Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2304: Marriage conditions

"That's right," Hai Lost paused, and then asked, "It's not our people who send the message, right?"

Zhenhai replied: "Don't worry, Princess, I know this point. The news is passed through the seven or eight hands, and I have cut off the clues in the middle. Even if there is an incident in the future, we will not be able to find us. ."

"That's fine, we just need to watch the show." Hai Mishao smiled sweetly, as if he didn't care about the blood revealed in the other party's words.

Besides, after Song Qingshu returned to the residence, Shan Yuru did not rush away, but looked at him quietly with beautiful eyes: "Don't you ask me to go in for a cup of tea?"

Song Qingshu knew that she was teasing deliberately, and waved her hand angrily: "What kind of tea is there to drink at this late? Be careful not to fall asleep if you drink it."

Shan Yuru pursed his lips and said with a smile; "Mobei is bitterly cold, and it is naturally difficult for a person to fall asleep, and the son needs a female family member to sleep together.

Song Qingshu has a black line on his face: "If you keep tempting me like this, aren't you afraid that I really won't be able to control it? What will you do then?"

"The son's words made his concubine sad, as long as the son wanted, how could his concubine refuse." Shan Yuru looked at him in surprise.

Song Qingshu had to admire her acting skills and made it look like it was real, but these witches who practiced fascination in the magic door, he did not want to provoke: "It's all right, I don't want to today, you go back by yourself."

"The son drank a bit too much wine today, so he should take a good rest. Don't bother him, and leave first." Shan Yuru said, owing a bow and bowing her body to salute. She sat in a white dress, and when she bowed, she had wide sleeves. It's not like a witch at all, on the contrary, there is a faint meaning of being a fairy.

After she left, Song Qingshu had planned to go directly to Zhao Min's place, but thought that there was still someone in the room, so he grew up.

At this time, Fengnu rushed out when he heard the movement outside the house, and saw that he could not help but exclaimed: "Master, you are back, I have prepared hot water. Unfortunately, there is no hot spring in Mobei grassland, otherwise I can give it. The master rubbed his back."

Song Qingshu's eyelids twitched. Just after a big goblin left, another little goblin came. I really think I am Liu Xiahui. I don't know what Shuiyue Dazong's servant taught this female apprentice in the past, how the more I look at it, the less it looks like a master and apprentice.

"Don't bother, go to sleep by yourself." Song Qingshu was too lazy to bother, so he directly used the soul-shifting method to give her a hint, which was also due to the inspiration he got from Shan Yuru during the day.

Feng Nu's expression was dazed, and she went back to bed obediently.

The reason why she didn’t click her sleeping point was that she had watched too many dog-blood dramas in her previous life. A woman was clicked on a point and was not defended, but another villain took advantage of it...

Although it has nothing to do with Feng Nu, but I don't want a woman to be harmed for her own sake.

After he settled down here, he ran to Zhao Min's boudoir and told her what happened today.

"This brother Ali looks stupid, but he didn't expect to learn how to pedal two boats." Zhao Min learned that he was very close to Yalen and Hai Lost, and couldn't help feeling full of emotion.

Song Qingshu has a black line: "It's not so useful to pedal two boats."

"That's what it means anyway," Zhao Min said with a grin, "Wokuotai and Torrey are as deep as the sea. No wonder he didn't dare to let the sea lose and meet Aaron."

Song Qingshu said: "I don't know whether to say he is brave or stupid. If news of his lost cooperation with Hai Lost is exposed, the other kings of the Torre family will be the first to tolerate him."

"He was also helpless," Zhao Min's beautiful eyes gleamed with wisdom, "Now Kublai's power is getting stronger and stronger, and there are allies like Xu Liewu, he is a little alone, even if he unites with Princess Alan, But Brother Meng is dead after all, his line of strength is not what it used to be, so naturally he needs to find a foreign aid."

"But I am more concerned about the other news I got today than this." Zhao Min said suddenly.

Seeing her solemn expression, Song Qingshu couldn't help but wonder: "What news?"

"Today, in the streets and alleys of Lincheng, a strange news suddenly came out, the treasure of Gaochang ancient country." Zhao Min said slowly.

Song Qingshu was not surprised that she was under house arrest here. Why could she still inquire so much information: "Gaochang Treasure? Isn't that a lie."

"Do you know this treasure?" Zhao Min was a little surprised.

Song Qingshu didn't know how to explain it to her for a while, so he said vaguely: "What kind of treasure can a small country in the Western Regions that have been perished for hundreds of years."

The treasures of Gaochang Kingdom in "White Horse Howling to the West" are actually books, the Four Treasures of the Study, and other items that were passed down from the Tang Dynasty. These things are very rare in the Western Regions and are naturally regarded as precious things, but they did not expect to mislead future generations.

"That's not necessarily. Gaochangguo was at the center of the Silk Road. Merchants from the East and the West would pass here. It is not surprising that they accumulated huge wealth," Zhao Min said. "Moreover, the saying that Gaochang National Treasure has indeed been circulating on the grassland. It’s just that Gaochang State has been annihilated for hundreds of years. No one knows where it is, but according to the news received today, it seems that a businessman accidentally discovered the Gaochang State ruins in the depths of a desert."

"Why do you think this news is weird?" Song Qingshu suddenly remembered the adjective she had just used.

"Because it's in this juncture," Zhao Min blinked, "According to reliable information, Princess Huazheng entered the palace today to report to Da Khan that Guo Jing had helped Mongolia to break through the city of Samarkand and made outstanding achievements. She was given as a golden swordsman. Later, Guo Jing repented of her marriage and fled. In recent years, she has become a laughing stock for many people alone. She doesn't want others to think that it is because she can't get married that she can marry others casually. My son-in-law can only marry him if he can make a remarkable achievement."

"Now Mongolia uses soldiers everywhere and consumes a lot of money, food and materials. If the other party can find the treasures of Gaochang country and give it to the Great Khan, it will only be reconciled to marry such a hero."

"Then Tie Muzhen agreed?" Song Qingshu knew Hua Zheng's abacus as soon as she heard it. How could she want to marry like the sky today and Guo Jingru glued together? She must have said this in order to delay her marriage indefinitely with a vague treasure.

"Although there are many children in Dahan, she is the only one of her prostitutes. She has always been very fond of her. In addition, he felt guilty about the incident of the golden knife and the horse, so naturally he agreed." Zhao Min replied.

"But isn't this a bit of the face of Hongji's family?" Song Qingshu asked puzzledly, "That old age is not too young, and her daughters are already princesses, how can they toss for love like those hot-blooded young people? "

"With Tiemuzhen's methods, there must be corresponding methods to appease, and tomorrow should be clear." Zhao Min snorted, obviously impressed by Tiemuzhen's methods.

"Let's talk about tomorrow's things tomorrow. It's late, let's rest first." Song Qingshu was full of wine, and she felt more charming when she looked at the beautiful woman in front of her by candlelight.

Zhao Min hurriedly pushed him away: "I'm so drunk and dirty."

"Originally, there was a sweet maid who prepared hot water for me and rubbed my back. Didn't I just refuse to run over without you." Song Qingshu chased after her with salivation.

"You really can walk..." Zhao Min's face flushed, and the words that followed could not be said. "There are still women who take the initiative to give and hug Shuiyue Dazong's respectful face."

"Who makes your husband so good!" Song Qingshu felt that she was not so resolute when she refused, so he took her to the bed and hugged her...

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