Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2338: expose

Aman said in surprise: "It's an evil spirit! He...he said he has lived here for a thousand years."

As he said that, he grabbed Song Qingshu's hand and hid behind him. Song Qingshu replied, "Is there any evil spirit, this is a man pretending to be." At the same time, his eyes fell on her and her fingers interlocking hands, unavoidably a little puzzled, this The girl is so simple that there is no concept of protection between men and women?

Can you see that she is not like this to other men besides Supu? So she didn't treat me like a man at all?

At this time, Or Chen said bitterly: "This person should be the man behind the scenes, who caused the death of so many of our warriors. This account must be settled with him."

After speaking, he drew his waist knife and rushed in the direction of the sound, Song Qingshu also took Aman's little hand and followed.

"Who is pretending to be a ghost here!" Hearing Sansil's voice from a distance, followed by another scream, a heavy object fell heavily on the ground.

There was another jealous laugh in the tunnel, and the voice repeated: "I have lived here for a thousand years, I have lived for a thousand years. Everyone who came in died."

"Sansil!" Aman exclaimed. She heard that her companion might have encountered an accident. Song Qingshu took her around a corner and saw Sansil had fallen to the ground.

It was dark in the tunnel, and Aman might not be able to see clearly, but Song Qingshu looked at things like day, naturally he could clearly see that the corners of his mouth were bleeding, and his breath was gone.

On the other side, Elder Wusun led a few Mongolian soldiers around a figure. Those Mongolian soldiers trembled one by one. If Elder Wusun hadn't stood in the battle, they would have dispersed and fled.

Aman let out a cry, if it weren't for Song Qingshu, she would have fainted with fright.

The figure in the middle looked faintly a human figure. Under the light of the fire, I saw this ghost wearing a white robe with blood covering his face. The white robe was also dripping with blood. The figure was extremely tall, at least five feet taller than an ordinary person. Jing Ye looked terrifying, the ghost suddenly stretched his hands forward, ten nails were longer than fingers, and his hands were covered with blood.

The ghost Jie Jie smiled weirdly and said sharply: "I have lived in the maze for a thousand years. No one is allowed to disturb me. You are so bold to stop me?"

Elder Wusun sneered: "Pretend to be a god, give it to me!"

The ghost was about to ridicule, suddenly stiffened, and then fell heavily to the ground. Wusun walked over to tear off his **** white robe, and found a man with the appearance of a Tieyan tribe lying there, and his There are two stilts under his feet, no wonder he was so high before, with a robe shrouded in the outside, others can't see it, only subconsciously treat him as a tall ghost.

At this time, everyone remembered the strange footprints they had seen before. It turned out that the stilt had stepped on the ground.

"What kind of magic do you use?" The man looked at the old man Wusun in horror.

Wusun laughed: "Aren't you a demon, and you are also afraid of magic? Who are you, and who are you instructed to deal with my Mongolian people here?"

"Bah, you Mongolian dogs are nasty and shameless. You deserve to die!" the man gritted his teeth and cursed.

Or Chen was furious, and drew a scimitar to cut him, but was stopped by Song Qingshu, and wanted to find out his identity first.

The movement here attracted the attention of that person. He noticed Aman next to Song Qingshu, and a fascination flashed in his eyes: "It's so beautiful, as beautiful as your mother when she was young, no, your mother is also beautiful now."

Aman was surprised, hearing him mention his mother, and seeing that he was a human and not a ghost, gradually overcame the fear in his heart: "You know my mother."

"How can I not know, hey, I almost became your father." When the man said this, his tone was full of unwillingness and annoyance.

"How do you talk nonsense." Aman's face flushed, and the other party took advantage of her mother, making her very angry.

"I'm not talking nonsense. My name is Varazzi. Have you ever heard of it?" The man looked at Oman with anticipation in his eyes.

"Valrazi?" A flash of confusion flashed in Aman's eyes, then suddenly remembered something, and subconsciously said, "It's the **** who wants to steal my mother."

As soon as the words were spoken, there was a trace of confidence on her face: "Excuse me, that was my dad's original words just now."

Valrazzi chuckled and said, "The old Cherku dog, this is indeed his style. Did your mother mention me?"

Aman thought for a while, then shook his head: "I don't remember."

Varazzi’s look in expectant eyes was suddenly full of disappointment, and then he fell into extreme anger: “That **** didn’t miss me at all. I had known that I shouldn’t be lenient in the first place. A single shot took her life. Don’t even think of anything you can’t get."

Aman blushed with anger: "You are not allowed to scold my mother."

The old man Wusun on the side was impatient: "You two are endless, don't think about it, no one can save you this time."

Varazzi sighed, and there was no fear in his eyes: "I should have died a long time ago. I have earned money after living for so many years. Do you think I will be afraid?"

After speaking, he looked at Oman: "Are you afraid of me?"

Aman pursed his mouth, and did not answer, but just subconsciously hid behind Song Qingshu. Varazzi looked at the way she was intimate with Song Qingshu, then looked at the old man Wusun on the side, and suddenly laughed: "You and this Is the old man a friend?"

Aman opened her mouth and didn't know how to answer. If she said yes, it would definitely be against her heart, but if she said no, she was also worried about hurting the old man. After all, the other party had spoken for herself when Bor suddenly wanted to invade herself. In one sentence.

Seeing her expression, Varazzi understood her heart and sneered: "So the little girl is easy to be deceived. You still treat this shameless person as your friend. Did you know that she was in the tribe that day and she pretended to be Your father ran to your tent and almost humiliated your mother."

"Ah!" Aman looked at Wusun incredulously, wondering if it was him that night?

Wusun didn't care at all. There were no other people from Tie Yanbu here, and he was not afraid of revealing the stuff. He just stared at Varazzi in a gloomy manner, gritted his teeth and said, "You were the man in black that night?" The poisonous needle has broken him during this period.

Vallazzi smiled and said: "Even I didn't get Yalixian. You old man wants to eat swan meat. How about the taste of my black blood **** needle?"

"You're looking for death!" The old man Wusun was furious, and was about to slash him with a palm, but was stopped by Song Qingshu.

"What are you doing?" Wusun looked at him warily.

"He has been in this maze all year round, and he should be familiar with this maze." Song Qingshu said lightly.

Or Chen on the side also nodded and said, "Yes, it is most important to find the treasure now." At the same time, he cursed in his heart that this guy had sneaked into the tent of the Yali Fairy. He did not warn about the Ministry’s attack, it turned out to be a poisoned needle. Humph, I couldn't escape the guilt when the army was annihilated this time, but because of this factor, everything can be pushed to him.

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