Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2323: shadow

The Mongolian troops walked westward for dozens of miles. According to the guides, Supu, Sansil and others, the Gobi was behind from here, and the next oasis would be far away, so Orchen ordered the troops first. Rest and supply here.

A smile crossed Song Qingshu's face. How did it feel like the service station on the expressway in the past life, but if you miss the service station on the highway, you will not be able to get to the toilet or add oil, but in the Gobi Desert, if it's not good For supplies, if you miss an oasis, you will probably pay the price of your life.

Gobi... Listening to those people shouting one by one, the beautiful and gentle woman of Jin Guo appeared in Song Qingshu's mind, and the corners of her mouth could not help but rise slightly.


Song Qingshu suddenly felt itchy in his nose, and sneezed several times in a row, wondering if it was someone who was talking bad about me behind his back?

The movement he made caused Aman who was aside to look over, and said softly: "Now this season, the climate on the grassland changes greatly from day to night, and most of you Han people are not used to getting sick easily. You use this herb on the side of your nose. The symptoms should be better."

While talking, he handed over a sachet, a few dried herbs faintly exposed from the sachet, which more and more set off the whiteness and delicateness of her wrist.

Seeing her eyes were red, and she was obviously still worried about her mother's safety, Song Qingshu couldn't help but smile: "The little girl has a good heart, but I am not a Han, but a Dongying."

Since he had to do a full set of the show, he didn't want to be seen by his Mongolian companions.

"Dong Ying, I have never heard of it before. Where is Dong Ying?" Although there was still worry between her eyebrows, the girl's longing for the outside world made Oman's beautiful eyes sparkle.

"In the far east, after reaching the sea, you have to travel thousands of miles across the ocean to get there." Song Qingshu explained.

"So far?" Aman couldn't help but smack his tongue. "I haven't seen the sea in my life."

Song Qingshu subconsciously replied: "I'll take you to see the sea if I have a chance." Jin Snake Camp is located in Shandong, and the sea is everywhere. Shenlong Island, Peach Blossom Island, and even Xia Ke Island, and even deep in the sea, entertain her anywhere. You can see the sea.

Aman blushed, "Thank you, but Supu will take me there. Don't bother you."

"But I was abrupt." Song Qingshu smiled apologetically, "I will entertain you together if I have a chance."

Aman's eyes lit up: "Okay."

"Aman!" Supu, who was not far away, rode over at this time, staring at Song Qingshu with a somewhat unkind expression.

"Supu, this uncle said that he would entertain us to play with him and watch the sea." Aman looked at his lover with some excitement.

Supu snorted and stretched out his hand to pull Aman aside: "What's so good about the sea? Is it nice to have the scenery on the grassland? My father said that Han people are not credible, and ghosts know what bad ideas they make."

Feeling the youth's hostility, Song Qingshu laughed blankly. Of course, he would not be angry about this. The only curious thing was that he looked close with Li Wenxiu last time. What is the relationship between these three people now?

It's a pity that it is not convenient for him to ask, otherwise it will be troublesome for Supu to make sure he didn't admit the wrong person.

"He is not Han, he is from Dongying." Aman looked back at Song Qingshu apologetically, and hurriedly explained to his lover.

"Dongying people? Never heard of him. Seeing his wicked eyebrows, he is obviously not a good person. Stay away from him in the future. These men all see you beautiful and greedy your body." Even though Su Pu deliberately lowered his voice, No way can I hide Song Qingshu's eyes and ears.

Aman's face flushed, and he whispered, "Supu, you can't think other people so badly."

Su Pu snorted: "Did you forget your mother? She is so beautiful..." As he said, he noticed Aman's face was pale, and hurriedly apologized: "I didn't mean that, your mother will be safe. Yes."

Aman ignored him and walked to the other side by himself.

Song Qingshu in the distance took a look at the herbal medicine in his hand, bearing the love of this little girl, but didn't want to see her so sad all the time, so he said in secret, "Don't worry, your mother has nothing to do, wait for your reply. When in the tribe, she will greet you at home."

Aman looked around in shock: "Who, who is talking?"

Supu who caught up with him was confused: "I'm talking to you."

Aman shook his head: "It's not your voice."

At this time, Sansier on the side suddenly said: "It is said that there are evil spirits in the desert in the tribe. Isn't it the sound of evil spirits?"

As soon as the words were spoken, several people from the Tieyan tribe around him shuddered. At this time, Camel, another apprentice in Cherku, smiled and cursed: "Sangsil is really a coward. There is still some distance from the desert here, even if there are evil spirits. I won't run this far."

Both Sansil and Camel are apprentices of Cherku. Camels are as powerful as a camel, so everyone calls him that way, but few people even remember his real name. Sansel is shorter and walks agile. The way.

Hearing his ridicule, Sansier's face flushed red: "Nonsense, when have I been afraid!" The young man in the tribe, who doesn't admire Aman, loses face in front of his sweetheart, is willing to give up. Quickly fight with the camel.

Only Aman held his hands on his chest and prayed secretly in his heart. The voice was not terrible at all. It certainly wouldn't be a devil. Could it be that God pityed us and specially told my mother the news?

When I thought of this, I was refreshed. I found a quiet place and prayed very religiously, but it was a pity that the voice never appeared again.

She knelt quietly on the grass, her face was pious and holy, like a goddess in the sky, even the Mongolian soldiers around her who were used to burning, killing and looting could not raise the blasphemy heart for a while.

Song Qingshu glanced in the direction of the old man Wusun, and saw that he was sitting on the ground with his eyes closed, apparently trying to force poison, and he was secretly relieved. Fortunately, he was poisoned. Otherwise, there will be nothing wrong with Aman on the road. It's really hard for me to handle it.

After finishing the supply here, Wuchen and Bolsu greeted their tribes separately to set off, and the group continued to travel westward in mighty force.

The more we go westward, the more desolate we can see, and we can see a lot of small bushes before, but now we can only see a touch of green, more of the dry and half-buried roots in the desert. It's all yellow sand.

After walking for more than a hundred miles, I finally arrived at the next oasis. At this time, it was already dark, and Wuchen and Bor suddenly ordered a large group of troops to camp and rest here tonight.

The Mongols originally planned to set up tents, but they were stopped by Supu. It turned out that the desert here would be cold and windy at night, and sometimes sandstorms would blow up. Ordinary tents could not support it at all.

Then, together with Sansier and Camel, they taught everyone to dig the bunkers, and then lay them in the pit wrapped in blankets. A dozen bunkers formed a circle, and a big fire rose in the middle, so that they could keep out the cold and not afraid of wind and sand.

The Mongols were accustomed to fighting in the South and North. After the order was passed on, the soldiers soon dug their own bunkers and lit a bonfire to share the food.

After Supu guided the Mongolian soldiers to dig the pit, he was about to go back to talk to Oman. He accidentally annoyed her during the day, and he didn't know if he was relieved at this time.

When passing by a sand dune, suddenly a hand stretched out from the shadow to pull him in.

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