Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2305: The most beautiful flowers on the grassland

Early the next morning, not long after Song Qingshu returned to his residence, someone came to spread a message saying that he would be summoned by Khan.

He couldn't help feeling horrified. The previous few meetings were too impressed. Temujin's sense of oppression and aura was too strong, and he always felt that he was a big threat. In addition, there were several other top masters in the palace. Every time he goes to the palace, he feels a little unsure.

But no matter how fearful he was, he still had to go. This time the guard did not lead him to the palace, but led him all the way to the outskirts of the city.

Song Qingshu was a little skeptical whether this was an ambush in front of a game set by someone, but it didn't take long for him to be led to a huge tent, which reflected that the Mongols were more living by water and grass. Traditionally, I was more accustomed to living in tents, and the country was too big over the years, and there were too many people under the jurisdiction. For government affairs, a Han-like city was built on the Helin side.

When they came to the king’s account, other people came one after another. Many of them were old acquaintances whom I saw in the palace several times before, and Tiemu was really talking to a middle-aged man in the tent, except for the top of his head. There is a small bangs in the middle that is the size of a child's palm. The rest is shaved, and there are a pair of twisted braids on both sides of the back of his head.

Oh, it's still a double ponytail. Those gentlemen on the Internet in the previous life liked this hairstyle the most. Song Qingshu's conjecture is not without evil and fun.

"Khan, rest assured, I will definitely find the Gaochang Labyrinth." The middle-aged man patted his chest with an energetic look.

This guy is how Yichen looks so shabby, how did he give birth to Princess Alan's daughter who is like a flower like a jade. Isn't it the old king next door?

"I originally said that I married you and Hua Zheng, but I didn't know that she had such troubles. Hey, I really embarrass you." Temuzhen's tone was a little embarrassed.

"What the Da Khan said, let alone what the princess said is not unreasonable. Now I am in Mongolia, and I need to spend money everywhere. If I can find this Gaochang treasure, it will not only share the country's worries, but also just marry it. Princess, I am naturally happy." Or Chen replied.

Temujin nodded, "If that's the case, then I specially allow you to keep 30% after you find Gaochang's treasure."

"Thank you profusely." If what I said before is a bit high-sounding, Wu Chen is a smile from the heart at this time, a treasure house of a country, even 30% is an astronomical figure.

Song Qingshu curled his lips, you are now

Laugh, when you see what these treasures are, it will be too late to keep you crying.

"But the journey is far away, and there may be danger hidden in the desert," Temujin said for a moment, "Boerhu, you will lead a thousand Qixue and **** Wuchen all the way, if he misses one in the middle. Hair, I ask you for it."

"Don't worry if you sweat," another Mongolian man said loudly.

Song Qingshu chatted with Zhao Min these days, and roughly understood the structure of Xue Jun's side. Na Ya'a is the commander of Jun Xue Jun in name, and directly under the guards and quizzers of Jun Xue Jun. These are all elites. Among the elites in the Royal Palace of Ruyang, the Magic Arrow and the Eight Heroes in the Royal Palace of Ruyang used their magical archery skills to make countless masters hate. Everyone in the quiver has the strength of the Magic Arrow and the Eight Heroes. There are eight people, but there are thousands of quiverers

The Su Wei is composed of selected masters from all over the world. A single person may only be regarded as a second-rate master in the arena, but they are good at combining attacks. If surrounded by them, as long as the terrain is suitable, even the master can besieged.

In addition, there are four generals in the Junxue Jun, Mu Huali, Borshu, Borhu, and Chilaowen, respectively leading the first to fourth Junxue.

Among them, Mu Huali and Borshu were two of the first four people who were named ten thousand households that year. Their status and status are respected. They also have their own fiefdom to deal with government affairs on weekdays. They also put a name on Yuxue's side, Temujin. The main task of **** work is to rely on Na Ya'a, as well as Borhu and Chi Laowen.

Boerhu and Boershu sound like two brothers in their names. In fact, they are not related at all. Boershu is a partner Temujin met when he was a boy, and he was a righteous brother who fought with him from the beginning. He saved Temuzhen's life, and his status was honored with great military exploits, so Temuzhen later became a hero, and he was one of the four largest households.

Borhu was later adopted by Temujin's mother on the battlefield. From his military exploits and status, Borhu was far behind. Borhu was a general, but Borhu could only be regarded as a guard captain.

Song Qingshu was recalling Zhao Min's original comments, when suddenly he saw an elderly Wusun in a white robe stand out and said, "Professional sweat, I will also go."

Temujin was taken aback, "What are you going to do?"

Elder Wusun replied, "The legendary Gaochang treasure is located very close to the Tuumati tribe in the desert. I have some friendship with the people from the Tumati tribe. I can find their guide. It will definitely be a multiplier with half the effort."

Seeing the old man Wusun's serious face, as if he was a respected old man, Song Qingshu almost didn't laugh out loud. If he hadn't overheard the conversation between him and Huazheng before, he might have believed the lie. Others didn't know him. I don't know where the old man Wusun is looking for a guide on this trip, but to ask for the thirty beauties that Huazheng promised.

The old man Wusun was pale, and his eyes revealed tiredness. It was obvious that the last time he fought with him was very injured, but this did not dispel his idea of ​​chasing beautiful women.

"The Bald Horse Ti Department seems to be one of Huazheng's fiefdoms" Temujin pondered for a long while, as if thinking of something, "Well, it's okay to be with you, you can deal with any accidents, but you are good at mental manipulation. Not good at close combat, let's go, Shuiyue Dazong also go with you."

Song Qingshu was taken aback, and had to step forward and replied "Yes." He didn't understand why he chose him. You must know that Shuiyue Dazong had just made such a big mistake before. In theory, it should be in a state of being abandoned.

"Well, today you will go back and prepare for it, and set off tomorrow morning." Temujin slapped his knee and settled like this.

"Yes" several people withdrew from Wang's account one after another, and Boer suddenly took the old man Wusun to whisper, and Song Qingshu's ears suddenly stood up.

"I heard that the Bald Horse Ti Department is rich in beautiful women, this time I went to see it with my own eyes." Boerhu laughed.

The old man Wusun suddenly became anxious, "That's the fief of Princess Huazheng, don't mess around." What a joke, all the beauties in that tribe are treated by him as his own property, how can he let others get involved.

"I just don't have to force it, and the princess who loves me can't take care of it." Borhub said while rubbing her hands. "I heard that there is a girl named Oman in that tribe, who is the most beautiful grassland in a radius of hundreds of miles flower."

"Well, it seems that her mother Yalixian was also a well-known beauty on the grassland back then. Even Da Khan had thought about her, but I don't know why."

Aman Yalixian listened to the heroines of the white horses roaring in the west wind, Song Qingshu couldn't help but stepped forward and asked, "I heard that they are not from the Tieyanbu? Why are they from the Bald Horse Tibu?"

The old man Wusun replied, "Tieyan Department seems to be the name of the Han people. People in our desert call them the Bald Horse Ti Department. Why don't you even know this" and stared at him suspiciously. (https:)

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