Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2282: arrest

After the Red Sun King left, Song Qingshu also walked out of the house. As soon as he walked out the door, he found several people staring at him sneakily. Even though they were very careful, how much cultivation is Song Qingshu now. Very sensitive to these.

Song Qingshu quietly walked around and bought some small things, then returned to his house, and then sneaked out from the back of the yard. Although there were people watching in the backyard, how could he take precautions intentionally? Alarmed the other party, and soon came to Zhao Min's boudoir.

Zhao Min was sitting by the window with her back facing him, her cheek in her hand, her back graceful and slender, the skin on the back of her neck was bright and white, and her hair was as jet black as a waterfall. Song Qingshu secretly compared her with the Jin Bingyun she had just met, and still felt that Zhao Min's charming and charming look is more seductive than Jin Bingyun's boring look.

Tenderness rose in his heart, quietly walked over and embraced her in his arms.

Zhao Min was taken aback, and only breathed a sigh of relief after discovering that it was the lover: "How come you like to be sneaky to scare people."

Song Qingshu gave her a scent on her cheek, only feeling that her skin was slippery and tender, and said with a smile: "Have you never heard that a wife is worse than a concubine than stealing."

"Who wants to steal with you." Zhao Min sipped and got up and turned around, like a light and beautiful butterfly, escaping from his arms, and asked as he ran to close the doors and windows to check if anyone noticed. Said, "Why come here in broad daylight?"

Song Qingshu jokingly smiled: "So you mean you want me to come to you at night?"

Zhao Minqiao blushed: "When is it, you are still so serious, you must come and find me something."

"I can't hide anything from you." Song Qingshu sighed, and then told her about the Red Sun Law King. "I guess he probably already suspected me. Those who are watching near my residence should be the ones that he left behind. of."

Zhao Min is also frowning her eyebrows tightly: "This is my omission. I didn't expect the Red Sun King to have such a deep friendship with the Shuiyue family."

Song Qingshu shook his head: "It's no wonder you. Now you are under house arrest here. There are not many people who can call. It's amazing to be able to find the information before."

Zhao Min didn’t have any relaxed expressions on his face: "I

We must solve this problem as soon as possible, otherwise your identity will be exposed and all our previous plans will be ruined. "

"Or I'll kill him." Song Qingshu's voice turned cold. Although he doesn't like killing people, he is often involuntary to achieve this status, and he must have the cruel methods he should have.

"No," Zhao Min thought for a while and shook his head. "The Red Sun suspects you. Most of them have already told some of his henchmen. If you kill him now, you will become the biggest suspect, and it will be even more unfavorable then. ."

"Then what to do?" Song Qingshu was also a big head.

Zhao Min thought about it as he said: "Actually, it is not difficult to kill the King Hongri. The difficult thing is how to deal with the aftermath. Well, the King Hongri has clearly seen you through, why not call your identity..."

"Could it be that he is not sure?" Song Qingshu asked.

"No." Zhao Min explained, "If the two are friends, the details of your relationship before are enough for him to judge... Wait, I remember that this person is extremely cautious, and he must be worried about exposing your words. , After all, now only he can judge your true or false, so he must find hard evidence before he takes offense."

"Iron proof?" Song Qingshu was startled and muttered to himself, "Shuiyue Dazong was originally lonely, and came from Dongying, thousands of miles away, so he couldn't send people across the ocean to ask for confirmation..."

While talking, they suddenly thought of something, and the two said in unison: "Wind girl!"

"Yes," Zhao Min said with a worried expression, "I was a little worried when I heard that Feng Girl escaped in the battle of Xingqing Mansion. I didn't expect it to become a confidant now. Hmph, she can escape in that situation with her martial arts. There are some people who pity and cherish jade."

Song Qingshu said with a sullen expression: "I didn't think I was going to pretend to be Shuiyue Dazong? I am not a bloodthirsty person, so how can I attack her."

"That's it, people know you're good-hearted," Zhao Min rolled his beautiful eyes before saying, "The most urgent thing is to prevent the Red Sun from finding the Wind Girl."

Song Qingshu nodded and stood up and said, "Okay, I'll go check it out now and see which step the Red Sun King and the others have found."

Although Zhao Min was a little bit reluctant, he knew that business matters, and went to

He tidied his clothes in front of him before saying goodbye to each other.

After Song Qingshu left, he was planning to check the residence of King Hongri. Who knew that when he passed by his residence, he found that many Mongolian warriors were surrounding the residence, and many warriors were going in and out searching for something.

Song Qingshu's heart jumped: Could it be that the Red Sun King accused himself, and Temujin sent someone to arrest him?

After hesitating for a while, he still decided to go up and ask clearly, it was easy for him to go, how about Zhao Min? And there are so many related people in Ruyang Palace?

After finally getting into He Lincheng, getting into Temujin's side, it would be too unwilling to give up like this.

He noticed that the leader outside the door was Chimei Li, the leader of the three great master craftsmen outside the territory, and a Mongolian general with a solemn expression beside him. Song Qingshu recognized him at a glance. It should be said that people in Mongolia do not know him. Rarely, because he is the commander of Tiemuzhen's guards, that is, Nayaa, the commander of Yu Xuejun.

Yuxue is a sweating imprisonment army, which can be described as an elite among the elite. Na Ya'aneng is the leader of Yuxue's army. Obviously, whether it is martial arts or loyalty, he is an extremely trusted figure by Temujin.

Did you send him out in person? Song Qingshu felt a little bit in his heart, and could only bite the bullet and asked, "I don't know why these two people brought me here?"

He has made up his mind. If the Red Sun King really exposes him, he will run away immediately. Only Li Chimei can't stop him, otherwise he will enter the palace. There will be Temujin, Tongtianwu, and eight. This group of top masters like Siba, I am afraid that it would be difficult for him to fly.

"Come here, take down the Shuiyue Grand Sect!" Na Ya'a saw him, her whole body tightened instantly, and at the same time, she motioned the surrounding samurai to encircle him. Although Richimei on the side had no expression, she could still feel him. Is ready to go.

Song Qingshu asked in a deep voice: "I don't know what crime I committed?" At the same time, with luck, he secretly observed the weak mouths of the surrounding guards, thinking that he had to leave Helin City first, and then find a chance to come back and explain to Zhao Min.

Na Ya'a still said in an emotional voice: "You are still pretending to be confused, you have killed the Red Sun King!"

Song Qingshu was about to get into trouble when he heard what he said: "The King of Red Sun is dead?"

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