Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2306: Bump into

Song Qingshu's face was speechless. Shuiyue Dazong was from Dongying, and the ghost knew the different names of the same tribe in Mongolian and Chinese.

Fortunately, Boer on the side suddenly relieved him: "He didn't know it was normal. If I hadn't heard you talk about it today, I wouldn't know that the Han people call the Bald Horse Ti Department the Tieyan Department."

"I am confused." Old Wusun slapped his forehead, and he reacted right now. "However, it can be seen that the Han culture has had a profound impact on Dongying. In the future, when we conquer the Central Plains, we must be extremely vigilant, not like the previous ones. The grassland dynasty that entered the Central Plains was completely sinicized."

Borhuhaha laughed: "How can those grassland dynasties compare to our Mongol Empire? Over the years, we have been conquering and building a country that spans thousands of miles from east to west, and we have seen countless civilizations that are not developed under the Han Chinese. , It must learn from others' strengths, and how can you stick to the Han family."

Hearing a few people talk loudly, as if conquering the Central Plains was an easy task, Song Qingshu sneered secretly, and must not let civilization be destroyed in the hands of these barbarians.

Next, Elder Wusun held a meeting with a few people related to the trip to discuss the precautions for the trip and the preparatory work to be done. After the discussion, they went home and rested.

Song Qingshu returned to Helin City and was thinking about running to talk to Zhao Min about this time, when he suddenly found a carriage parked in front of his house and looked familiar.

Isn't this the carriage of Princess Aaron I saw outside of Alibu's mansion yesterday, but the one driving this time is not the previous Alan Da'er. I think it should have been drunk yesterday and haven't recovered.

"What is she doing?" Song Qingshu was very curious and walked over.

The guards around the carriage noticed that someone was approaching. They were obviously wary, but they saw clearly his appearance and had a drink with Alan Da'er last night. It was difficult to know him or not. Someone approached the carriage and whispered.

Soon the curtain of the carriage was lifted, revealing the dignified and beautiful face of Princess Alan: "Hello, Dazhong."

"I have seen the princess." Song Qingshu pretended to salute, and then curiously asked, "What can the princess come to see me for?"

Princess Aaron hesitated for a moment: "Let's talk about it after getting in the car."

Song Qingshu was taken aback, subconsciously thinking there was an ambush in the carriage, anxious

After checking with Qi machine, she was the only one, but she was even more puzzled.

Obviously noting his look, Princess Alan slowly said: "I am in a special status now. If I enter your house and be seen by someone who is interested, it will inevitably lead to trouble. So after getting in the car, let's walk and talk. Would you mind?"

"Naturally, it is possible." Song Qing was slanderous. He really couldn't understand the other side's peculiar brain circuit. He didn't want to enter the house but was willing to use the same carriage. How could it be more so in the carriage?

After entering the carriage, Song Qingshu felt that the air was filled with a unique scent mixed with milky scent, and his subconscious gaze shifted down slightly, and he couldn't help but secretly wonder if Mongolia is so talented.

The carriage quickly moved slowly, and Princess Yalen suddenly got up and saluted him, causing Song Qingshu to subconsciously help her: "What is the princess doing?"

Princess Alan frowned slightly, and then retracted her hand without showing a trace. Then she said: "I came here today to apologize to the masses."

"Why does the princess apologize to me?" Song Qingshu became more confused.

“I’m not strict with the subordinates. The people under my hand ran into the bulk yesterday. I hope that the bulk will not mind,” Princess Alan said as she handed over a small box. “This is a little bit of my apology, but also hope that the bulk Be sure to accept it."

Against the texture of the wooden box, her wrists looked whiter than milk, but Song Qingshu did not answer it, but frowned: "What happened yesterday, Alan Da'er and I are already on the wine table, why the princess should be so. "

Although Shuiyue Dazong's martial arts is high, but in the final analysis it is only the status of a guest, the other party is a high-ranking princess, why is so polite to him?

Princess Alan said: "This time I came to find Da Zong not only to apologize for what happened yesterday, but also to ask for something."

Song Qingshu was relieved: "If there is anything, the princess will do whatever he wants."

Princess Aaron groaned: "Is it because Da Zong keeps me holding it like this, my hands are very tired."

Song Qingshu's heart jumped. Could it be that this woman is also performing beauty tricks? However, noticing that her eyes were very clear, she immediately reacted and felt confused. She should have sent it out of her feelings. During this time, she was a little nervous by Shan Yuru and Fengnv.

"In that case, in the next few days, it is better to respect

Fate. "Song Qingshu took the small wooden box, worried that there was a mechanism in it, and deliberately checked it with true energy. It should contain a pair of jade horses and the like.

"The speaking style of Da Zong is quite like those of the Han people." Princess Yalun pursed her lips, and a shallow pear vortex appeared on the side of her face.

"Maybe I went to Xingqing Mansion this time and got some of the habits there." Song Qingshu's heart was stunned, and more attention should be paid to these details in the future.

Fortunately, Princess Yalun just talked casually, and then said: "My father is going to the desert to find the treasures of Gaochang Kingdom. I don't know how dangerous it will be. With a lot of martial arts and high strength, I will take care of my father."

Wuchen was born in Hongji Labu, and his status was noble. Naturally, he was also named the king early, but he was a two-character king, and he was still inferior to those one-character kings from the direct line of the Golden Family.

Song Qingshu thought how quickly she got the news: "It's my duty to protect the prince. Why should the princess of labor be such a gift?" She wanted to return the box.

"I feel uneasy if you don't accept the bulk." Princess Yalen pushed the box back and sighed faintly, "I have seen too many things in these years, and it does not hurt to be careful."

Seeing her expression of sadness, Song Qingshu tentatively asked: "Does the princess think of the great prince?"

"Let Dazong laugh," Princess Yalun's face changed slightly, and she regained her usual grace and dignity. "I have been restless for the past two days, as if something is going to happen when I go to the desert, please take care of Dazong all the way. Guard my father."

"Thank you Princess Wang for reminding me, I must be careful during this trip." Song Qingshu also knew that this trip was weird, but she didn't expect this woman to be so sharp.

"Thanks for your hard work, I'll take you back." Yalen smiled lightly, and then ordered the guards to drive back to Shuiyue's residence.

At this moment, a rush of horseshoes sounded, and then a calm male voice said: "Hey, isn't this sister-in-law's carriage? Kublai has seen her sister-in-law."

Princess Alan frowned and replied faintly: "It turned out to be the fourth brother. I am a little tired today, so I won't come out to respond. I hope my fourth brother will not be offended."

Song Qingshu's skill was so high that he heard someone say to Kublai Khan in a low voice: "There seems to be one person in the carriage."

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