Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2311: congratulations

Despite this, the cultivation base of the Taoist Baishui was still there, and it was very cold when he shot, and some onlookers around involuntarily stepped back two steps to avoid being hit by the pond fish.

"You are too despicable, knowing that Big Brother Yang broke one arm, he even deliberately attacked here." The grandson girl in green was suddenly anxious.

The Taoist Bai Hsiao has lived for decades, and an old face has been hardened to be thicker than the city wall. He laughed loudly after hearing this: "I regard Brother Yang as an equal opponent, and naturally I will try my best to show my respect. If Brother Yang doesn't think it is. Yes, I only use one hand."

Yang Guo's arrogant temperament, he snorted, "No need!"

Talking about the side of the body, the empty sleeve was like a snake, instantly entwining the palm of the Daoist Baihua who attacked.

Song Qingshu couldn't help but admire Yang Guo's ingenuity. The self-created set of sadly ecstasy palms really made a difference, and made the most of his sleeves, body shape, and legs to avoid the disadvantage of severed hands.

The Daoist Baihui only feels that he casts a violent palm as if hitting a ball of cotton. He wants to pull his hand back and throw away the other's sleeves. How can he know that a powerful internal force suddenly surges from the sleeves, how dare he be careless? Hurriedly transported the palm of the **** Xuan Ming to deal with it.

The two of them shook together, with one arm and one sleeve, and they froze like that.

The cold poison contained in Xuan Ming's palm was originally extremely advantageous when competing for internal strength, but the vigorous internal strength that Yang Guo had cultivated in the ocean tide was even more fierce, and for a while, neither side could do anything about it.

The Daoist Baishui was jealous of the opponent's internal strength and did not dare to use the full strength of the mysterious palm, worried that the cold poison would be shocked by the opponent and hurt him, so he placed the victory and defeat on his other hand.

I saw that his palm flipped sharply, and he didn't go directly at the beef, but with a cry, he cut off at Yang Guo's wrist.

Yang Guo stood still with his arms, upside down his chopsticks, and trembling again. The Taoist Baihui suddenly felt that the tip of his chopsticks touched his mouth and hurriedly retracted. Yang Guo turned the chopsticks back, still holding the beef, he took out the chopsticks to tap acupuncture points, quickly and incomparably, shaking back several times, the beef has not yet fallen.

Everyone around can understand that in this instant, the two have exchanged several tricks. Although Yang Guo took out the chopsticks very quickly, the Daoist of Hundred Damage could withdraw his hands in time when there was no room for hair, and the martial arts was also solid.

After several consecutive attacks, they were quietly resolved by the opponent, but the Taoist Baihui became more and more anxious. He has been famous for decades, but now he is tied with a young junior, and his face is really a bit uncontrollable.

The two light and fluttering chopsticks made him seem to be heavier than Taishan in the hands of the other party, making him dare not to accept it every time.

Feeling a bit of a disadvantage with his bare hands, the Taoist Baihua suddenly grabbed a pair of chopsticks from the side and snapped the piece of beef. He had been using his bare hands for a long time, and Yang Guo was mainly defending against his attacks. go with.

In such a moment, the meat piece was pulled over by the opponent for half a foot, but he reacted quickly, his wrist flicked, and a strange force gushed out, and he moved the beef back to his side again.

Watching that piece of beef move a few inches in the direction of Yang Guo for a while, and then move a few inches in the direction of the Taoist Baihua. The beef was covered with a layer of frost for a while, and then it exuded wisps of heat. The people around admired it. Obviously everyone They all understand that the two are fighting each other with extremely deep internal forces.

But in comparison, everyone admires Yang Guo more, and the most unpredictable competition for internal strength. He is so young that he can match the internal strength of the Daoist for decades, which is really shocking.

At this time, Jin Bingyun's red lips lightly opened: "The two are both princes and distinguished guests. This competition is for fun. If there is any death or injury in the internal force, it will not be beautiful."

Kublai Khan also came out and said, "That's right, this king has seen the martial arts of every gentleman, so please stop now."

"Be careful to follow the decree of the prince." As soon as this statement was meant to harm the Taoist people, the slightest internal force competition would be either death or injury. He and Yang Guo didn't have any unsolvable grudges, so why bother to get to this point. .

Yang Guo obviously had the same idea, and the two gradually withdrew their internal strength in a tacit understanding.

"A piece of meat is robbed by so many people, is it really so delicious?" At the first word, it clearly felt that people were still a little far away, but at the last word, the sound seemed to sound in the ears. Quickly, it's really rare in the world.

