Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2266: Princess Chabi

A new cavalry suddenly appeared at the end of the grassland. Although it was two or three miles away, the cavalry's sprint speed took almost a moment to arrive.

Song Qing's book thought that these were also here to besieged Xu Liewu, thinking that he was so angry that so many people wanted to kill him.

However, when these cavalrymen approached, they shot at the horse thieves in the air. This cavalry had one or two thousand men. The arrows fell like a rain, and the horse thieves were shot to pieces in almost one encounter.

The cavalry was headed by a famous female general, with a beautiful face, a well-proportioned and slender figure, and a striking heroic air between the brows. A red cloak was hunting and hunting, like a delicate flame on the battlefield.

Song Qingshu had a headache. The Mongols’ riding and shooting skills were too powerful. Before they played against each other, it was a few rounds of arrow rain. They were highly mobile, and a few interspersed can rush the enemy's camp. Even when escaping, he can ride and shoot backwards while running, and the chaser can easily turn victory into defeat if he is not careful.

The key is that a woman in Mongolia can do such a good job immediately. It is true that all the people are soldiers. How can they be good in the future.

The appearance of this cavalry has already doomed the end of the previous group of "horse thieves". If they ran in time, they might run away, but after a short period of hesitation, those people still stepped up their attacks on Xu Liewu and others, trying to help the opponent. Kill him before arriving.

But the guards around Xu Liewu are all masters. Now seeing the reinforcements appear, one by one has a great shock, and one after another has erupted with 120% combat power. Although the number is getting smaller and smaller, he still persists stubbornly. .

"So courageous!" The female general who rushed to screamed, Zhang bow and an arrow hit the horse thief's head and shoulders, and then drew the scimitar, leading the cavalry under her to rush over like a bolt of lightning.

The group of "horse thieves" was finally in chaos. Before they used more to fight less, now that Feng Shui turns around and feels the despair of Xu Liewu's party just now.

The female general rushed all the way to Xu Liewu's side and did not take action, but while arranging guards to guard Xu Liewu against the copper wall and iron wall, while the cavalry under the command headquarters interspersed to separate the group of "horse thieves".

Although the horse thieves were quite brave, they fell one after another in front of multiple enemies, leaving only dozens of people in the center.

"who are you

The deployment, why come to assassinate Hulagu? "The female general immediately moved forward and looked at everyone coldly. Her subordinates are now opening their bows to the battle. With a single order, the enemy in the field can be pierced with arrows.

The "horse thieves" looked at each other a few times, and they all saw the determination in the eyes of their companions. They gathered scimitars and wiped their necks. The sprayed blood mist formed a poignant picture.

Song Qingshu, who had been watching with cold eyes, couldn’t help being moved. The tragedy and determination of these people was really impressive. They didn’t want to be a prisoner and revealed the identity of the person behind the scenes. In the past, Liu Bang defeated Xiang Yu and surrendered Tian Heng, King of Qi. Tian Heng was unwilling. He was reduced to a prisoner and killed himself. The five hundred heroes under his command learned that his master was dead, and they followed him. He just read this story in a book. He didn't expect to see a similar thing with his own eyes today. He couldn't help but treat these people a lot. admire.

"You committed suicide?" The female general frowned and immediately ordered, "Search the bodies of these people to see if you can find any clues. In addition, cut off their heads and bring them back to Helin. I don't believe there is no one who knows. Their."

Song Qingshu secretly smacked his tongue, this woman was really cruel, and she didn't know what identity she was.

Xu Liewu let the carriage lean over: "If the fourth sister-in-law didn't show up in time this time, I'm afraid I would have been killed by these thieves."

The female player’s face was no longer hot, and replaced by a soft smile: "Your fourth brother heard that you had an accident on Xixia’s side, and worried that someone might be unruly, so he sent me to bring two thousand-member teams to meet him. You, I didn't expect that someone really took the guts of ambition."

"Sister-in-law?" Hearing their conversation, Song Qingshu's heart moved. It seems that this is not a female general, but the princess Chabi of Kublai Khan. No wonder he just called Xu Liewu's name, and he is born with a superior temperament in command. .

Princess Chabi continued: "I don't know who dares to do it to you."

Xu Liewu snorted: "Those people just pretended to be the Tatars, but the Tatars still have the ability to organize such a large group of cavalry. Obviously someone intends to pretend to be the Tatars to besiege me."

"Did you guess the murderer behind the scenes?" Princess Chabi asked.

Xu Liewu looked towards Helin: "Mostly..."

At this moment, the abnormal change rose sharply, and the originally level grass suddenly burst open, and a black shadow rushed up from the ground, the carriage

Suddenly he was blown to pieces by sword qi.

Xu Liewu was originally a master-level master. Although he was seriously injured, he could still press his hands in one breath and hide for three feet, but he did not dare to relax at all, because there was a bit of sword light in his eyes, like a tarsal bone. The maggot.

He was already seriously injured, and he had already exhausted all his strength by avoiding three feet at the moment of his death. How could he avoid this next sword?

Fortunately, there was a princess Chabi next to him. She shook the whip in her hand, took Xu Liewu's waist, and pulled him behind her, which also gave her guards a chance to react and drew out their weapons to block the assassin. .

But that bit of sword light seemed to be shining with a mysterious light, so that everyone could only see that bit of sword light, but could not see the person who made the sword clearly. With a little effort in their eyes, several guards had already splashed blood on the spot.

Hua Jieyu and Mietianjedi roared forward and rushed forward. Although their martial arts were not weak, the battle with the "horse thief" just now was too cruel. Everyone suffered serious injuries and their skills were greatly reduced.

Almost after a face-to-face, he was severely injured by the opponent's Jianmang. The only thing to be thankful was that their martial arts were higher than ordinary guards, and they saved their lives, but they were no longer able to stop the assassin's movements.

Princess Chabi just pulled Xu Liewu behind her, and the whip in her hand was too late to take it back. The mysterious assassin had already killed her guards, severely inflicted Hua Jieyu and Extinguish Heaven, and a bit of cold light pierced her chest directly, apparently the other party She was also worried about being dragged into a siege by the army, so she planned to pierce her body and stab Xu Liewu behind her.

She wanted to pull out the scimitar to block, but the fear of death and the lock-in of the opponent's aura made her stiff, and her movements were a lot slower than usual. Where could she stop this sword?

At this moment, she suddenly felt that someone was holding her waist and pulling her back, and then a tall figure stood in front of her, a cold light came out of her sheath, and it collided with the dazzling cold light in the hands of the assassin.

Only heard a muffled hum, the assassin retreated at a faster speed than when he came, and a few longitudinal leaps had already appeared a mile away.

"Catch me, don't let the assassin run away!" Princess Chabi didn't care that she was still in the arms of another man, and hurriedly ordered her soldiers to pursue the mysterious assassin. Can't escape the invincible Mongolian Qixue!

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