Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2315: Commission

"This dog thing!" Song Qingshu instantly understood what he meant, and couldn't help being furious. He really wanted to slap him on the face, but seeing the Mongols everywhere nearby, he suppressed the impulse in his heart.

"As far as I know, Aman and Yalixian are both famous beauties of the Tieyanbu, and they are the wife and daughter of Cheerku, the first warrior of the Tieyanbu. I'm afraid it is not so easy to hand over, right?" Song Qingshu He didn't answer directly, but quietly changed the subject, and at the same time was a little puzzled, Yalixian should have died in "White Horse Howling to the West", is this world still alive?

Elder Wusun snorted: "Now that my Mongolian empire is so strong, which tribe on the grassland dare not obey the orders? Besides, this time we are cowardly Xue Jun to go, and they can't make it."

Song Qingshu said in a deep voice, "I think this trip might not be so smooth."

The old man Wusun laughed and said, "I know you are reluctant to bear the wind girl, but I will talk about it when I see the two beauties in Tieyanbu, maybe you will beg me to change."

After speaking and leaving, Feng Nu angrily rushed over: "If you dare to change me to him, I will..."

"How about you?" Song Qingshu laughed.

"I'll expose your identity!" Feng Nu bit her lip tightly, obviously shocked by this old man.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill someone?" Song Qingshu looked at her lightly.

Feng Nui stepped back subconsciously, but immediately laughed: "Don't be afraid, how could the master be so cruel."

Song Qingshu said: "In fact, you don't have to worry about it at all. If you really want to do to you with the old man Wusun's cultivation, you can make you just think it is a dream afterwards, and you don't even need to stay behind.

He didn't tell a lie. With the spirit of Wusun old man, ordinary women can meet him. He can use hypnosis to make women dedicate themselves. If necessary, he can erase this memory.

If it weren't for Shuiyue Dazong, Fengnu might have been used by him a long time ago. Speaking of lust, this old man is extremely cautious and never touches people who shouldn’t be touched. For example, his eyes were full of desire when he looked at Princess Alan before. Obviously, he was not without unreasonable thoughts in his heart, but he was able to be sober. Hold it, and you won't take the slightest risk.

As for Aman and Yalixian of the Iron Yanbu, that background is not at all dangerous to one of the four largest households like Wusun.

Feng Nu couldn't help but shuddered: "Master, if I really get killed by that old man...you will kill me with a single knife, it's disgusting."

Seeing that the fright was almost complete, Song Qingshu smiled and said, "Don't worry, you will be fine with my protection."

"Thank you." Feng Nu gave him a complicated look.

At this moment, Princess Aaron of Kung Fu had almost said the farewell words. The leader of the Xue Xue Jun, Boer, suddenly ordered to set off, and the group of people swarmed out of Helin City and headed southwest.

Song Qingshu observed silently along the way, Bolhu’s cowardly Xuejun, Wuchen’s subordinates, and Wusun’s subordinates, there are a total of about 2,000 people, all elite warriors, and such a force is sufficient to suppress the current grassland. Part of the tribe.

In comparison, I was alone and widowed. It's not right. At any rate, there is a Feng Girl as his subordinate.

He also noticed one thing on the way. Compared with the army of the Central Plains Dynasty, Mongolian soldiers each had three horses, and they would alternately rest after running for dozens of miles. This way they could march at high speed without even having to rest in the middle. With a kettle and prepared dried meat for meals, it’s no wonder that the Mongolian army is coming and going like wind, making all countries frightened.

Song Qingshu was fine. Not only did she have a high cultivation base, she also entered and exited the battlefield many times. This kind of marching intensity has long been accustomed to it. Layer of skin.

He threw a bottle of wound medicine: "Find a chance to apply it on the leg, it should be better."

"Thank you!" Feng Nu's face turned red. There are men in all directions. How can she have a chance to paint this stuff in full view?

Fortunately, not long after, the army had to stop and rest for a while. Although the horses can run in a different way, the people also have to go to the toilet. Feng Nu found an opportunity to sneak aside, and came back after a while. Seeing her stretched brows, she must have worked well.

Then he marched all the way. It wasn't until the evening when Bolhu ordered to encamp. Soldiers in each camp began to set up tents in an orderly manner. Others were busy cooking and cooking, one by one, only Song Qingshu had a good time.

No, the old man Wusun also returned to the tent early to rest. Although his cultivation level is high, he is old after all, and he is walking on the path of Lord Fa. His body is naturally weaker. The bumps on this road have caused him a lot of hardship. , Only thinking of Tie Yanbu waiting for his favored 30 beauties, did he persist.

Seeing his rickety and trembling back, Fengnuo cursed secretly: "Such a weak body is so lustful, and one day she will die on a woman's belly."

Song Qingshu nodded with the same sympathy. Before fighting against him, he clearly felt that the old man Wusun was in a bad shape, but he turned out to be such a good girl.

However, the other party is a master in Mongolia, so naturally he can't kindly remind the other party to pay attention to his body, wishing him to die sooner.

At dinner, Orchen invited everyone to drink in his tent. Obviously, it also meant to get closer to each other. Song Qingshu has already had experience in dealing with the dinner here in the past few days. After the guests enjoyed themselves, he returned. Go to your tent to rest.

It was very cold at night on the Mobei Grassland. Except for patrolling outposts, everyone else hid in tents to rest. Song Qingshu and Fengnuo were arranged in a tent. After all, they were marching and it was impossible to give Fengnuo alone. Prepare the tent.

Song Qingshu did not pretend to refuse. He was thinking about how He Fengnv would sleep, and found that she was already asleep in the quilt, and she could feel her graceful curves through the quilt.

This bed warmer is also competent!

Song Qingshu chuckled and walked over to get into the bed. Suddenly, the warning sign rose sharply in his heart. He hurriedly hid behind him, and a shimmering dagger stabbed out of the bed.

But soon stopped three inches away from his neck, it turned out that Song Qingshu's **** had firmly clamped the blade.

"I didn't expect Da Zong to be so powerful in his hands." The woman on the opposite side smiled, not at all panic.

Song Qingshu let go of the dagger, and snorted coldly: "The princess made a secret calculation, what does it mean?" The woman in front of her eyes seemed to contain a puff of spring-water, and there was a distinctive charm on the face of the goose egg, no Who is lost in the sea?

"It's just a joke with Da Zong, why should Da Zong mind." Hai Mi lost the dagger again, and couldn't help but admire, "Da Zong's reaction and agility, presumably the entire Mongolia, there are few comparable."

"You don't need to wear a high hat, what are you doing here suddenly," Song Qingshu laughed. "It's not the princess who gave me a cannon from thousands of miles, right?"

"Send the cannon?" Hai Mi was taken aback. "Are you talking about returning the cannon from the Western Regions? That thing is so heavy and heavy, how could I bring it here alone."

"Ahem, when I didn't say it," Song Qingshu was somewhat uninterested, "What are you doing this time?"

Hai Lost also put away the frivolous smile, and said sternly: "I said before that there will be some problems in the future to ask for help, now things are coming."

Song Qingshu frowned: "What's the matter?"

Hai Lost leaned to his ear, and said in a low voice: "Faan Dazong find a chance to kill Wuchen."

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