Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2280: doubt

Jin Bingyun? Song Qingshu was shocked. At any rate, she was also one of the most important heroines in the storm. It was originally from Ci Hang Jingzhai. Because a bet was given to the magician Pang Ban, Pang Ban accepted her as a disciple, but Because of her stunning appearance, she fell in love with her.

At the same time, Jin Bingyun also fell into the charm of Pangban. It was a pity that Pang Ban was able to compose a happy love together with her beautiful appearance. Unfortunately, in order to practice Dao-minded Dafa, Pang Ban sent her to the Central Plains as the wife of the first young generation of Bai Dao, Feng Xinglie. The invincible Dao heart is enchanted, but he has lost the woman he loves most in his life.

There are huge spots in this world. It's not surprising that Jin Bingyun appears, but I don't know if there is Cihang Jingzhai.

Song Qingshu had to complain about whether the magician Pang Ban had a green hat to control his own woman to another man in order to practice?

Noting the pity in his eyes, Jin Bingyun was a little surprised, "Does Da Zong know me?"

Song Qingshu shook his head: "That's not true, just remembering some past events. By the way, does the girl know Shi Feixuan? Qin Mengyao? Yan Jing'an?"

Jin Bingyun shook his head: "I don't know."

Noting the disappointment in his eyes, he couldn't help but stunned: "Should I know them?"

"No, it's just a bit of regret." Song Qingshu sighed. Although Cihang Jingzhai's behavior is unpleasant, he can't stand up to fairy characters, Shi Feixuan and Qin Mengyao captured the hearts of how many men back then. ?

"I have heard of Cihang Jingzhai's name when I was in Dongying, but unfortunately I have never found it. Can the girl give me some pointers?" Song Qingshu still tentatively asked.

Jin Bingyun looked blank: "Please forgive Bingyun for being ignorant and ignorant. I have never heard of this place. Well, my master is very knowledgeable, maybe I know, I will ask him next time."

"No need." Song Qingshu didn't want to cause old foxes like Pang Ban to suspect. It seems that there is no Cihang Jingzhai in this world. People in Huangyi's world have only some people related to Mongolia. It is an incomprehensible chaos. world.

"Dazong hasn't answered my question yet?" Jin Bingyun said lightly. It was obvious that he asked him first, but instead he answered a lot of questions first.

Song Qingshu then reacted: "The affairs of Xingqing Mansion, I have just reported in front of Dahan and the kings in the king's account. The girl can ask Dahan and them."

Jin Bingyun frowned slightly: "The momentum on Da Khan is terrifying, I don't want to see him."

Song Qingshu laughed and said, "Don't you be afraid of facing a magician? Or is it that the martial arts of a great sweat is higher than that of a magician?" He listened to everyone in Mongolia whenever he had a chance.

Jin Bingyun shook his head: "It's not the same. Master's martial arts is no less than profuse sweat, but profuse conquer is too strong, and profusely likes women, I am worried that he will ask me, I am afraid that he will even be a master It is difficult to refuse, so I generally try to avoid appearing in front of profuse sweat."

Song Qingshu was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect this woman to be so sincere. She said all these things. Is she not thinking about it or hiding it too deeply?

"But you are not afraid of seeing a magician. Does it mean that you are not afraid that the magician wants you? There is even some expectation?" Song Qingshu took the opportunity to inquire whether the two of them had that fate in the world.

Jin Bingyun's face was reddened, and he gave him an angry look: "Dazhong, you are not a good person. You have not answered my questions. Instead, you came to ask me."

From her shy and shy passing away, Song Qingshu probably also understood that the woman in front of her has a natural and refined temperament. It is no wonder that a generation of magicians will be obsessed with her, but the only thing that surprised him was why she was still a virgin. body? It's not difficult to judge all of this with his venomous vision of reading Fengyue. With such a fairy-like woman beside him but not eating, is Pang Ban still preparing for that enchanted plan?

All kinds of thoughts flooded in his mind, but Song Qing did not change his expression in writing: "The girl is so nice, I am too embarrassed not to answer, Fang Yeyu and the others are indeed dead under Fu Cailin's sword..." Then he will tell what happened that night. I said it roughly again, but concealed certain key information, lest Pang Ban infer his specific strength from it.

"That Fu Cailin's martial arts is so powerful?" Jin Bingyun was obviously shocked too, his ruddy mouth opened wide in surprise.

Song Qingshu nodded: "As for the white-haired Liu Yaozhi, he didn't die in the embassy. I don't know how he died." He didn't want to carry this black pot on his back.

Jin Bingyun nodded and asked a few more questions before he said, "Thank you for your advice and Bingyun's goodbyes." After saying that, he took the magician palace Yigan's subordinates and floated away, leaving only a moving back figure and the elegant air in the air. Residual fragrance.

Song Qingshu also returned to his residence. Yesterday, he lived in the palace because he had to go to the palace with Xu Liewu to report on his duties. He also has his own residence in Helincheng. After all, he is a master of profuse sweat, Tie Mu Zhen never treats his men badly. Zhao Min had told him the location of the residence last night, but unfortunately he was not familiar with He Lincheng, and it took a lot of effort to find the place.

Only after entering the house to settle down, someone came to visit. Song Qingshu thought it was Zhao Min who came in disguise, and rushed out excitedly, only to find that he was a great monk, and he couldn't help but turn his appetite: "Why did the King come to me?"

The person who came here was the Red Sun King who had been seen in Wang's account before.

Hearing what he said, the King of Red Sun frowned: "Shuiyue, you used to call me Red Sun."

Song Qingshu's goosebumps all came out, don't these two have a relationship? One water and moon, one red sun... Song Qingshu reacted with a **** expression.

However, he reacted quickly and immediately said, "You don't remember our friendship in Wang's Tent today."

The King of Red Sun laughed and said, "It turns out that you are because of this, but I am actually very painful."

"Really?" Song Qingshu sneered again and again, but he was secretly alert in his heart. He was a little troubled. I thought that no one was familiar with Shuiyue. Who knew that he had a good relationship with Shuiyue, if he could see anything. In trouble.

"Of course, even if I don't say it, others will say it. Instead of embarrassing others, it's better to come, so I can help you come back at any time."

Song Qingshu said, "It seems that I misunderstood you."

The King of Red Sun laughed: "I came here with a dry mouth and asked you for a cup of tea. You are all good tea here. We are talking about Xingqing Mansion this time."

Song Qingshu was impatient in her heart, but she couldn't get rid of it. Fortunately, the Shuiyue Sect was used to the life of an ascetic monk. The room was not big and the tea was easy to find. He burned a pot of water and poured a cup of tea for him, thinking about taking the opportunity to inquire from his mouth Some news here.

Who knew the Red Sun King frowned and suddenly said: "You used to despise the method of making tea by the Han Chinese in the Central Plains. Why do you make tea like this today?"

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