Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2310: The culprit

The rest of the people were still immersed in Jin Bingyun's peerless appearance, and Bai Zizai, who was not good at femininity, first turned his attention to the piece of beef held by Yang Guo: "Since you don't want to eat it, don't waste the prince's good intentions."

After speaking, he stretched out his chopsticks and quickly clamped it. His chopsticks were about to touch the beef. One of the chopsticks in Yang Guo's hand suddenly came out, and when he touched his chopsticks lightly, his arm shook sharply, almost squeezed. Yang Guo's chopsticks had been retracted in time, holding the beef.

Bai Zizai's heart shuddered, and he couldn't help shouting: "Good internal strength!" He boasted that his internal strength was strong. Now, even though it is instantly touched, he has felt that the opponent's internal strength is not under him, and he immediately put away his previous contempt. I grasped the chopsticks and leaned forward.

This time, his chopsticks were mixed with Snow Mountain Swordsmanship, and he took the beef with skill, but Yang Guo had been immersed in the Jade Girl Swordsmanship and Quanzhen Swordsmanship for many years. Later, the Jade Girl Suxin Swordsmanship defeated the King of the Golden Wheel. In addition, in the Dugu Sword Tomb, I realized that the epee has no edge. It is purely on the sword. There are only a few people who beat him in the world. Where can I see the swordsmanship in the Snow Mountain?

I saw that Bai Zizai used fancy moves several times to approach, but Yang Guo just changed the angle of his chopsticks a few times at will, which sealed all the changes in his subsequent moves, making Bai Zizai's old face flushed with embarrassment.

However, after all, he is a figure who has been famous for decades, and he immediately realized that his moves were not a strong point. When he was young, an adventure led to a large increase in internal strength before he stood out from the crowd. There is no need to use his own shortcomings to attack the opponent's strengths.

After understanding all this, he no longer put the swordsmanship into the chopsticks, but firmly grasped the chopsticks and went straight, pursuing head-to-head with the opponent.

The chopsticks of both parties directly touched three times, and suddenly with a click, the chopsticks in Bai Zizai's hand broke into four pieces, and two pieces fell on the table.

Looking at the interrupted chopsticks, he was in a daze, and couldn't help asking: "This is impossible! How did you develop such a powerful and domineering internal strength at your young age?"

"Practice day and night in front of the tide." Yang Guo played well in the inner strength of the ancient tomb sect. Later, he got the help of the gods and took the courage of the snake which strengthened the inner strength, and then practiced in the rough water. The inner strength can be said to be thousands of miles. .

Even Song Qingshu secretly nodded his head. Compared to the last time he parted, his internal strength was much higher. As for Bai Zizi's internal strength, it was not weaker than Yang Guo, but the method was too rough. Yang Guo had a taste of the epee without front. Jian Yi just used the sticky word tactics, letting most of Bai Zizhi's internal strength wasted, and then took the opportunity to break his chopsticks.

"Sure enough, he is a young hero," the King Kong master urn on the side said angrily, "but I have lived in the Western Regions for a long time, and I don't need chopsticks when I eat. Be careful."

After talking about the five fingers like iron claws, he slammed into the flesh. He just saw the match between Bai Zizai and Yang Guo. He didn't dare to underestimate this young man. He already treated him as a master of the same level. Housekeeping skills vigorously pointed the King Kong.

Yang Guo stretched out a chopstick on the right, trembling like lightning, and tapped five acupuncture points on his palm, wrist, back of hand, tiger's mouth, and middle finger.

Normal masters would definitely have to withdraw their moves and dodge in this situation, but the King Kong Sect Master didn't seem to see it, and he still stretched his hand straight over.

Yang Guo was stunned. The chopsticks had already been clicked on the other's acupuncture points, but he felt as if they were falling on top of gold and iron. He immediately understood that he was practicing extremely domineering horizontal kung fu.

