Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2281: Furnace tripod

Song Qingshu's heart jumped, but he didn't expect these details to show his feet, and he immediately sighed: "After experiencing the defeat of Xingqing Mansion, I have seen through many things in the moment of life and death. I am arrogant to be educated, but my martial arts can't match the opponent. With a simple sword, I suddenly realized how ridiculous it was to pursue those cumbersome tea brewing methods before, and it is better to reduce the complexity to simplicity."

The Red Sun Law King smiled and said: "Shuiyue's insights are really thought-provoking. There is a saying that the Han people say well. Fortune and misfortune depend on each other. Although you were defeated by Fu Cailin this time, it is not a good thing. If you can get inspiration from it, It will be the first to get a glimpse of heaven."

"Heaven's Dao dare not think about it, as long as you meet Fu Cailin next time you can be ashamed." Song Qingshu sighed and made a frustrated expression.

The King of Red Sun comforted: "Victory and defeat are common affairs of soldiers. Winning first does not mean final victory. As long as you can defeat Fu Cailin in the future, your previous failures will become an interesting embellishment."

"Brother Hongri's words really make me grateful." Song Qingshu said gratefully.

The Red Sun Hah Haha laughed: "It's too polite to say these things among friends."

"By the way, I heard that you ran into Jin Bingyun from the Magician Palace outside the palace?" Hong Sun Fa Wang asked.

Song Qingshu nodded: "Yes, she asked me how Fang Yeyu and Liu Yaozhi died."

The King of Red Sun nodded slightly: "Now Pangban is in retreat, and the little magician Fang Yeyu died in Xixia again. The magician's palace is presided over by her. She should investigate these things. How does Shuiyuexian think this girl is doing? "

Song Qing was slanderous, thinking that you are a great monk, and you are still so old, why do you still have a red heart? However, he imitated the tone of Shui Yue Dazong and said: "It is indeed stunning on earth, and the key is that there is an extraordinary temperament."

The French King Red Sun seemed to also recalled Jin Bingyun's figure, stroking his white beard and said: "This woman is indeed a peerless work, otherwise she would not be regarded as an apprentice by Pang Ban."

"But why does her eyes always have a sense of innocence? They don't look like the eyes of a little girl." Song Qingshu asked.

"My brother seems to be very interested in Ms. Jin." The Red Sun looked at him meaningfully.

Song Qingshu chuckled: "It's just a little curious."

Red Sun was silent for a long time before he said: "Brother Shuiyue, I also know your hobbies, but listen to my advice, don't beat her mind, or you will suffer misfortune."

Song Qingshu was taken aback: "Why?" Is it possible that such a beautiful woman is still poisonous? He has always sneered at the confidante's misfortune.

The Red Sun said: "Pang Ban never accepts female apprentices, so why does he bring her into his sect?"

"You mean?" Song Qingshu had actually guessed her relationship with Pang Ban a long time ago.

The Red Sun nodded: "It's normal that you are an outsider and you don't know. People in our circle understand that Jin Bingyun is a disciple of Pang Ban in name, but in fact it is his forbidden. Wouldn't it be too much for him to want to touch her? Madara? Brother Shuiyue, although your martial arts are good, you don't have the slightest chance of winning against Pangban."

Song Qingshu wanted to take the opportunity to inquire about Pang Ban's fictitiousness, and asked in a low voice, "You said Jin Bingyun is Pang Ban's imprisonment, but I think she seems to be a virgin."

The King of Red Sun also showed a smile that a man understands: "Brother Shuiyue is really a master, and he can see Jin Bingyun's virgin body at a glance. Yes, Pang Ban has never touched her, because he still needs Jin Bingyun to help him. Complete the last step of the Dao Heart Seed Demon."

"Oh?" Song Qingshu took the opportunity to find out what the Dao Heart Demon Dao-Fa is going on.

The Red Sun Pharaoh thought for a while and explained: "The Dao Heart Cultivation of Demon Dafa is a mental method that regards everything as fluctuations. Every plant and tree is a kind of fluctuation. The true energy of general martial arts practitioners is also fluctuating, and the innate true energy is even more. High-level and subtle fluctuations can be combined with the human spirit. The "Demon Seed" transcends the fluctuations of life and death, so it is impossible for a capable person."

"The Dao Heart Cultivation of Demon Dafa is the highest mental method of the Demon Sect. For thousands of years, I have not heard of anyone other than the Patriarch who has practiced it, because the biggest problem in cultivating this skill requires an excellent furnace. The stronger the furnace, the more Excellent, the more likely to be practiced."

Song Qingshu frowned: "But if the furnace ding is really strong to a certain level, maybe martial arts is stronger than the cultivator himself, wouldn't the cultivator kill himself?"

The Red Sun King smiled slightly: "So you need to master a good balance, but the Sect Master of the Demon Sect has always been a man of amazing talents, and no one wants the furnace to be as powerful as possible. In order to solve this problem , You need a magic medium."

"Magic medium?" Song Qingshu was taken aback, but it was the first time he heard this term.

"It's the person who is responsible for planting the magic seeds into the furnace cauldron, but the characters in the furnace cauldron are often human masters. How can ordinary magic mediums approach him, so the magic medium must be a woman with the beauty of the sky and the country." The Red Sun replied. .

Song Qingshu's heart moved: "Jin Bingyun is that magic medium?"

The Red Sun nodded: "Yes, so even if you don't consider the threat of Pangban, this woman must not be touched."

Song Qingshu looked weird: "I don't know which unlucky ghost was chosen by Pang Ban as the furnace tripod."

The King Red Sun smiled and said: "I heard that Pang Ban has selected the characters. Now the young man in the Central Plains who is the most popular in martial arts is the Golden Snake King Song Qingshu. I heard that there are groups of wives and concubines around him, and he must be a very lustful person. , I definitely can’t refuse to get Jin Bingyun’s charm. If I absorb Song Qingshu’s power and energy, then Pang Ban might really become the second person who has cultivated the Taoist heart in thousands of years."

Hearing what he said, the tea in Song Qingshu's mouth almost didn't come out. He never expected that he would be chosen as the furnace tripod!

When I think of it, I can’t help but feel a little scared. With my own urine, if a beauty like Jin Bingyun comes and hugs her, she might really be reluctant to refuse. Wouldn’t it be a waste of money? Fortunately, I learned about this malicious trick in advance, and I must stay away from the woman Jin Bingyun in the future.

The Red Sun Pharaoh was obviously unwilling to continue this topic, and the two people talked very happily. He only got up to leave after an hour of chatting.

After sending away the Red Sun, Song Qingshu's face was solemn. Although the Red Sun hadn’t said anything just now, he obviously had doubts. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to inquire about his own situation with various side-by-side tricks. Many questions are not clear about the real Shuiyue. How Da Zong would answer, he didn't know if he was showing his feet.

After the Red Sun King went out of the gate, his smiley face instantly pulled down, and one of his subordinates was called: "You found the whereabouts of Feng Girl before, and send more people to bring her back as soon as possible."

"Yes!" The hand bowed and was about to turn and leave, but was shouted again.

"Wait," the Red Sun King looked back at the house of Shuiyue Dazong, and then said, "Send people to stare here to see where he goes on weekdays and who they are looking for."

The hand was embarrassed: "But Shuiyue's great martial arts are so powerful, it's probably hard for us not to be discovered."

"You are a little farther away, he should not dare to do anything to you." After the Red Sun King finished his command, he left with great heart.

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