Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2275: Master Ruyun

Zhao Min explained: “Every tribe on the grassland spreads his ability to entrust dreams to gods. At that time, Temujin was elected as Genghis Khan by various ministries. He came out to entrust dreams to gods and gave Temujin all kinds of mysterious auras. Temujin didn't have any resistance anymore as he sweated profusely."

"Isn't he just a **** stick?" Song Qingshu frowned. There are many similar things on the Central Plains side. There is no description of natural strangeness in the biography of the emperor of which dynasty.

"There are so many people in the tribes of the grassland, no one is a fool. If he doesn't have the real ability, how can he get such a prestige?" Zhao Min replied, "I met him once, but I just looked at him accidentally. At a glance, I felt that the whole person couldn't move, and at that moment he seemed to see through."

"Oh?" Song Qingshu was finally a little moved, "I think he should be extremely spiritual, and he even knows how to use the spirit to make illusions."

Zhao Min reminded him: "So don't use the soul-shifting magic on him lightly, and be careful of being backlashed."

Song Qingshu nodded. Spiritual attack methods such as Soul-shifting Dafa, although they have something to do with gong power, are mainly related to the difference in spiritual power between the two sides. If you accidentally use it on a person who is stronger than your own, then It's really like stealing the chicken and losing the rice.

"Next, this person is the chief judge, Shiji Huduhu, he is the adopted son of Temujin's mother, and he is very talented; in addition, this is the palm seal officer Tata Tonga, he is the former master of Naiman Tai Khan. Later, when the Naiman tribe was destroyed, he was sent by Tiemuzhen to take charge of the golden seal, and at the same time made Mongolian characters and taught the princes, a bit like the Taifu and Shaofu of your Central Plains.” Zhao Min explained one by one. .

"Next are the four largest households: Mu Huali, Borshu, Wusun, Nayaa, and 95 thousand households who are in charge of the entire empire’s army... These people are all powerful figures in Mongolia. There are soldiers and money. Of course, everyone does not need to remember, just remember these tens of thousands." Zhao Min said.

Song Qingshu slapped his tongue: "This old man Wusun is really a high-ranking man with a high status and prestige. He is still one of the four largest households." The thousand households in Mongolia are not as watery as the thousand official households in the Central Plains. Every Thousand Households is a powerful force of the separatist side. It feels that its status can be compared to the Central Plains Dynasty's military and political integration, and Wan Household is even more remarkable.

"Apart from these people, tomorrow you will most likely see the Tongtian Witches in the palace." Zhao Min pointed to a portrait of a middle-aged man and said.

"Tongtian Witch?" Song Qingshu looked blank, what is this stuff?

"He is the Shaman leader of Mongolia and the highest spiritual leader of the tribes." Zhao Min explained.

Now all major sects all over the world are preaching to Mongolian Khan, princes and nobles, Tantra, Zen, Taoism, Islam in West Asia, Christ in the west, etc. On the whole, Tantra has the upper hand, but the Mongolians’ own beliefs It was Shamanism. This Tongtian Wukuo was born as a shaman leader, and his status can be imagined.

"Why is it called Tongtian Witch?" Song Qingshu was still a little puzzled.

"Because it is said that he has the ability to communicate with the heavens, he asked for the title of Genghis Khan from heaven." Zhao Min explained, "In addition, Tongtian Wu is the son of a consultant Menglik, and there are seven brothers with high martial arts skills. Their family can Said to be extremely powerful."

Song Qingshu wondered: "He is the highest spiritual leader of Mongolia. To some extent, it can be said that he and Temujin are on the same level. Can Temujin tolerate such things?"

"Song Lang, your eyes are getting more and more vicious," Zhao Min smiled sweetly, "Didn't you guess my plan before, in fact, my plan is not limited to those two, and one of them is in Tongtianwu." ."

"Oh?" Song Qingshu was shocked and continued to listen to her explanation.

"According to what I have learned from Lin Cheng during this period of time, although Tongtian Witch and Temujin respect each other on the surface, they have been fighting secretly in private. Temujin's younger brothers were once bullied by members of the Tongtian Witch family. However, although the matter was later mediated by Temujin, the suspicion has been planted." Zhao Min showed the fox-like smile again, "As long as we push it at the right time, it will surely ignite a prairie fire. ."

Song Qingshu squeezed her smooth face, spoiled and sighed: "It's really unfortunate for Temujin to provoke you, a cunning fox."

Zhao Min shook his head: "How could it be so easy? It's not difficult to instigate a break between the two sides, but the point is that Temujin is too strong. Tongtianwu is definitely not his opponent. Most of it will be extinguished soon, so this is why I am too late. The reason for the delay."

Song Qingshu said in a deep voice: "Since he is called Tongtian Witch and the leader of Shamanism, he should be as good as Temujin in martial arts, not to mention that he has seven brothers and his father is noble. Power of it."

Zhao Min sighed: "Tongtian witch martial arts is indeed unfathomable, but there are more masters around Temujin, the emperor thinks deeply.

Ba, Chimei in the shemale, Huoshan, the old man in the mountains, Red Sun King, and Shuiyue Dazong are all masters no less than the Great Lord Kumazhi. In addition, the Demon Sect Meng Chixing and the magician Pangban are no less than your Central Plains Zhang Sanfeng, Huang Chang and his like, and other kings also have many hidden top masters, such as the evil emperor Xiang Yutian under the Kuowotai system, the **** hands under the command of Brother Ali Bu, and the patching sky under the control of Torre's wife. The mysterious masters in the pavilion, these people are not necessarily weaker than Pangban, let alone the Golden Wheel Fa King and others under Kublai Khan's command. "

Song Qingshu heard that the wind was chaotic. It turned out that all the masters in Huang Yishu came to Mongolia. I think that there are so many top masters in the Central Plains in this world. If the most powerful Mongolia does not have a corresponding master, I am afraid that the ruling class nobles. He was assassinated long ago.

"Demon Zong Meng Chi Xing, and the magician Pang Ban have you met?" Song Qingshu asked curiously. These people like Basiba are as famous as Shuiyue Dazong. Even if their martial arts are higher, they can probably be guessed. The skill level, on the contrary, the people like Pangban, is too mysterious and has no information at all.

Zhao Min shook his head: "These two people are very mysterious and have been in a state of retreat for a long time. There are rumors that they are comprehending the way of heaven and pursuing the broken void."

Song Qingshu's heart sighed, if they really reached the step of shattering the void, they might not be able to beat it.

Next, Zhao Min sat on Song Qingshu’s lap and continued to explain to him some important people in Helincheng. After a long time, he got up and said: "You should remember these things well tonight. You must not make any mistakes tomorrow, otherwise ..."

Before she finished speaking, Song Qingshu was pulled back into her arms: "I'm already familiar with it."

Zhao Min obviously didn't believe it, so he just turned a page to test him, and he didn't know that he could really say it accurately. For a while, he was full of emotion: "I thought I was already smart, but I was still inferior to you. It's too far, no wonder you have such a high level of martial arts at a young age."

Song Qingshu leaned to her ear: "You don't know how I practiced martial arts. Tomorrow I will go to Longtan Tiger's Lair. Would you like to give me some strength tonight?"

Zhao Min originally thought something was wrong, but when he was hugged in his arms, feeling the familiar aura, his body softened involuntarily. Seeing her acquiescence, Song Qingshu began to eat unceremoniously...

After a while, there was a knock on the door, followed by a gentle female voice: "Minmin, are you asleep?"

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