Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2309: poisonous

During the conversation, they reported that they had arrived. The door of the tent opened and a few people walked in. Song Qingshu Yile, who turned out to be old acquaintances, was a tall and thin person with a bloodless face and a zombie appearance. Naturally, he was the Xiaoxiangzi.

The second person is extremely short and extremely black, he is from Tianzhu's master Nimo Xing, the third person has a high nose and deep eyes, curly hair and yellow beard, and is a wicked man, but he is wearing a Han costume with a pearl hanging on his neck and a jade bracelet on his wrist. Jewelry is naturally Yin Kexi.

Three people came in behind them. The first one was tall, his face was half black and half white, and there was an inexplicable power between his eyebrows. Kublai Khan then introduced that this was the head of the Snow Mountain School, Mr. Weed, who was free.

Song Qingshu thought of meeting the assassins of the Snow Mountain Sect in the jail in Jingzhou City, and learned from them that the Snow Mountain Sect had taken refuge in Kublai, but this was the first time I saw their head. This is the self in the book. A crazy old man? Listening to his breathing and footwork, his internal strength is quite good, but how is it different from the others of the Xueshan School?

Last time in the Lingjiu Palace and his entourage, I also dealt with people from the Snow Mountain faction. Those disciples' swordsmanship can only be said to be quite satisfactory, but the internal strength is too far away for nothing.

At this moment, the pretty figure of Axiu could not help but came to mind. The shy little girl gave him a pretty good impression, but it was a pity that he didn't seem to follow her in vain this time.

This is not a bad thing. There are many super-class powers in Helincheng, and molesting women are all in pediatrics, and snatching relatives on the street happens from time to time. With the abilities of the White Freedom and the Snow Mountain faction, she may not be able to protect her well.

"In addition, there are two top masters. The Karmapa has dealt with them before. This is a Daoist Daoist, and this is the master of the King Kong. They are both top masters of a school of masters." Kublai’s words brought Song Qingshu out of contemplation. Waking up, looked at the two in surprise.

Aren't they under Ruyang Palace?

But immediately relieved, Ruyang Palace is now in trouble, these two people are not the kind of loyal guardian of noble character, it is expected to change the door decisively, but this way, Zhao Min's people can use less and less.

Although King Jinlun Fa was a bit disdainful of the two people's character, he had played against them and admired their martial arts, but he did not dare to neglect, and warmly exchanged old greetings with the two.

The two of them had just changed their doors, and they were a little nervous at first, but now they see the attitude here.

, A hanging heart couldn't help but let go of most of it, and the smile on his face grew more and more.

Then Kublai Khan gave a grand introduction to Dazong Shuiyue and Yang Guo to these people, and his words were not stingy with beautiful words.

It’s nothing more than Shuiyue Dazong. Everyone under Kublai Khan knew that he was the top master of Temujin snare, but for the young Yang Guo, he looked like a little white face, and he also had a broken arm. One by one is not so convinced.

The Daoist and King Kong Sect Master had just changed their gates, but they didn't dare to jump off and take the lead. Bai Zizai took refuge in Kublai Sun for a long time without these worries, and said coldly: "Yang Guo? Why haven't I heard this character in Central Plains? , The prince is not going to cheat others."

Kublai smiled without saying a word. Obviously, he was used to the temperament of these masters under his command.

Yang Guo smiled slightly. He didn’t want to argue, but the Golden Wheel Fa King said in a secret message: "Brother Yang, Mongolia doesn’t pay attention to hiding clumsiness. If you want your prince to take care of you in the future, you need to show your own value. Wait a minute like this..."

Yang Guo frowned, and after all he stretched out his chopsticks to clamp a large piece of fat beef, and said: "This piece of beef is the fattest piece of beef on this plate. I didn't want to eat it, but thanks to the great love of the prince, this plate of beef Put it in front of me. Whoever is interested, can take it away." As he said, he held his chopsticks and stopped on the plate, waiting for everyone to come.

Song Qingshu was immediately happy. Yang Guo, you also said that you don't have any cannon-friend trades with the King of the Golden Wheel, and you can even play with him.

"Da Zong thinks who can eat this piece of meat?" An ethereal and pleasant voice came from beside him.

Song Qingshu looked back and saw that a woman in a white skirt had already stood by her side. Her extraordinary beauty instantly became the focus of the audience. Even Yang Guo was stunned when she saw her, feeling this goddess temperament. He seemed to be like his aunt, but he immediately snorted in his heart. Aunt is the most beautiful woman in the world, and how can other people compare.

Kublai’s eyes also showed a stunning look, but he immediately regained his composure, and said with a smile: “I’d like to introduce to you all, this is the girl Jin Bingyun from the Magician’s Palace. She was a deserted alley when she first appeared in Helincheng. I don’t know how many men’s hearts have been captured, and now they are almost becoming Mongolia’s first beauty in many people’s hearts."

Jin Bingyun said lightly: "The prince is really exaggerating.

Zhang, Bingyun can't afford such a name. "

Song Qingshu was a little unhappy, and said to the side: "As far as I know, isn't the first beauty of Mongolian Princess Shaomin of Ruyang Palace?"

Kublai’s breath suffocated, and he smirked: "Princess Shaomin is naturally also extremely beautiful, but...hehe..." Now that Ruyang Palace is down, he doesn't know what to say for a while.

The Taoist Baihua on the side said: "The princess's posture of heaven and humanity is just too majestic on weekdays, not as amiable as Miss Bingyun. In addition, according to Mongolian practice, the married woman loses the first place in the competition. For the qualifications of beauty, although Princess Shaomin is married, everyone knows that she has committed herself to the golden snake king Song Qingshu. Naturally, she needs to judge the new first beauty."

Kublai nodded and said: "Haha, what the Taoist said is right, it is the truth."

Song Qingshu chuckled twice: "But as far as I know, Miss Jin and the magician Pang Ban are also recognized as a pair."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone's expressions changed. Although everyone knew it well, no one had ever clicked it. The Daoist Taoist laughed a few times, and he didn't dare to discuss the matter of Pangban.

Jin Bingyun's expression finally fluctuated, as if he was ashamed, angry, and lonely, reaching out to stop the people in the Magician Palace who were preparing to attack: "A big misunderstanding. There is only a relationship between master and apprentice between me and my master and nothing else."

"Really?" Song Qingshu's eyes lit up.

"Naturally take it seriously." Jin Bingyun frowned slightly.

Song Qingshu leaned close to her and said with a smile, "Doesn't this mean that I can also pursue the young lady?"

"You!" Jin Bingyun's effort to cultivate qi was finally broken, and he snorted and walked away.

The King of the Golden Wheel on the side gave him a thumbs up secretly, and Kublai also looked at him with a complicated expression: "No one has ever dared to do this... molesting her, Da Zong is really brave."

Song Qingshu laughed and didn't say a word. She didn't know why Jin Bingyun deliberately approached herself, but after this storm, she was always embarrassed to come again.

This woman is indeed beautiful, and her elegant and refined temperament is fatal to men, but the more she is like this, the more vigilant Song Qingshu is, and she hopes to be as far away as possible from this woman, thinking of the kind of Taoism that the King of Red Sun said at the beginning. Magic plan, this woman... is poisonous!

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