Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2292: Old friend visiting

"I'll bite you to death!" Zhao Min was itchy, especially thinking that he had been fighting with Zhou Zhiruo, but now he was swept away by this **** ghost, and the whole person was depressed.

Song Qing laughed, dodge and parry, move the battlefield to the bed along the way, Zhao Min realizes that something is wrong, where can he go when he wants to escape?

After being proficient in his hands, Zhao Min, who turned out to be aggressive, could only switch from offensive to defensive. Finally, when the gate was about to fall, he made one last request before surrendering: "You are not allowed to miss the woman surnamed Zhou at this time! "

Before Song Qingshu answered, Zhao Min felt the changes in his body and couldn't help but furious: "You bastard, really miss her!"

"You mentioned it first, I can't help it in my mind." Song Qingshu was also helpless.

Zhao Minxiu frowned, pinched him lightly to protest his rudeness, and then said grimly: "Don't think I don't know what you are thinking in your heart, I will never be with her. With you...huh, don't even think about it."

Song Qingshu couldn't help but recall the time when the Golden Snake Camp was injured by Ming Zun, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart. Could it be that this song really became a hit?

He spent the night in Zhao Min’s boudoir, and was driven away by her before dawn. After all, he is now in an enemy camp and his identity is extremely sensitive. What's more, she is now under house arrest, and the house doesn’t know how many eyes are staring. With.

Back at Shuiyueju, she found that Fengnu was sleeping soundly in her bed, wondering if she was still warming her bed under the blanket?

Song Qingshu originally planned to sleep in another room, but Shuiyue Dazong's notation is very good, and Shuiyueju is also pitifully small, and he didn't know where the quilt was placed most of the night, so he simply went back to his room.

In order to avoid Feng Nu waiting to be a demon, he directly clicked her sleeping point and lay down beside her.

In this way, I slept until dawn, and the consumption of the night of fierce fighting was completely restored. The whole person was refreshed, and Fengnu woke up in a daze. When he found that there was a man beside him, he couldn't help but go to get a knife immediately.

After seeing his appearance, he stopped his movements: "I...how do I sleep so badly? I don't usually do this." Two blushes appeared on his cheeks, and I always felt too embarrassed.

"When I came back, I saw you sleeping soundly, so I clicked on your acupuncture points without wanting to wake you up." Song Qingshu had put on the mask again at this time, and the clothes were almost worn.

Fengnv breathed a sigh of relief and lightly patted her chest: "I was scared to death. I am also worried that my vigilance has dropped so badly. I don't know if I fall asleep by another man."

Song Qingshu put on his belt and replied with a smile after hearing the words: "When you come across a martial artist who is much higher than you, isn't it the same as yesterday that you couldn't detect it?"

Feng Nu hurriedly got up too: "My martial arts is enough to deal with ordinary prostitutes. Martial arts is really too much higher than me. If they want to respect their identities, they won't have that kind of dirty behavior."

Song Qingshu's face turned black, and there was a faint feeling of an arrow hitting his knees.

"Of course the master is an exception." Feng Nui put out her tongue, and realized that there was an ambiguity in her words just now, "I will fetch the master with water to freshen up."

Seeing her petite figure running away in a hurry, Song Qingshu thought that it would be nice to have a maid to take care of her daily life. Speaking of the maid, she couldn't help thinking of the Lingjiu Palace, plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum quadruplets. These four sisters are really the most considerate in the world. The maids are pleasing to the eyes, but unfortunately, I don't have that blessing. After taking over the Lingjiu Palace, I have no time to enjoy their careful service after busying all day.

After freshening up, a servant suddenly came to inform that someone came to visit.

Song Qingshu's heart shuddered, and he hurriedly asked, "Who is the one who came?" Since the last time the Red Sun King came, he has been bitten by a snake for ten years and afraid of the ropes. In case it is another acquaintance of the Shuiyue Sect. , That would be troublesome.

"I don't know, that man is waiting in the living room." The servant replied.

"If you don't know, just let him in?" Feng Nui shouted, obviously thinking that this servant was too incompetent.

"Huh?" The servant looked blank, "I don't know why, it seems that what she said is difficult to refuse."

"I'll take a look." Song Qingshu picked up the Water Moon Knife and walked out. After being questioned by so many people yesterday, and today with the help of Feng's girl, he doesn't believe who else can see through himself.

When they arrived in the living room, the master and servant were stunned, because there was a woman in a white dress sitting on a chair in the living room, an indescribably beautiful woman.

With her black and beautiful hair and snow-white crystal skin, she couldn't find any small flaws that could ruin her perfection. The whole person had an elegant and refined temperament, as if the fairy of nine days descended from the earth.

However, people's eyes will fall involuntarily on her graceful posture in the ups and downs of the mountains, looking at the breathtaking waist-hip curve, there will be countless thoughts that will hug her in her arms and want to ravage her.

The contrast between the two temperaments is so great, and they are so perfectly combined, people can't help but feel a sense of guilt of blasphemy fairy.

"This woman is so beautiful." Feng Nui said to Song Qingshu quietly. She finally understood why the servant had that expression just now. Not to mention him, she is a woman, and I am afraid that she can't refuse the request of such a character.

Song Qingshu was also very surprised, not surprised by her beauty, but by recognizing her identity, Shan Yuru, the leader of the Destiny Sect!

Seeing him coming out, Shan Yuru stood up very gracefully, with a faint smile on the corners of his lips: "My concubine has seen Shuiyue Dazong."

Song Qingshu didn't know for a moment whether she knew Dazong Shuiyue or not, so he answered vaguely, "What are you doing this morning?"

Shan Yuru's beautiful eyes showed a hint of surprise: "I have heard that Shuiyue is a superb female, why is there no reaction at all when I see the concubine body? Is it because the posture of the concubine body is not in the eyes of the big sect? "

Song Qingshu's heart was stunned. It seems that there are still many details about her acting skills that need to be refined: "Although I like beauty and beauty, but I also know that the more beautiful things are, the more dangerous it is. I dare not figure out the reason behind it. Take it lightly."

"Da Zong is indeed very knowledgeable," Shan Yuru pursed his lips and smiled, "The concubine has always admired Da Zong's prestige, and came to express her heart."

The **** the side was secretly surprised, this woman made it clear that she was seduce her master, why couldn't she see any kitsch in her body? It stands to reason that I should be disgusted, but it is difficult to dislike her.

"If you really admire me, you should come to me at night instead of coming early in the morning." Song Qingshu also figured out now that Dazong Shuiyue didn't know her before, and he relaxed and lifted up. The tea cup next to it moisturized the throat.

Shan Yuru's eyes were even more surprised: "Da Zong is really not an ordinary person, and the concubine is here to invite her husband to a banquet for the host."

"Master?" Song Qingshu frowned, "Who is your master?"

Shan Yuru smiled and said, "My host has a special status, so it is inconvenient to speak in front of a third person." As he spoke, he looked at Feng Nu.

Feng Nu nodded to Song Qingshu, then stepped back temporarily, and then realized after she brought out the door. Why did she listen to that woman so much?

Seeing Feng Nu leaving, Song Qingshu didn't stop him either, and said lightly, "Can I say it now?"

"My master is..." Shan Yuru said as he approached him, as if he didn't want outsiders to hear him.

Song Qingshu also moved his ears subconsciously. At this time, Shan Yuru's eyes flashed, and the tips of his red nails pierced his neck directly.

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