Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2316: Guilty

"There is absolutely no such possibility!" Song Qingshu flatly refused.

"Why?" The charming smile still hung on Hai Lost's face, "You are the only expert guard on this trip. With your martial arts, it is not difficult to kill Orchen."

"Just because I am his guard, I can't kill him." Song Qingshu snorted, he didn't want to provoke a commotion.

Hai Misao went around in front of him and said with a smile: "It's not because he is Princess Alan's father. You can't help but do it, right?"

Song Qingshu replied coldly: "It has nothing to do with her. Is it a trivial matter for a person like Orchen to be assassinated? I did promise you before, and I did something for you to repay the kindness of the last time without embarrassment. Including such things."

Hai Lost also put a smile away, and his tone was stern: "Aren't you afraid that I will expose that you are not the real Shuiyue Buddhism? And you don't have to go back to Helincheng, just ran to inform Wuchen and Wusun old man, they Then I will mobilize troops to capture you, and then you can only rise up to resist, and I can achieve my goal as well."

Song Qingshu didn't move at all: "It's a big deal that the fish die and the net is broken. Then I will shake out the princess organizing the army to rob Xu Liewu, and see who can't stand it first."

"Oh, people just made a joke with you, why are you so serious?" Hai Mi Shi pushed his shoulder to him, his face melted like ice and snow, and a smile burst out in an instant, "How could I let the bulk take such a big deal? What about the risk? When the time comes, you only need to leave a little bit at a certain time, and naturally my people will do it."

"Okay!" Song Qingshu thought for a while. Although he has been sent to protect Orchen now, it is impossible for him to stay at all times. If he finds an excuse to leave for a while, it won't lead to suspicion.

As for Princess Yalun’s entrustment, Song Qingshu would naturally not be so stunned that he came here because a woman broke his original intention. If it can make Mongolia chaos inside and weaken Mongolia’s strength, he would of course be happy to see it.

"Bao Zong is really quick to talk." Hai Mi poured two glasses of kumiss, "I wish us a victory."

Song Qingshu was not afraid of her being poisoned. After clinking glasses with her, he drank it, and suddenly reacted. The other party probably didn't think of asking me to do it at the beginning. The reason why he said that was just to retreat, let me agree to the latter condition.

"Even if I'm not here, Wu Chen has Boer Suddenly with Xue Jun, as well as old man Wu Sun and many generals, who are you going to send, are you sure?" Song Qingshu asked.

Hai Mishou smiled slightly: "Dai Zong still knows as little as possible. This is also for the sake of Zong, otherwise you will inevitably find it in trouble afterwards."

Knowing that she didn't want to say it, Song Qingshu gave up and asked: "It's freezing outside now, why don't the princess rest here tonight?"

"It's good, it's a pity there is only one bed here." Hai Lost looked around in the tent, and finally let out a long sigh.

Song Qingshu arched his hands: "If this is the case, I will reluctantly warm up the bed for the princess, and promise not to let the princess get the slightest cold."

Hai Lost chuckled, "You are so courageous, which makes me more and more curious. Who are you?"

Song Qingshu replied: "If the princess has the leisure and elegance to go to Wushan with me for a trip, then she will know it by then?"

Hai lost and took a few steps back without showing a trace: "Hey, I don't have this blessing, and there are important things in my body that need to run all night, not to mention that I don't want to disturb you and Feng's good day. See you next time. "

As soon as the voice fell, the graceful figure disappeared into the darkness.

After she went out, Fengnv came in from the door, Song Qingshu gave her an angry look: "You guy, together with her, calculate me?"

Feng Nu's nose was flushed red from the cold, and her face turned pale when she heard the words: "I also hope that the master will forgive me. I dare not disobey the princess's order."

Song Qingshu said strangely: "Actually, I have never understood that now the emperor is destined not to be in the Wokuotai system. Strictly speaking, the princess Hai Lost is also a ruined residence. Why are you so afraid of her?"

"The reason for this cannot be explained to the master, and I hope the master will forgive the sin." Feng Nu was hesitant.

