Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2332: Road to hell

"Slave girl?" Supu's face changed, and he hurriedly asked what was going on. Aman told the story of his arrest.

Hearing that she was rescued by Shuiyue Dazong, Supu looked grateful, but when he knew that the two of them inherited the same camel and their lovers were taken advantage of by other men's arms, he was very upset and his eyes were full. Hostility.

Wuchen, Wusun and others looked weird, thinking that Shuiyue's great luck was good, and he was given this kind of hero's chance to save the beauty, but what did he do for it? Wouldn't it be bad for her to be his own slave girl?

Is it to curve to get her heart? These Dongying devils really know how to play.

It's fine for Yichen, he is about to marry the princess, but Wusun is a little unhappy. You must know that Yalixian and Aman have long been regarded as impunity by him. How can he tolerate others' involvement?

It’s just that now he has just experienced a big defeat, and he has been injured again. It’s not easy to turn his face with Shuiyue Dazong at this time. After hesitating, he said to Wuchen: “It’s better to return to Helin to gather the people and get back to this. hatred."

As long as he returns to Helin, the resources that can be mobilized with his status are far greater than those of Shuiyue Dazong. Then how can he compete with himself? If you continue to stay here, let Aman and Shuiyue Dazong's flower bush veteran mix together, and the ghost knows when the head soup is drunk by him, then he will suffer a lot.

However, Yi Chen immediately rejected the proposal: "No, we went out to find the treasure this time. Not only did we find nothing, but the enemy was wiped out by the enemy. Even Borhu was killed. How can I go back? Sweat confession? At least you have to find the treasure!"

Elder Wusun thought that he would be punished after returning home. In addition, he thought that the army of the wooden table should be nearby. Maybe he was waiting to ambush them on his way home from the east, so he stopped talking, just thought secretly. Next, we must pay attention to it, and don't give Shuiyue a chance to start.

Supu originally wanted to take the Omani people back to the tribe, after all, they had never been to these places, and they could not act as a guide. At the same time, he also wanted to take Aman away from danger, especially the Dongying people, who always felt that he was the most dangerous. As for the previous agreement with Li Wenxiu, after I sent Aman back, I would look for them again afterwards.

However, his proposal was directly rejected by Yi Chen. As soon as they are now losing their troops, they do not have many manpower in their hands, and then one more person will have a bit more strength; more importantly, if they leave, they will leak their group’s information. Whereabouts, isn't that all over.

Noting that the surrounding Mongols quietly put their hands on the handle of the knife, Supu and the others knew that if they didn't agree, they might be bloodied on the spot, so they had to stay in the team in desperation.

"Supu, I am a little scared, I feel that these are not good people." No matter how innocent Aman is, he also feels the strangeness in the team, especially the last time Boer suddenly intended to behave against her, which made her hate the house and the Uganda. , Of course, someone must be excluded from this one.

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you." Supu patted his chest and said, and Sansil and Camel on the side also offered comfort, but they both lacked the confidence in their hearts.

"Supu, will they let us go after they find the treasure?" Aman asked suddenly.

Supu frowned, and Sansil and the camel also gathered around and whispered: "In my opinion, these people probably won't let us go. We have to make early plans."

Supu nodded. Fortunately, Axiu and her sister: "Don't worry, I have plans for the next thing." At the same time, the smile of Axiu's sister appeared in her mind, and the whole person was a little strange?

Hey, she doesn't seem to smile at me, so why do I think of her smile.

Sansil and Camel hurriedly asked what plan they were. Supu looked horrified and didn't say anything. Although he was a bit reckless, he also distinguished the importance and importance. If the Mongols knew about it, it would be over.

The Mongolian group took a temporary rest. Wu Chen Ze convened a meeting with Wusun, Song Qingshu and others. He pointed to the distant mountain range and said, "I am accompanied by people who are good at geography. He pointed out that according to the terrain, Gaochang country should not be established. In places where there is no water source, and this utterly ugly oasis, it may be near the ancient country of Gaochang."

"Oasis?" Song Qingshu looked at the endless mountains and forests, and wanted to say that this is also called an oasis?

"It's possible that the underground water veins have changed for thousands of years to create this mountain forest in the depths of the desert," explained a chromatic man next to Wuchen. Obviously he should be the master of geography. Many things are essentially interlinked. Bian is called the geomancy, and other ethnic groups have their own names.

"Report, footprints were found in the distance!" The scout sent out to investigate rushed back.

"Footprints? How many people are there?" Or Chen Lima became nervous. Could it be that the people from the wooden desk were chasing him?

"It's like the footprints of a person," the scout replied.

"A person? How can there be people in this place?" Wuchen, Wusun and the others stared at each other, really don't understand how footprints appeared out of thin air in the depths of the desert.

"This area has snowed in the past two days, so the footprints are still very clear, extending to the depths of the mountain, and the subordinates did not dare to continue investigating, first come back and report." The scout continued to report.

"Could it be the evil spirit in the desert?" Sansil and the camel trembling all over, and their voices were full of panic. Obviously, the legend they had heard since childhood was carved into their bones.

"Evil ghosts?" Wochen and Wusun sneered. They naturally wouldn't be afraid of these illusory legends. "It seems that some people pretend to be ghosts, and it turns out that someone deliberately walked out to avoid the treasure being discovered."

"Since someone leads the way, it just saves us to look for it. Pass the order and set off immediately."

Song Qingshu couldn't help but said, "Could someone deliberately set an ambush?"

Wusun laughed and said: "Da Zong is really so timid... Hey, so cautious, if it is from Mu Zhuolun's clan, since they already know where we are, there is no need to waste this effort; if not, the other party only has to One person, are so many of us still scared?"

Or Chen smiled and said, "The shaman is right, everyone, let's go!"

Everyone followed their footprints into the depths of the mountain. The hills and rocks were rugged, and the more difficult it was to walk. Fortunately, the footprints in the snow were very obvious, but the mountains were sinister and the roads were rugged. In fact, there was no road at all. It's just walking through the hillsides and valleys, seeing the endless distance in front of you, and the two tracks in the snow seem to go straight to hell.

Su Pu became more worried. What if Axiu and his sister run into evil spirits? There will be nothing wrong, right? Sister Axiu's martial arts is so high, she must not be afraid of evil spirits, but it is evil spirits, is martial arts useful?

Sansil, who was on the side, also saw a little hairy in his heart, but he didn't want to show his timidity in front of the goddess, so he said to Supu, "Supu, you are shaking all over, you are not playing when you are scared. Why not just wait for me here Well, if you find a treasure, I will give you a share."

He and Oman are childhood sweethearts, and once competed with Supu for Oman, the relationship will naturally not be very good.

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