A silhouette flashed at the door, and one person reached out and snatched the fat beef on the chopsticks of the two, and put it in the mouth to chew.

Everyone was taken aback at this moment, and stood up at the same time. When he looked at the man, he was an old man with white hair and white beard. His face was red and he smiled. I saw him sitting on the underground blanket, pulling away the white beard with his left hand, and sending the beef into his mouth with his right hand, eating loudly.

Daoist Baihui recalled that although he and Yang Guo had both withdrawn a lot of internal power, the old man was able to grab beef from the two with such ease. The technique used was really shocking.

Yang Guo smiled slightly: "It turns out to be Senior Zhou."

Song Qingshu also recognized him. Zhou Botong, an old naughty boy, saw him walking with Hong Qigong last time in Leigushan. Two days ago, I was wondering why I only saw Hong Qigong but didn't see him. I didn't expect that Cao Cao and Cao Cao would be there.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh, it's cold and hot, and the meat is messed up. How can this beef be so unpalatable." Zhou Botong quickly spit out the beef in his mouth.

At this time, the warrior guarding the palace had already chased him, screaming: "Catch it." Four spears had already been pierced into his chest. Zhou Botong stretched out his left hand, grabbed four spearheads, and said to the side: "Yang Guo, take some good beef to eat, I'm very hungry."

The four Mongolian princes pushed forward hard, but they didn't move. Even if they tried to regain it, the four of them made their faces flushed. The four spears seemed to be cast in an iron mountain, and they couldn't turn back even half an inch.

Yang Guo gave a slight, picked up the plate of beef on the table, flew towards him and said, "Please use it!"

Zhou Botong picked it up with his right hand, pinning it on his chest, and suddenly a piece of beef jumped up and flew into his mouth, as if he had been alive.

Everyone in the room watched it interestingly, saying that he could play magic and cheered, but the masters such as Jinlun Fawang knew that he was a part of the palm of his hand, pushing a certain piece of beef out of the plate. Ordinary people knocked hard across the plate, it could have caused the beef to jump, but the meat must be flying together, and the juice is dripping. It is impossible to make the beef jump out one by one. This person's palm strength has actually reached everything. In a comfortable situation, everyone at the table could not do it for themselves, and they couldn't help being in awe.

Kublai said, "Brother Yang, is this old gentleman your friend."

Although Yang Guo knew Zhou Botong’s martial arts was high, he also knew that there were so many masters in the house and there were so many Mongolian warriors. If he swarmed around, Zhou Botong might be a little dangerous, so he said, “Yes, this old gentleman is my year-long friend. The Central Plains is also famous, known as Zhou Botong, an old naughty boy."

"Since it is your friend, then it is the king's friend." Seeing his martial arts, Kublai Khan waved his hand to the Mongolian warriors.

The four embarrassed Mongolian warriors were amnesty, and they couldn't regain the spear with force just now, but they didn't dare to let go. Mongolian military laws are extremely strict, and abandoning the weapon before battle is a capital crime of decapitation. Fortunately, the prince speaks, otherwise they really don't know what to do.

"Hey, how did you go." Zhou Botong threw a few spears on the ground when he saw it. At this moment, he had eaten a plate of beef cleanly. However, he was a little dissatisfied. With his right hand raised, the plate took off and flew, making an arc in mid-air, flying flat against the tabletop, and hitting a plate of roast lamb, and the plate of lamb flew towards him. The empty plate went several circles on the table, and stopped moving.

It turned out that what he used was "Tai Chi Jin", like a Tai Chi diagram, repeating and breaking continuously. If he throws a plate in an open area, the plate will go round and round. This force is not very difficult. Many people who are good at illusion art are good at this skill. What is difficult is that the force is just right, and it happens to fly to the table and hit the empty plate. Then the empty plate is stopped, and another plate is set. The food was delivered to him.

Song Qingshu was impressed. Zhou Botong learned the Profound School of authenticity, and he has integrated the Nine Yin Scriptures for decades. I am afraid that he can't compare with him in the subtleties of technique.

Zhou Botong laughed, very proud, his palms were very lucky, the roast lamb leaped up piece by piece, and he ate his meat to the full, and then looked at Yang Guo: "Hey, what about the little dragon girl, why didn’t you go with you? Huh?"

Before Yang Guo could answer, he asked and replied: "Oh, it seems that I remembered it. I heard the old beggar say that it seems that Xiaolongnu was robbed by that Song Qingshu. This is a good thing. Congratulations!"

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