Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2274: Give birth to a daughter as a queen, give birth to a man as a princess

Song Qingshu didn't answer her question directly, but said with a smile: "With your cleverness, since you have decided to stay here in Helincheng for revenge, I already have a plan in my heart."

Zhao Min shook his head: "Although there are some general plans, the difference between the strengths of the two sides is too far, I am afraid that it can not be made up by strategy alone, but now that you are here, I am more confident."

Song Qingshu put her arms around her soft body and said, "Let me guess, is your plan to take advantage of the grievances between the Kuowotai and Torrey kings? Well, there seems to be Kublai and Ali. Brother dispute."

Zhao Min's eyes lit up and asked in surprise: "How do you know?"

"I was worried that I was a Han who was too dazzling with Lin Cheng, so I disguised as the Shuiyue Dazong and mixed with Xu Liewu..." He encountered the things he encountered in this trip and after entering the city, Ali Bu and Xu Liewu The conflict is roughly said again.

Zhao Min immediately lifted his spirits: "I didn't expect that the conflict between the Kuowotai system and the Torre system has reached this level! Although I thought there must be a problem between them before, the two sides are still peaceful on the surface, and I didn't expect to lose the sea in person. It's shot."

Song Qingshu nodded: "To be honest, I've been overwhelmed by the power of Mongolia before. After learning about this, I suddenly feel more confident."

Zhao Min gave him a white look: "If I heard you deal with Mongolia in such a deliberate manner before, I might still wonder whether to help you or my country. But now, Temujin treats us Ruyang Palace like this, don’t blame it. We retaliate!"

Song Qingshu felt that he was much luckier than Zhang Wuji. At the beginning, he had to face the choice between the country and the beauty, and Zhao Min had to suffer from the relationship between family and country and love. Now these obstacles no longer exist.

"By the way, you just said that you would go with Xu Liewu to see Temujin?" Zhao Min asked.

Song Qingshu nodded: "Not bad."

There was a look of worry on Zhao Min’s face: "Although your martial arts are high, but now in Helincheng, there are too many top masters around Temujin, and he himself has cultivated an unpredictable magical skill. Those people All of them are very shrewd, and once you show the least bit of trouble, I'm afraid you will have life worry."

Song Qingshu frowned. Although he was arrogant in martial arts, he was not arrogant enough to ignore the masters of the world.

Zhao Min got up from his arms and ran to a small drawer beside him and took out a booklet: "The biggest problem now is that you are not familiar with the people around Temujin. It is very likely that there will be flaws tomorrow. Fortunately for this passage. In time, I will study revenge and make some information. You have to memorize these tonight so that you won’t be exposed as soon as you enter the palace tomorrow."

Song Qingshu's eyes lit up. This was indeed a problem he was worried about. In the past few times, he had become a different person. At any rate, he had been prepared in advance. This time, he did rush, and it can be described as a black eye for the situation in Mongolia.

Zhao Min took him by the hand and sat down at the table. At the same time, he opened the booklet. There were portraits of people on it. At the same time, there was a brief introduction attached to it: "After you enter the palace tomorrow, Temujin will be the first place under his left hand. This old man is a consultant Monric. His position is superb, and he can be described as the head of the group. He is the lonely and important minister of Temujin's father. His fathers died for the Temujin family. If it were not for him, Temujin was weak. There will be no bones left."

Song Qingshu's soul is much stronger than ordinary people because of the travel, and his memory is even stronger. He carefully observed the characters above and silently remembered his information.

"The first person on the right hand side of Temujin is the uncle of the country and the king of Hexi. He is the elder brother of Queen Temujin, Pirtie, and the leader of Hongji's tribe," Zhao Min explained to him after a pause, " You may not know the status of Hongji Labu in Mongolia. Hongji Labu has always been known for being beautiful women. Temujin’s mother and the great empress are all from Hongji Labu. They played with Temujin in the early years, so Tiemu Really once ordered the Hongjilai family to give birth to a daughter as a queen, and a son to be a princess, forever."

Song Qingshu was surprised: "This family is so honorable?"

Zhao Min nodded: "Yes, the young man who was in my room just now is called Na Chen, who is the second son of Uncle Guo, so he has such a big tone to protect me."

Song Qingshu raised his eyebrows: "The one who Na Chen could marry the princess, but only married the princess for you, seems really crazy."

Zhao Min was slightly annoyed: "When are you coming to make fun of me, besides, he can be regarded as infatuated or infatuated, not because I look more prettier than those princesses."

Song Qingshu put her in his arms again: "My Minmin is the number one beauty in Mongolia, which woman can compare."

Zhao Min's face was reddened: "That can't be said. I got this title mainly because of the advantage of being unmarried when I was young. In fact, the little Queen Temujin and Guiyou's Princess Hai lost, and brother Meng's. The princess Ye Su'er, the princess Chabi of Kublai Khan... are all famous beauties in the desert. By the way, the princess Ye Su'er and the Princess Chabi belonged to the Hongjila family, and Chabi was the one who Na Chen just now My sister, Ye Su'er is the daughter of another line of their family."

In history, Ye Su'er was actually a generation shorter than Chabi, and by all accounts Cha must be Ye Su'er’s aunt, but two generations of people married a pair of brothers. It can only be said that Mongolia is in this generation The aspect is not very concerned.

Song Qingshu secretly nodded: "Sure enough, she gave birth to a daughter as a queen." Whether it is Meng Ge or Kublai Khan, they all hope to ascend the throne of God in the future, so their wives will naturally become queens. Of course, this world Meng Ge died in an accident, and there is no chance to sweat profusely.

"The woman of the Hong Jila clan is famous for her fair complexion and beautiful appearance. You should have seen Chai, what do you think she looks like?" Zhao Min looked at him jokingly.

Song Qingshu subconsciously replied: "It's true that she is white and beautiful, and she is a rare beauty. It's no wonder that Brother Ali wants to insinuate the ambiguity between her and Xu Liewu's sister-in-law..."

Inadvertently thinking of the soft touch on his fingers at that time, Song Qingshu's old face blushed, and he noticed that Zhao Min was staring at him, and he hurriedly changed the subject, "Ahem, but my temper is a bit bad, far worse than my Minmin. ."

"Huh~" Zhao Min wrinkled Qiong's nose, but did not delve into it, and continued to open the pages of the book to explain, "The next seat is the four admonishment officials Zhuo Sudan, Broad Shuosi, Die Kei, and Wu Sun."

Song Qingshu frowned when he heard it: "Your Mongolian names are really awkward, ugly and hard to remember."

Zhao Min stopped doing it immediately: "Then my real name is Minmin Temoor, isn't it also awkward?"

Song Qingshu hurriedly laughed: "Of course not, your name sounds the best."

Zhao Min snorted and pointed at one of them with a green finger: "It's nothing more than the other three. You must be more careful about this old man in white robe Wusun. He has a very high prestige in the Mongolian tribes. According to legend, he Has the power of divine power."

"Shenzhen?" Song Qingshu was stunned.

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