Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2339: Scramble

"You bad guy, you actually want to insult my mother!" Aman's eyes were angry, and she had to work hard when she pulled out the scimitar. Although she was a bit weaker, it was only compared to other Tieyan people, and was not out of the gates of Jiangnan. Compared with the ladies of Mai, she is a woman from the grassland after all, and the spirit of martial arts is carved into their bones.

It's a pity that she is facing a top figure in the world. Wu Sun just glanced at her casually, and she stiffened, unable to move at all.

"What kind of demon technique is this?" Aman Huarong paled. At this time, she had the same doubts as Valrazi just now.

"The ignorant man in the mountains, how can I understand the old man's magical skills." Wusun snorted, and reached out to touch the other's smooth face. He had long wanted to start, but unfortunately he couldn't find a chance.

Aman had never seen such a shameless person. He originally thought that Bol was bad enough before, but after all he just wanted to bully himself. The old man in front of him was not only unruly to her mother, but he also thought about himself. At the same time, the idea of ​​hitting their mother and daughter, why doesn't God punish him?

But now she was unable to resist, she could only watch the dry and disgusting hand of the other party getting closer and closer to her body.

At this moment, a cold light flashed, and the old man Wusun gave a strange cry, jumped back a foot, and looked at Song Qingshu with a vigilant look: "Sure enough, you are still making a move. What do you mean? Is it because you want to make peace? Am I right?" When I went to touch Aman just now, most of my attention was on guarding him, and only then did he avoid the knife in time.

Song Qingshu stretched out his hand to push the palace and promote blood circulation on Aman, and quickly lifted the restriction on her body, while coldly replied, "I would like to ask you what you mean."

"What can I do, of course, is to take back what belongs to me," the old man Wusun pointed to Oman, "The Tieyan Ministry belongs to the princess's fief. The princess gave me thirty beauties, and the whole Tieyan Ministry is the most beautiful. It's her and her mother, so I have to decide on these two women!"

"You!" Aman almost fainted when he heard what he said, but thinking of the power of Mongolia, could it really be that his mother and daughter can only end up like this? Daddy loves his mother so much, how can he stand it? And Supu...it's definitely not to be humiliated according to her mother's temperament.

Thinking of the tragic fate, her body trembled involuntarily, and at this moment Song Qingshu patted her hand lightly, and she suddenly felt a reassuring power.

Wochen on the side was stunned. He didn't expect Huazheng to give him such a promise. He thought that this was the fief of Huazheng. Speaking of it, wouldn't it be his own private property after getting married? This beautiful mother and daughter should have belonged to me. correct.

Song Qingshu snorted coldly: "Even if the princess promised you thirty beauties, she didn't say which thirty, what a princess, she might always force a woman with a husband to give you."

"It's fine if Yalixian is married, Oman will never get married." Wusun frowned. The opponent's martial arts made him extremely jealous. The army came to ask for it. At any rate, he was also a tens of thousands. How could the people under his hand be able to contend with the Shuiyue Dazong and the Tieyanbu?

At this time, Or Chen also came out and said: "Da Zong, in this case, he will give Aman to him, there is no need to hurt everyone's peace for a woman."

Although he is a bit greedy for Oman’s beauty, he also knows that he wants to marry Hua Zheng. After all, he is not as beautiful as an adult. After all, Wusun’s status in Mongolia is detached. If this sweating is not to blame, then himself An alliance with him is also good for the future of his family.

Hearing what he said, Aman was terrified to the extreme. After this time of contact, she also knew that the highest status among the Mongols were Wuchen and Wusun. The uncle next to him was just a martial arts and powerful guest. What real power, if two big figures agree, I am afraid her fate is already doomed.

Song Qingshu frowned. If it was really difficult when there were too many people before, but now that the Mongolian army is wiped out, there are only a few people left here. Of course, he will not just watch this kind little girl being treated by the old man. Se-gui bullied, so he pulled Aman into her arms, put her arm around her shoulder, and said, "Aman is already my woman, please ask the big shaman to choose another person."

"Huh?" Aman was suddenly embraced by the man. She was shy and panicked. Hearing his words, she suddenly understood that he wanted to protect herself. Although she was innocent and pure, she was not stupid, of course not. Will refute at this juncture, but my heart is full of emotion.

Seeing Aman nestling in his arms with a shy face, Or Chen was stunned, thinking that this guy was too quick to start.

Wusun was seeing blood dripping from his heart, and faintly felt that the top of his head seemed to be glowing with green light. He couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said: "How is it possible? Her lover is obviously the boy named Supu."

Song Qingshu shrugged: "Little young love comes and goes quickly. How can Supu's reckless kid be entrusted for life? With a mature and stable man like me, Oman naturally knows how to choose, right? ?"

Aman knew that he was saying this deliberately, but she was still ashamed, as if she had done something to sorry Supu, but seeing a few people staring at her, she nodded insignificantly: "Yeah~ "

Wusun only felt his heart exploded. The little white flower who had been staring at him was first picked up by others. The anger and frustration were beyond words. No wonder this guy has been running around her for a long time. This thought.

Wuchen's expression is also very exciting, but he is a little relieved. Before, he suspected that Shuiyue Dazong had changed his temperament. He did not expect that he was playing tricks. That's right, Supu's stupefied boy could not compare to Shuiyue Dazong's. With the skills of a veteran planting flower bush, looking at the girl's shy appearance, it seems that the soup has been drunk.

Song Qingshu continued: "The big shaman is sorry. I didn't know that you were also interested in her before. Who told you not to tell me earlier. At the moment, she has become my woman. Are you up?"

Wusun was so angry that his seven orifices gave rise to smoke, and when the attack was about to happen, Wu Chen hurriedly came out to complete the battle: "Great shaman, since they have...had been asleep, then forget it. After all, the top priority now is to find the treasure. The sweat is still waiting for our news Well. Afterwards, I will pick 30 beautiful girls from the fief to give you away, so as to calm down and calm down, why bother to fight for a woman."

Hearing his analysis, Wu Sun also gradually calmed down. The errands explained by the sweat have not been completed. It is indeed not suitable for infighting, not to mention that there is a real conflict here, and he may not be better than the knife in the opponent's hand.

Humph, Shuiyue Dazong, wait for me. When you return to Helincheng, see how I concoct you. A guest clerk dare to **** a woman from me. This Aman, even if it’s not mine for the first time, her second time I will get it three times! And your maid named Feng Mai, I must also play with her to make you feel angry.

Seeing his acquiescence, Wu Chen went over to mention Varazzi on the ground: "Since you are pretending to be a ghost in this underground palace, you must be familiar with the terrain, then lead the way. If you can find the treasure, we will not only spare your life. Maybe you will be banned from a thousand households. You also know that we Mongols never hesitate to reward us. Even if we were once enemies, as long as he acts for us, he will not be treated badly.

Varazzi stared at Song Qingshu bitterly. Obviously, he was very upset when he learned that the daughter of his first love had committed herself to this man: "I don't want a thousand households, just give me the Tieyanbu reward."

Wuchen subconsciously glanced at the Wusun who was aside, and when he saw that he hadn't spoken, he nodded and agreed: "Okay!" I thought that when a woman is beautiful, there will be more troubles. What kind of magic power does this mother and daughter have? Men **** it like this.

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