Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2283: Confrontation

Na Ya'a sneered and said, "Pretend to be a bit like."

Song Qingshu said solemnly: "Even if the Red Sun King is really dead, why do you suspect that the murderer is me?"

Li Chimei on the side spoke, his voice as soft as ever: "You'll know in a moment, now are you obediently going back with us to see profuse sweat, or do you want us to do it?" He seemed to have accidentally spoken. He took a step to the side and blocked all his retreats one after another with Na Ya'a.

In addition, other samurai also secretly moved closer to this side, surrounding him round and round.

Song Qingshu's thoughts were like electricity, and judging from their words, it was not the Red Sun that exposed him, otherwise they would never arrest me. It should be that they thought that Shuiyue Dazong killed the King of Red Sun, and based on their knowledge of the martial arts of Shuiyue Dazong, they believed that Li Chimei and Nayaa, together with many Mongolian warriors, would be enough to control Suyue Dazong.

It seems that the Red Sun Pharaoh is really dead. I have analyzed with Zhao Min before that it is not a good idea to kill the Red Sun Pharaoh now, because I am the most suspicious, and they suspected themselves in a similar way.

Are you breaking out now or taking a risk in the palace?

Song Qingshu kept weighing, and now it is definitely safest to break through. These people can't keep him, but all the previous efforts were in vain. It seems that you need to go to the palace to take a risk.

"I will compare with you." Song Qingshu put the Shuiyue knife aside, with a respectful look. The reason why he dared to take the risk was not only confident in his own light work, but also understood that he was not the one who killed the Red Sun King. As long as the murderer responds properly, he may not be in the worst situation.

Li Chimei and Na Ya'a looked at each other, obviously a little surprised, they were all ready to kill him, but it would save trouble.

"Da Zong Ming is the best thing." Although Li Chimei said so, she didn't dare to be careless. She moved her finger and hurriedly closed a few big holes on his body.

Song Qingshu snorted, but in fact, using the virtual meridian method learned in the Taixuanjing, quietly unlocked the restriction on his body.

The Mongolian warrior on the side came over with chains and shackles, but was stopped by Li Chimei: "Since Dazhong hasn't embarrassed us, how can we embarrass Dazhong."

After speaking, he made an inviting gesture: "Please, please."

Song Qingshu nodded, and followed the two of them towards the palace. On the way, he tentatively asked: "The Red Sun is dead, why do you think I am the murderer."

Because of his cooperation before, Naya's expression also eased a bit, and replied: "We are only responsible for arresting people, and other specific circumstances are not clear."

Song Qingshu couldn't help furrowing his brows, and Li Chimei on the side was soothed when he saw it, "Since Da Zong is willing to catch with his hands, he has a clear conscience when he thinks about it. We will tell Da Khan about this later."

After Song Qingshu thanked him, he secretly thought about various possibilities.

In the palace, the number of people is not as high as in the morning. Temujin sat on the throne, and Ba Siba and Wu Sun were separated. In addition, there were four major judges and several generals of Xue Xue: Bor Shu, Borhu, and Chi Lao Wen.

Among them, Boershu is not only one of the four largest households, but also in charge of a part of Xue Xuejun; Boerhu and Boershu have similar names, but in fact they have no blood relationship. He is an orphan in the battlefield and was Temujin’s mother, Yuelun, adopted as her adopted son and is in charge of the first Yuxue; Chi Laowen’s younger sister is one of the concubines Temujin, and as the brother-in-law of Temujin, she also controls the fourth Yuxue.

Na Ya Aze, who had captured Song Qingshu before, was the nominal commander of the Xue Jun, and also in charge of the guards and the quiver inside the Jun Xue.

"Profuse sweat, Shuiyue Dazong brought it." Na Ya'a bowed and stepped aside, while Li Chimei was still standing behind Song Qingshu, as if she was always on guard against unexpected circumstances.

Song Qingshu took the opportunity to say: "I'm wronged, I just learned that the Red Sun King died just now, why do you think I am the murderer?"

Li Chimei also took the opportunity to talk about the situation just now, and finally concluded: "I noticed that a lot of confusion is not like a fake, and I hope to see it clearly."

Temujin was non-committal, waved his hand, and Basba came out and said, "The Red Sun King has a high martial arts ability. He Lincheng can kill only a handful of him. What's even more strange is that I checked his body, he There was no trace of fighting on his body, he was killed by a single blow, so the murderer must be his acquaintance, who suddenly shot him when he had no defense. And he died not long after he had just visited you and left. Who?"

Song Qingshu heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and replied: "It is too hasty to assert that I am a murderer just by doing this, right? The Emperor Hongri was fine when he left me. Many of these people can prove it. And there are still many people under his staff staying near my residence, which proves that I didn't chase him at all."

Basiba replied: "It is precisely because I have asked them that I have more doubts about you. Although they have been stalked nearby, your martial arts are much higher than these people. It is not difficult to get rid of their stalking. Facts have proved that. , You were not in the house when the crime happened, but sneaked out."

Li Chimei said softly, "As long as Da Zong tells his previous whereabouts frankly and finds out the evidence, he should be able to remove the suspicion."

Song Qingshu couldn't help having a big headache. He just went to Zhao Min, how can he tell? I had to say vaguely: "I wandered around the city at random, and then I chose a clean forest to meditate and practice. No one can testify for me."

He knew that if he ran an alibi at random, it would be easy to verify the true and false with the ability of these people, so he had to say that he was a person during that time.

"Then there is no alibi." Several judges whispered, looking at him suspiciously.

Song Qingshu hurriedly defended: "Although I didn't have an alibi, I didn't have the motive to kill him. Red Sun is my friend. Why should I kill him for no reason?"

"Are you motivated? It's easy." Basba snorted coldly. "I thought it was weird before. You are obviously friends. Why did the Red Sun keep his subordinates to keep an eye on your house. Later, I questioned them and found out that Hong The Japanese French king seems to have doubts about you, you are worried that your identity will be revealed before you kill him."

Song Qingshu replied: "Doubt? I don't know what he suspects of me, and what is doubtful about my identity!" Up to now, he can only bite the bullet and hold on. Judging from Zhao Min's previous intelligence, Hongri His Holiness was cautious, and even if he really doubted his identity, he would never be able to say too clearly to his opponents.

Basiba said flatly: "It's useless to deny Shuiyue Dazong blindly. When someone comes back, it will be clear."

"Who?" Song Qingshu's heart jumped.

"Fengnv," Basiba said while staring into his eyes, trying to find some flaws, "During his lifetime, the Red Sun had asked Fengnv to recognize her. It happened that Fengnv had just returned to Helin City not long ago. She will be able to come over immediately to face off."

At this moment, the guard at the door announced that Feng Nu had already been brought.

Song Qingshu raised his throat with a heart.

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