Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2291: winner

Song Qingshu asked, "Is the Orchen of the Hongjira tribe?"

Hua Zheng was a little surprised: "Only a small number of people knew about this. How did you know?"

"Hongjilai gave birth to a daughter as a queen, and a male as a princess. It is not hard to guess." Song Qingshu casually went over it, not wanting to expose the relationship between Hai Lost and Lost.

Hua Zheng gave a hum, but didn't delve into it: "So I can only stay with him while this is still a free day, and forget my wish."

Song Qingshu said strangely: "After all, Guo Jing was once the golden swordsman of your father, why don't you ask him to fulfill you?"

Hua Zheng shook his head: "A few years ago, Guo Jing fought our Mongolian army in Xiangyang. We Mongolian warriors died and wounded countless in Xiangyang City. Nowadays, and Lincheng, I don’t know how many of them were the relatives of those soldiers who died. What's more, Guo Jing is also because of that. He is willing to be with me if he recovers his memory. If he recovers his memory, he will definitely not agree to marry me. In these years, my father sweats and his temper has become more and more weird. He, Father Khan will definitely kill him without hesitation."

"You are really embarrassed at both ends." Song Qingshu has a headache for her. On the one hand, he is worried that Mongolia will deal with Guo Jing, and on the other hand, he is worried that Guo Jing will break after recovering his memory. No wonder she has such a sad expression, "What are you going to do?"

“It’s a day if I can hold off for a day now, and it’s good for me to be with Guo Jing for a day.” Huazheng glanced back at Guo Jing not far away, his eyes were full of tenderness and reluctance, “I heard that you have a relationship with their husband and wife. Very good, can you help me temporarily."

Song Qingshu nodded: "Don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who beats mandarin ducks."

"Thank you then." Hua Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Song Qingshu thought for a while and exhorted: "I should be in Helincheng during this period. If you encounter any problems, you can leave a mark on the outer wall, and I will come to you." He didn't know if Hai Lost was defeated. What kind of idea, I moved my compassionate heart to fulfill the two of them, in case something happened to Guo Jing during this period, it is really hard to blame.

"Thank you!" Hua Zheng's eyes lit up, and after agreeing to a secret signal with him, he took Guo Jing back.

Song Qingshu went back to Zhao Min and told her what happened tonight.

"Hua Zheng actually put Guo Jing to sleep like this?" Zhao Min looked strange, obviously shocked.

"You don't know how much impact the picture gave me after seeing them clearly." Song Qingshu sat down and moistened his throat with a cup of tea.

Zhao Min chuckled: "Our Mongolian daughter is so daring to love and hate. If I am her, I am afraid she will do something like this."

Song Qingshu shook his head: "No, if you were her, it would have been impossible for Huang Rong to **** Guo Jing away more than ten years ago."

"That's true." Zhao Min showed a smug look on his face and frowned soon. "But Hua Zheng is too unwilling to live up to it. He actually has the intention of surrendering."

"Otherwise, do you have a way?" Song Qingshu roughly spoke about Hua Zheng's concerns.

Zhao Min snorted: "Although I can't think of a way now, I can always think of a way. If it were me, I would definitely not admit my fate to marry Wuchen like this."

Song Qingshu said angrily: "You still have a Na Chen Tiantian chasing you."

Zhao Min smiled and hugged his neck: "Isn't there you still on my side? Anyway, even if I don't do anything, you won't let me marry Nachen."

"That's true." Song Qingshu hugged her in his arms, "Anyway, you can't marry anyone except me in this life."

Zhao Min smiled sweetly: "Hey, who let me get on your thief ship? I can only admit my fate."

"Nonsense, obviously I got into your bed." Song Qingshu corrected seriously.

"What a bad embryo!" Zhao Min was ashamed and angry, parrying her fist.

After the two of them played for a while, Song Qingshu said: "By the way, I don't know who killed the Red Sun King. I just tried to test the old man Wusun, he didn't seem to know."

"Are you okay?" Zhao Min showed nervousness and hurriedly turned around to look around him. "The old man Wusun has many magical techniques. Many people in the Mongolian tribe regard him as a messenger of the gods. The most mysterious figure under the Great Khan and the Tongtian Witch."

"He does have some means. For those mental attacks, if other masters meet him, most of them will suffer a lot," Song Qingshu turned around and hugged her back into his arms. "But your man is the best in the world. How can anyone hurt by him?"

"Look at you." Zhao Min couldn't help but slap his tongue when he heard him talk about old man Wusun's magical methods.

"Compared to the old man Wusun, what I am most curious about now is who killed the Red Sun King." Song Qingshu frowned.

"This is also the strangest place," Zhao Min changed his posture and lay in Song Qingshu's arms. "In Helin City, the Red Sun King is also a master in the top ten. Who has this ability to kill him silently? ?"

"Before Basba checked, there is no trace of fighting on his body. It should be a murderer who was acquainted with him." Song Qingshu thought that even if it was himself, he would definitely kill him without a single move.

Zhao Min showed a wistful expression: "Even if the Red Sun King is not guarded, his cultivation is still there. If he wants to kill him easily, he is at least a master of the same level, but I really can't think of the ability to kill him. Those of his people will kill him."

Song Qingshu nodded: "I always feel that there is a big conspiracy hidden behind him."

Zhao Min suddenly showed hesitation: "Do you think it is that person?"

"That person?" Song Qingshu noticed her expression, "Zhang Wuji?"

"Bah, that person is Mingzun, not Zhang Wuji." Zhao Min said grimly.

"It seems that you still have a very good impression of the Great Master Zhang," Song Qing said with a chuckle, but didn't mind, "Yes, I also doubted him. After all, according to the previous information, he probably also came. He Lin. Just now I was worried that Guo Jing would be taken away by him, so I tried to try it out."

Zhao Min hesitated and said, "You said that if Mingzun takes other people away, will the previous host recover?"

Song Qingshu was a little bit savory now, and couldn't help squeezing her severely: "Why, do you still want to retell the old fate with him?"

Zhao Min was in pain, and subconsciously bit him: "You bastard, we are all like this, and you still say this kind of cool talk. Although he and I have met each other, after all we have met, and I don't want to see him end up miserably. end."

"The wicked girl in the martial arts has such a kind heart," Song Qingshu smiled, and then said, "I don't know what you said. Next time I meet Mingzun and ask him about it. I will try my best if Zhang Wuji can recover."

Zhao Min said in surprise: "You used to hate him terribly, but now you are willing to help him?"

"Although he was once hostile, I have to admit that Zhang Wuji is a modest gentleman and shouldn't end up like this," Song Qingshu said and laughed again. "Anyway, now you and Zhiruo have cooked rice with me. I'm not afraid that he will recover, hahahaha~"

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