He hurriedly withdrew his chopsticks, but it was too late. The Vajra sect master flipped his wrist and grasped the chopsticks in his hand tightly. The chopsticks were instantly shattered into dregs by his strong vajra fingers.

Yang Guo sighed secretly, just now fighting with Bai Zizai's internal strength, the chopsticks had already suffered a hidden injury, so even if he had his own internal strength to protect him, he couldn't stop the opponent's claw.

However, he reacted quickly. He threw the meat in his hand into the sky, and the remaining chopsticks drew forward like a bolt of lightning. Yes, it was not a tricky movement such as picking and stab, but a fierce pumping. It's like a steel mace.

Hearing a crisp sound, Yang Guo's chopsticks shattered again, but the King Kong Master quickly shrank his hands behind his back as if he had been scalded by boiling water. Song Qingshu's eyes were sharp and he kept rubbing his face when he saw his hands hidden behind his back. The Upper Five Views also wrinkled, like a dried orange peel, obviously pained by the whip.

Yang Guo picked up his finger, and the two chopsticks in the bamboo tube flew into his hand again, and then caught the beef that was about to fall, looking extraordinarily cool.

"Okay!" The people around cheered. The Mongols are the most important hero. He looked weak and handsome and looked down upon him. Now, seeing him retreat from strong enemies, he is still so handsome and handsome, and he has a great affection in an instant.

There are little stars in Feng Nu's eyes, and she keeps pulling Song Qingshu's sleeves: "Master, this Young Master is so handsome, so handsome..."

Song Qingshu looked around for a week, not to mention she and the other Mongolian women, even Jin Bingyun's look at Yang Guo, who looked like a cold road, was full of brilliance.

"How hot-headed I was before I went to grab a woman from this humanoid spring medicine." Song Qingshu was terrified when he thought of it. Fortunately, Yang Guo was a little slower in feelings, plus he had too many routines from later generations. Relying on the arrangement of fate, can there be a chance to intervene between him and the dragon girl.

Thinking of the Little Dragon Girl, Song Qingshu secretly sighed. Although the two had been close enough after all sorts of things, they couldn't take the last step, and she was obviously avoiding herself, obviously she still couldn't let go of Yang Guo completely.

"I always feel like I'm playing with fire." Song Qingshu was quite confident at first, but once again witnessing Yang Guo's charm, he was really worried about gains and losses.

At this time, the Daoist person on the side said gloomily: "Since you push me to give this piece of beef, let me eat it." After several trials just now, he knew whether this young man was internal strength or internal strength. Martial arts are all top choices, but after all, a broken hand is a natural weakness in this regard.

So he put his hands together, one hand went to grab the beef, but the other hand attacked his broken arm.

"This guy is really shameless." Song Qingshu was secretively contemptuous, thinking that it is no wonder that he and the King Kong sect master were very high at first, but then they felt weaker and weaker, and their original cultivation skills could only be used. Seventy to eighty percent, in the final analysis, it is still a little worse. Which of these master-level masters is not a person of arrogance and self-respect, but these two people are not only willing to be running dogs, but they are also shameless and shameless in doing anything.

At a certain level of martial arts, the role of mentality is very important, which is why they are obviously masters of the same level, some can beat one enemy and many, and some can only dominate the few.

But this is Song Qingshu who blamed the two of them. The reason why the King Kong Sect Master and Bai Hou Taoist fell into the land like this is largely because of him. They have been defeated several times in the hands of him at a young age. No matter how high their spirits are. Being beaten into doubts about life, master-level masters originally had to go through a stage of martial arts obstacles. In the past, Xiao Yuanshan martial arts far surpassed Murong Bo in the Yanmen Pass battle, but he later hid in Shaolin Temple for decades to steal cheats, but Murong Bo chased the same. The level is because of the delay in breaking through the barriers of martial arts.

The master of the King Kong Sect and the Daoist Bai Hou had already passed the stage of martial arts barriers, but in recent years, Song Qingshu has forcibly beaten new martial arts barriers...

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