Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2337: shadow

Seeing that everyone chose this direction, I was happiest than Oman, because Supu was arrested here.

A group of people walked for a long time, and the fork in the cave was unknown. Every fork in the cave, Wu Sun fell into meditation and eliminated a few impossible forks. Sometimes he couldn't make up his mind. Everyone had to choose a road randomly. Along the way, Wu Chen used a knife to mark the mountain wall, so as not to find the original way when he came back out.

I don't know how long I have been walking. Suddenly, my eyes suddenly opened up, and a large open space appeared. At the end, there were two more iron gates embedded in the big rock.

Or Chen Daxi: "Have you found the place where the treasure is hidden?"

A group of people hurriedly walked across the clearing and came to the door. Or Chen asked Sansil to turn the door knocker again, but the door was concealed. With a light touch, it opened with a sound of "Yeah".

When everyone walked in, they saw that there was a hall inside. The four walls were decorated with clay sculptures and wood carvings of Buddha statues. Entering from this hall, there was a continuous row of houses. There are Buddha statues in most rooms. I accidentally saw a few Chinese characters on the wall, which were written "King of Gaochang Kingdom", "Wentai", "Thirteenth Year of Zhenguan of the Tang Dynasty" and so on. There is a hall where the offerings are all statues of Han people. In the middle, there is an old man. The plaque reads "The position of Confucius, the most sage master of Dacheng." "Gong", "Zixia", "Zizhang" and other names.

Sansil and Aman looked at a loss, Wu Chen also frowned: "Who are these people?"

"These are the ancient sages of the Han people." Old man Wusun was knowledgeable and explained, "It's really weird. The people here obviously believe in God. Why are there so many Buddha statues and Han statues?"

"Box! Treasure!" Suddenly a Mongolian soldier pointed to the pile of boxes in the middle and cried out excitedly. Not waiting for Orchen's order, a group of people ran to the treasure box frantically, from last night's fiasco to today's series of events. Everyone has been suppressed for too long, so how unhappy that they finally found the treasure?

Everyone had the same idea, and put more gold and silver jewelry in their pockets. After the Mongolian army broke the city these years, everyone did that. Whoever grabs it will be counted. The people above will not care, not to mention. This time Yichen has already said that the treasure is divided equally.

Wuchen and Wusun didn't go there. They naturally had to pay attention to eating before they got under their hands. Anyway, they couldn't be lost in the end.

Song Qingshu was with Aman. Aman looked around and didn't see Supu's figure. His eyes were extremely sad. In order to comfort her, Sansil took the initiative to rush to the other rooms to see if there were any clues.

"Huh? What is this?" The Mongolian soldiers opened the treasure chest, and did not see the imaginary gold ingots or the like. The chest was densely packed with green particles. "Is this a gem?"

A Mongolian soldier picked up one and looked at it in front of his eyes. It seemed to be carved with textures. It looked a bit like a sculpted insect. The engraver was part-time and vivid.

Song Qingshu followed the prestige, but his hair was about to stand up, shouting: "Throw it away!"

"What?" The Mongolian soldier turned his head blankly, while the others sneered secretly. He heard that Gaochang was rich in gems. It was too late to put these gems in their pockets and throw them away? Is it neurotic?

Just as the Mongolian soldier turned his head, the "emerald" in his hand suddenly moved, and the carved feet on it suddenly stretched out, showing a layer of cracks on the surface, and soon a bug shook its head and got out of it.

The Mongolian soldier felt a sharp pain in his hand. When he looked back, he found that the insect was biting his finger. He subconsciously wanted to throw it away, but where could the insect bite so tightly?

Just about to get the knife to get it, the bug bit his flesh and blood and went straight into his hand, forming a visible bulge on his arm that constantly moved like a shoulder.

Although the Mongols are brave and brave, how can they ever see such a thing? He suddenly screamed in fear. If he slashed at his arm with a knife, he might be able to save his life, but how can a normal person make such a decision?

At that moment of hesitation, the bulge had moved along his shoulders to his neck, and then to his face, temples...Finally, his whole body trembled and fell heavily to the ground, his mouth wide open, very Almost a bug crawled out of his mouth.

The whole process has been described for a long time, but it actually happened in a short moment. Perhaps it was the smell of blood or the call of the same kind. The "emeralds" in the box awakened one after another, as if they had become the ones in hell. The evil spirit bit at the nearest person.

The screams of the Mongolian soldiers came and went one after another. The worst thing was that many people were greedy and stuffed a lot in their arms. As a result, a lot of bugs were transferred directly to his stomach, and his flesh and blood were eaten up quickly and turned into a corpse. .

Why did Song Qingshu react so much, because he recognized this thing at a glance. When he saw the "Mummy" series, the tide-like scarab beetle swallowing the human body left him a huge psychological shadow, except for the color green. Point, the others are exactly the same as the scarab.

The densely packed bugs in the box all recovered, and the Mongolian soldiers screamed and were thrown down quickly, and then they were covered with green bugs, and it didn't take long for them to turn into a bunch of skeletons.

The remaining insects scattered around the house, looking for new prey. Seeing that the whole house was about to be filled with green insects, everyone ran out desperately. Song Qingshu was no exception. This thing gave him too much shadow. , I don't want to get a little bit of it with them.

While running, I saw Aman who was knocked to the ground, and hurriedly pulled her into his arms. At the same time, I saw the stunned Orchen next to him, and subconsciously pulled him together.

He didn't know how far he ran, Song Qingshu could no longer hear the sound of the worms rustling behind, so he stopped, panting heavily.

"Just...what was that." Aman's voice was still trembling now.

"It should be a scarab. It feeds on the flesh and blood of creatures. It is often placed in ancient tombs to prevent tomb robbers. However, this thing should be produced in Egypt, how can it appear here." Song Qingshu Xin said with lingering fear.

"Thank you for saving your life this time." Or Chen, who was paralyzed on the ground, said with a pant. It was the first time he saw such a weird thing after so many years of fighting in the South and North.

Song Qingshu was taken aback for a moment and didn't understand why he saved him just now. It seemed that it would be better for him to die here silently. However, in that situation, it was difficult for him to die, and in the final analysis he was too soft-hearted.

Forget it, Princess Arlene gave her a gift specially at the beginning, and this time she will pay her a favor.

"Uncle, did you see Sansil?" Aman grabbed his sleeve tightly and asked with some fear.

Song Qingshu replied: "I just saw him and Wu Sun and others running from another direction. He wanted to come to rescue you, but he was forcibly taken away by Wu Sun."

"He is fine, God bless." Aman breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Song on the side couldn't help saying, "It stands to reason that there are hundreds of years without a thousand years. What kind of insects can live for so long."

Song Qingshu hasn't answered yet, a gloomy voice faintly came from the deep passageway in the distance: "I have lived here quietly for a thousand years, and no one dares to disturb me. Whoever comes here boldly, immediately dead!"

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