Song Qingshu glanced at her, and didn't push her anymore, and said, "It's getting late, go to sleep."

"Yeah~" Two red clouds gradually rose on Feng Nu's face, and she stretched out her hand and started to undress.

Song Qingshu flicked her finger and tapped her sleeping acupuncture point directly. Now he doesn't want to provoke love and debt to his upper body casually. Besides, he was fighting with Zhao Min every day some time ago. If he comes back now, his body will not be beaten by iron. The juicer also takes time to recover.

When he woke up the next day, Song Qingshu ignored Feng's resentful eyes and went directly to discuss matters with Orchen and others. At the same time, he tried to see if he could find any clues and find out who the killer was preparing for the lost sea.

Looking at the back of Song Qingshu's departure, the resentment in Feng Nu's eyes gradually disappeared, replaced by a relaxed look, Hai lost let herself approach him and seduced him, and now it doesn't matter to her that the opponent refuses.

The large group went all the way to the west. After about ten days, they finally arrived at the Tieyan Department.

The members of the Iron Yan tribe had already heard the news to greet them. The patriarch Suluk led the tribe and his group to greet the largest tent. As for the rest of the army, his subordinates took them to settle nearby.

Song Qingshu kept secretly observing that the Tieyan people had high eyes and wide noses, and their appearance was not only different from the Han people, but also obviously different from the Mongols. Studying the marching map, this place should be near Kazakh in later generations.

The males of the Tieyan Department were born extremely majestic, and they were all outstanding warriors, but the number was not large, and hundreds of them were killed. The women who appeared occasionally in the tribe were indeed tall and graceful, with average appearance. Yes, it's no wonder that the old man Wusun has been talking about it. For the share of the 30 beauties here, he has the courage to make a deal with Huazheng.

In addition to the patriarch Suruk, another middle-aged man named Cheerku was the most majestic. Song Qingshu had done his homework on the way there. He knew that the first warrior of the Iron Yan Division was Suruk, but Cheerku competed with him back then. At that time, he was a few years younger than him, and he had not yet reached the peak, so the loser has been unconvinced. Now that after so many years, it is really uncertain which of the two is stronger.

Suluk is Supu’s father. Song Qingshu met Supu and Li Wenxiu when he went north to Mongolia; Cherku was Yalixian’s husband and Oman’s father. The mother and daughter were two generations of Tie Yanzhi. Hua, I don't know if it is his luck or misfortune.

If it were in a peaceful age, this would be a great blessing, but in these troubled times, two women with beautiful names will inevitably attract the coveting of unruly people, such as the old man Wusun.

However, at this time, the old man Wusun maintained that kind of mystery and respect, and did not show any lust. It seems that he can still distinguish the importance of the matter.

Uchen and Bor suddenly explained the purpose of this trip to Suluk and others, and when they heard that they were going to the nearby desert, the people in Tieyan's Department showed a look of horror.

Suruk hurriedly said: "Our tribe has been passed down from generation to generation. There is a terrible demon living deep in the desert who specializes in taking human lives. No one has ever come out of the desert alive."

Bol suddenly said dismissively: "I have tens of thousands of elite soldiers under my command. These years have been invincible in the world, even if you are afraid of any evil spirits? You just need to find me a guide."

Song Qingshu secretly laughed, saying that these Mongols had a straight bow. He didn't expect to tell a lie without blinking. He could blow tens of thousands of people to 2,000 people. He wanted to deter Tie Yanbu.

Seeing that the persuasion could not be achieved, Suruk and others had no choice but to say: "As far as the knowledge of the desert is concerned, my son Supu belongs to the tribe. Let him be your guide." As the patriarch, he naturally has to take the lead and take the lead The son sent it out.

Cherku on the other side also said: "My two disciples Camel and Sansil are also good at this, let them go together."

Suruk thought that they would take care of them, but he did not refuse.

At this time, the old man Wusun who had been silent suddenly said: "I heard that there is a girl in your tribe named Aman who is also proficient in identifying the way, let her be together."

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