Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2244: Mural that came alive

He roughly remembers the breaking method of the hanging soul ladder in "Ghost Blowing the Lantern", but the book does not say how the hanging soul ladder was realized. The past section can be vague in the book, but he has to understand it when he sees it with his own eyes. .

It is theoretically impossible to construct this kind of Penrose ladder in three-dimensional space, but the ladder in front of you cannot be faked. Then there must be some clever way to realize this trick.

Although there are all kinds of magical martial arts in this world, they generally follow the laws of science. However, thinking of Mingzun's thousand-year monster, Song Qingshu is a little uncertain.

He took a torch to check on the wall, and carefully looked at each stone step. He felt strange before. Each stone step was too big, but now he finally understands it.

Wu Chen and Wu Sun were worried all day long, but Huo Qingtong's eyes were keenly aware of the changes in his expression: "Do you know what's going on?"

Song Qingshu pointed to the slate above: "Didn't you realize that every step of the stairs is too long?"

Everyone nodded subconsciously. They actually noticed that each step of the stone slab is very wide, several meters long horizontally and several meters wide vertically. It is not known how much larger than a normal staircase, but everyone did not think about it.

"Is there a problem with this ladder?" Huo Qingtong asked curiously.

Song Qingshu replied: "In fact, it is easy to explain the ladder that you can never walk up and down, whether you go up or down, that is, you think you are going up and down the ladder, but you are actually walking on the same level."

"How is this possible?" Elder Wusun questioned on the spot. After all, he had walked through it himself just now. He ran to the two steps and pointed at the height difference and said, "There is clearly a difference between the upper and lower levels, how could it be possible? The same level?"

"That's just using your visual illusion," Song Qingshu explained. "Each slab is not level, but is inclined in one direction, causing the two sides of the slab to be high and one low, which is similar to the high side of the next step. The connection creates the illusion of going up and down the stairs. Just because the slab is too big and it is too dark here, it is difficult for everyone to notice that each slab is actually uneven."

Hearing his analysis, everyone moved in their hearts and hurriedly took out the tools to measure it. As expected, everyone just didn't expect this before, but it was pointed out that it is not difficult to measure whether the steps are level.

Everyone shook their tongues one after another: "This mechanism is so exquisite. There were such skilled craftsmen in Gaochang State back then. It was a supernatural workmanship."

Orchen was also overjoyed and patted Song Qingshu on the shoulder: "Dazong really has a torch. If he can find the treasure this time, he will be sweating profusely, and you will be the first one."

Huo Qingtong couldn't help but take a look at Song Qingshu, thinking that Mongolia is really full of talents, and any master of Keqing has this knowledge, and the future of the wooden table is getting darker and darker.

Song Qingshu was thinking at this time, if he changed it to his design, it could also be designed like a Mobius ring. The normal paper has two sides up and down, and an ant crawls on it. He wants to crawl all the places on both sides. It must cross the border of the paper, but if a piece of paper is twisted 180°, and the two ends are bonded together to make a paper tape circle, then the paper tape circle will only have one side, and the ants can crawl across the entire curved surface. There is no need to cross its edges.

In this labyrinth, some connections can be made into long and narrow pirate holes that confuse people with a sense of upper and lower positions, so that people will always walk on the same plane unconsciously and never go out.

"I know the mechanism here, but how can I solve it?" Or Chen's question broke his meditation.

Song Qingshu pointed to both sides of the wall: "If I didn't expect it to be wrong, there must be a fork or a door on the wall along the way. It is so dark here and surrounded by light-absorbing materials. In addition to making it difficult for us to find the problem of stairs, it is also to avoid being caught. We see the mechanism at the wall."

Hearing what he said, a few people hurried to check along the way. Only Song Qingshu stayed in place to guard Huo Qingtong. Seeing that she was still kneeling on the ground and not looking like it, they stretched out their hands and helped them up.

"How can I find a chance to let her go?" Song Qingshu had a headache. He didn't want to kill him if he had to be a last resort.

"Thank you." Huo Qingtong looked at the Dongying man in front of him with some curiosity. He had also heard of his deeds in Xingqing Mansion. She seemed to have been beaten by Fu Cailin and fled without a fight. At that time, she was a bit contemptuous, but now it seems It's completely different from the legend.

At this moment, a burst of cheers erupted in the distance: "Found it!"

Song Qingshu took Huo Qingtong over and found that there was a secret fork in the wall that could only allow one person to pass through. In this dim environment, it would be impossible to find this place unless he knew the principle and deliberately looked for it.

A group of people walked forward slowly along the fork road. After walking for about tens of feet, suddenly their eyes suddenly opened up, and a huge stone gate appeared in front of them, which looked like a warehouse.

Or Chen Daxi: "Finally found the treasure!" This place is so secretive, there is a hanging soul ladder guarding the ghost against the wall in front, what would it be if it wasn't the treasure room?

