enemy army, and soon Exterminate Heaven and Jedi and Hua Jieyu are also full of colors.

Seeing that Xu Liewu couldn't support it anymore, Song Qingshu was about to make a move, but suddenly frowned slightly and looked in the other direction.

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