Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2331: Reunion

"Slave?" Song Qingshu was taken aback, "What the hell?"

Aman explained: "At this time, the rules of our grassland tribes are that the captives become slaves to their masters. They must listen to their masters, and cannot escape or betray, otherwise they will fall into the fire cave after death, and they will not be supernatural. That person just captured me and made me swear to be his slave girl. Now you snatched me back. It stands to reason that I should be your... slave girl, but we are friends again. You know me and Supu’s Relationship, uncle, can you not want me to be your slave girl?"

Seeing her solemnly explain to herself, Song Qingshu was speechless. The girl was so silly and sweet that she had reached an amazing state: "Are we friends?"

"Ah?" Aman exclaimed, "So you didn't treat me as a friend..." I thought that the two of them had a very pleasant conversation before, and told him that he didn't regard himself as a friend. It was aggrieved and fearful, and he looked eager to tears.

Song Qingshu had a headache: "Okay, I won't let you be a slave girl."

"Really?" Aman was pleasantly surprised, his beautiful eyes seemed to glow.

"Of course it is true." Song Qingshu said as he untied her hands, and helped her sit upright.

"Then are we friends?" Aman blinked and looked back at him.

Song Qingshu couldn't help but said, "Are you so unsuspecting everyone?"

Aman looked puzzled, apparently didn't understand the meaning of his words, and subconsciously said: "If I treat people well, people will naturally treat me well. Why should you be wary?"

Song Qingshu originally wanted to say something, but looking at her innocent look, he finally gave up: "Okay, fools are stupid."

He used his super-powerful machine to avoid risks along the way, and selected the weak links on the battlefield to slowly move to the outer layer. Of course, if there weren’t such a big sandstorm and the face could not be seen from a meter away, he brought a I am afraid that the delicate girl can't escape from the battlefield so easily.

Don't tell me, holding a soft body in your arms is much more comfortable than touching the camel's hump. Oman originally talked to him at first, but soon a blush rose from his neck.

"Or I'd better go down," Aman whispered.

Song Qingshu replied: "Now you understand what I said just now, right?"

Aman was even flushed with embarrassment. Just now, the other party reminded her that if she let go, she would blame him for taking advantage of it deliberately. As a result, she didn't understand this at all.

The space between the humps was originally small. Two people were squeezed together very closely, and even the warmth of each other's skin could be faintly felt. For Oman, this would be too intimate.

"Hold on for a while, and when you are completely out of the battlefield, I will put you down." Now Song Qingshu naturally disdains a little girl's advantage, but there is no need to deliberately slow down the schedule by doing Liu Xiahui.

Aman glanced back, and could still vaguely hear the sound of fighting in the sand. She had to hum. Although she was a little uncomfortable, she was definitely not the kind of savage temperament, and knew that she could not lose sight of her smallness.

After riding a camel for a while, Aman suddenly exclaimed: "Sen...Forest?"

Following the direction of her finger, Song Qingshu was also a little surprised. How could there be such a large forest in the depths of the desert? Could it be that the dust storms and wars before, everyone has come to the edge of the desert without knowing it?

Originally, I was worried that it was a mirage. It was not until the two of them arrived in the forest that they were convinced that they were not dazzled.

"Let’s take a rest here first." Song Qingshu got off the camel. The two of them sat in such a small space just now. The girl's body was rubbing against him constantly. Although he didn't take the initiative, she was a little different after all. it is good.

Seeing him take the initiative to go down, Aman sighed in secret, and said: "Okay~"

Fighting in the wind and sand for most of the night, I didn't expect that the sky was almost bright at this moment, and the sunrise on the horizon was vaguely visible.

Song Qingshu gave birth to a pair of fires and took out the dry food from the camel's bag and distributed it to Oman. Aman was obviously hungry, but he still chewed slowly. He couldn't help but sigh that the good-looking women are so good-looking even when they eat. .

Maybe it was because he hadn't slept all night, or because he was afraid of hurting God, Aman fell asleep leaning on a big tree after eating. Song Qingshu also began to close his eyes to rest up after putting on a layer of clothes for her.

I don't know how long it took, when a loud noise suddenly came from a distance, Song Qingshu and Aman were awakened one after another.

Looking at the clothes he was wearing, Aman blushed slightly and said to Song Qingshu, "Thank you."

Song Qingshu nodded, then flew to the top of the tree and looked at it for a while before coming down. Aman asked nervously, "Is the enemy chasing it?"

"Enemy? Who do you think is the enemy and who is the friend?" Song Qingshu couldn't help but sigh.

Aman replied: "Of course the enemy was the one who attacked us last night. Friends? Naturally, it is Supu and the others, and of course you." She wanted to talk about the Mongols, but she didn't know why. She thought of Bolhu. Before I had to be frivolous about her, it was impossible to associate them with friends.

"Sometimes seeing it may not be true. The enemy who attacked us last night may not be the enemy, and the one who was with us last night may not be the friend." Song Qingshu knew that she probably didn't understand it, so she changed her words, "It's a group of scattered Mongolia. Soldiers, probably dozens of people, and Supu is also with them."

Wuchen, Wusun, and others were all here, but all of them were ashamed. Wuchen’s helmet was missing. The shirt on his body was stained with blood. I don’t know if it was his own or the enemy. The old man Wusun had an arrow wound on his shoulder. After a rough bandage, the blood still stained his white robe.

As for the other Mongolian soldiers, they were even more miserable, and they had nothing to do with a broken arm or leg. On the contrary, the Supu people are in a much better state, as if they haven't experienced many battles. Could it be that the people from the Tieyanbu really colluded with the wooden table and the Lunbu?

Aman on the side suddenly jumped up when he heard the news of his lover: "It's great that Supu and they are okay."

"Huh, there are people over there?" The movement and fire here alarmed the Mongols in the distance. Those people were like enemies, one by one pulled out a machete and a duel posture.

"All of them." Song Qingshu knew that they had been attacked last night and they had become frightened birds, thinking there was an ambush here.

Seeing that it was him, Wu Chen couldn't help but sigh: "I was shocked, thinking that this time I was going to bury my life here."

The old man Wusun on the side noticed that Aman was with him and seemed to be very familiar, and he couldn't help but snorted: "Dazong's skill in oiling the soles of his feet is really good, and he fled to this safe place early."

Before Song Qingshu had time to answer, Wuchen said, "Hey, you can't say that. No one can see the dust that was so big last night, and it's normal to go away. It's just like you and I just rejoined. Together."

Song Qingshu nodded secretly, worthy of being Princess Alan's father, but with some tolerance: "Are you the only ones left?"

Wochen's expression was heavy: "I am afraid that the rest of the army has been wiped out. These people have finally escaped." During this treasure hunt, he did not even touch a piece of hair in the treasure. As a result, the two thousand Mongolian troops were completely wiped out. The army was annihilated, and even the main general Bor suddenly died in battle. How can I deal with Da Khan when I go back?

Supu, who was on the side, was in a good mood at this time. He thought that Aman had been killed, but the elf-like girl was now standing in front of him and hurriedly ran over: "Aman, you are fine...Huh?" Suddenly noticed the clothes draped on his lover, which was another man's clothes, and his face changed drastically.

At this time, Aman said: "Thanks to the uncle, if it weren't for him, I would have been caught by the culprit and become a slave girl."

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