Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2324: Preoccupied

Su Pu was shocked. He was also a famous warrior in the Tieyan Department. He was about to draw a scimitar and slashed past. He suddenly saw the delicate and beautiful face in front of him. He hurriedly took the knife and grabbed her with surprise: "Ah. Show, it's you!"

The girl in front of me was naturally Li Wenxiu. He was very happy when he noticed his excitement, but he still withdrew his hand quietly: "You and Aman are all day long, so how can you think of me."

"Aman...hehe...I..." Supu scratched his head awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

Li Wenxiu sighed quietly: "I know your father hates Han people the most, so you don't have to explain anything to me. I came here this time to save you."

"Save me?" Supu was taken aback, looking at him with some unknown reason.

Li Wenxiu said, "Do you remember the last time we were chased by Chen Yuanda, and then we fell into the hands of another villain."

"How could I forget that!" Supu felt a bit cold in his back thinking about it now.

Li Wenxiu said strangely: "Then why are you still with that wicked person, like a okay person?"

"That wicked man?" Su Pu was taken aback, "Isn't he dead already. He was killed by that great Han hero. I didn't expect that there were such great heroes among the Han. His methods were too high and he looked like a god."

"That prince is indeed amazing." Recalling the demeanor of that person at the time, Li Wenxiu's starry eyes are full of splendor. "But what I want to talk about is the wicked one who was killed. Now he has appeared again, and he is with you. The Dongying person in, I asked someone in the tribe to find out, it seems to be called Shuiyue Dazong."

"It's him!" Supu exclaimed, "No wonder I think he is a little familiar. I asked it at the time, but he denied it directly. You know, I think you all look the same, but I didn't think about it."

A faint resentment flashed in Li Wenxiu's heart. Could it be that I am no different from other Han women in your eyes, but she is still not jealous at this stall, and hurriedly calmed her mind and said, "It's him, I won't admit it. "

Su Pu originally had some doubts in her heart. Now that Li Wenxiu is a Han, she naturally recognizes the difference between Han people. Listening to her so sure, there is no doubt in her heart. Why is he suddenly resurrected again, is he the legendary desert evil spirit?"

Li Wenxiu rolled her eyes and didn't know what was going on. Tie Yan's department was afraid of the legendary demon. Her father belonged to the Imperial College. Since she was a child, she had been fascinated by the Four Books and the Five Classics. Naturally, she didn't believe that there really were any demons in the world: "That's what people pretended!"

"People?" Supu opened his mouth in surprise.

Li Wenxiu nodded and looked at the direction of "Shuiyue Dazong" in the camp: "This person is pretending to be Shuiyue Dazong. Obviously, he is unpredictable, and you have previously exposed that you have witnessed his death. Although he has dealt with it, he is sure Don’t rest assured, in order not to reveal your identity, most of you will choose to kill you."

Supu was furious: "My Scimitar is not a vegetarian!"

Li Wenxiu deliberated his words and persuaded him: "Although you are considered brave in the tribe, what you have learned is more applicable to battlefield battles. I am afraid that the fights in the rivers and lakes are not as good as those of the martial arts masters."

Su Pu was instantly discouraged: "Yes, the last time I faced the Shuiyue Sect, I had no power to fight back."

Li Wenxiu said: "Since this person can pretend to be Shuiyue Dazong, he probably won't be inferior to him. We definitely can't stand head-on with him."

Supu suggested: "Why don't I go to expose his identity. There are thousands of warriors in Mongolia. No matter how good his martial arts is, can he beat thousands of troops?"

Li Wenxiu hesitated for a while or shook his head in denial: "No, what if he and the Mongolians are in the same group? Think about it, how can they really fail to see any flaws when they get along for so long? On the contrary, it will fall into great danger."

"That's not okay, that's not okay, then what should we do?" Supu suddenly became anxious.

"Don't worry, in the next few days, you can tell me about it, quietly inquire to see if the Mongols know his identity, and then make a decision." Li Wenxiu was a little guilty when she spoke. You can meet Supu often.

Supu doesn't care about him: "This plan is very good! Then you have to hide it alone, and don't be discovered by the Mongolians. It is said that the Mongolians like to **** a beautiful Han girl like you and become his wife."

Li Wenxiu stared at him with a faint smile: "Why, are you reluctant?"

Supu's face was hot, and he blurted out: "You are my friend, of course I don't want to see that happen."

"Is it just a friend?" Li Wenxiu's heart flashed sadly, and said hurriedly, "You go back quickly, it will be suspicious if you come out too long."

"Well, take care of yourself." Supu stretched his head out of the sand dune and took a look. Seeing that no one noticed him, he quietly returned to the camp.

In the next few days, the group of people stopped and went deeper and deeper into the desert. Later, even Sansil hadn’t been to these places. Suddenly, Borsud had to send his cavalry scouts to divide them into several places and explore them. The troops are stationed to rest.

When Song Qingshu was meditating and practicing, he suddenly moved in his heart and opened his eyes to find a beautiful young girl walking near him, her face full of hesitation.

"Girl Aman, what can I do?" Song Qingshu was a little curious.

Aman bit his lip lightly, hesitatingly said: "I have a lot of things in my heart, and I don't know how to say it, but I can't find anyone else here."

Song Qingshu chuckled lightly: "Aren't you and Su Pu very close, why not tell him?"

Aman suddenly became anxious: "Can't tell him!"

Song Qingshu suddenly said: "I want to come to the girl's heart is related to Supu." This little girl is really innocent, probably because she said a few words to herself at the beginning, said she invited them to see the sea, and then treated herself as a good person. Oh, hey, if she changes her person, I'm afraid she won't know if she was sold.

Aman's face blushed, and he hummed inaudibly: "It's just... during this period he suddenly became mysterious, and he was absent-minded when talking to him, and sometimes he sneaked away from me without knowing. Which girl is meeting with."

Song Qingshu said strangely: "Apart from you, are there other girls in this team?"

Aman shook his head: "Although I didn't see it, I can feel that he must have gone to see a certain girl."

"So are you jealous?" Song Qingshu laughed. In fact, these days he also noticed someone peeping, but the opponent's martial arts were low-minded, and he didn't care at all.

"No," Aman sighed faintly. "In fact, he doesn't have to avoid me. According to God's teachings, a man on the grassland can have several wives. I won't say anything about him. The only thing that saddens me is He deliberately lied to me deliberately."

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