Wu Sun also looked excited, but he was still much more cautious, scanning it with mental power first, and then followed in after making sure that there was no ambush.

Song Qingshu's gaze flickered. He noticed that there was something shiny on the road beside him, that was Aman's headdress.

But now that he doesn't know where Aman is, he can only look for it after he has searched for it.

"What about the treasure, where is the treasure?" Wochen's roar came from inside.

Song Qingshu hurriedly followed up and checked, and found that the stone room was full of tables, chairs, beds, tents, many books, Go, lyre, stove, dishes, mirrors and other common things in the Central Plains, but there was no gold jewelry or the like. of.

"There are stone steles here." Wusun found two huge stone steles and pointed to the wall. "There are also murals."

Song Qingshu went over and saw that the stone tablets were engraved with Chinese characters, but there were a lot of Chinese characters, but more of them were some other weird characters, but he didn't recognize them. Fortunately, Huo Qingtong, who lived in the Western Regions for a long time, recognized the Kazakh characters, slowly The words on the tablet were read.

It turns out that this labyrinth was established during the Tang Taizong period, and this area was where the Gaochang Kingdom was located during the Tang Dynasty.

At that time, Gaochang was a big country in the Western Regions, with abundant products and strong national power. During the Zhenguan reign of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, the king of Gaochang State was called Ju Wentai and surrendered to the Tang Dynasty. The Tang Dynasty sent envoys to Gaochang, asking them to abide by the rules of many Han people. Ju Wentai said to the messenger: "The eagle flies in the sky, the pheasant lays in the wormwood, the cat swims in the hall, the rat is in the acupuncture point. It's a pheasant, hiding in the grass. Although you are cats walking around in the hall, we are mice, hiding in the cave and tweeting, you can't help us. Everyone lives their own lives. Why do we have to force us to obey the rules and customs of your Han people?

When Tang Taizong heard this, he was very angry, thinking that they were barbaric and disobeying Wang Hua, so he sent the general Hou Junji to crusade.

Knowing that Tang Bing is powerful, Ju Wentai made a strategy of only defending and not fighting, so he mobilized a lot of manpower to create a maze in the most secretive place. If the capital cannot be guarded, there is still a place to retreat. At that time, Gaochang was rich in national power and skilled craftsmen in the Western Regions, and most of them were gathered here. This labyrinth is built to the extreme of twists and turns, and it is ready to hide all the rare treasures of the country in the palace. Ju Wentai thought to himself, even if Tang Jun broke into the maze, he might not be able to find me.

Hou Junji once learned the art of war from Li Jing, can use the soldiers wisely, and has gone through the desert like a broken bamboo along the way. When Ju Wentai heard the arrival of the army of the Tang Dynasty, he was terrified and did not know what to do, so he was scared to death. His son Ju Zhisheng continued to become king. Hou Junji led the army, attacked the city, and even fought a few battles, but the Gao Chang army was defeated. Tang Jun had a high-speed siege cart, which was ten feet high. It was called a nest cart because it was as high as a bird's nest. The nest cart was pushed to the edge of the city, and the sergeant was condescending, throwing stones and shooting arrows, and Gao Chang's army could hardly resist it. Ju Zhisheng had no time to escape into the maze, and the treasure had no time to move. The capital had been breached and he had to surrender.

Gao Changguo established the country from Ju Jia and passed down to the ninth generation, a total of 134 years, and died in Tang Zhenguan 14 years. At that time, the land was 800 miles from east to west, and 500 miles from north to south. It was a big country in the Western Regions.

Hou Junji captured the King Ju Zhisheng and his hundreds of civil and military officials, and returned to Chang'an. Tang Taizong said that Gaochang refused to accept Sinicization and did not know the advantages of the Chinese cultural relics. So he kicked a large number of Han Chinese books, clothes, utensils, etc. The musical instruments are waiting for Gao Chang. Gaochang people said privately:

"The pheasant can't learn to fly, and the mouse can't learn to scream. No matter how good your Chinese Han people are, we Gaochang savages don't like it." The books, cultural relics, various utensils, and statues of Buddha, Confucius, and Taoism given by Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty The statues of old gentlemen and so on are all placed in the maze, and no one will take a second look.

The stone stele records what happened that year, and the walls are vividly depicted by murals depicting the battles of the year.

Song Qingshu then realized that the maze here was constructed by Gao Changguo and used a lot of manpower and material resources as a refuge, and it was also used to deal with the Tang Dynasty. No wonder the mechanism in the maze is so powerful, but it is as useless as the Maginot Line in the end. .

"There is no treasure, there is no treasure!" When Wu Chen learned the whole story, he was crazy about it. He came out this time to lose the soldiers and lose the generals. He originally thought that as long as he found the treasure, he could make up for it, but he knew that it was nothing in the end.

Thinking of this, he was angry and frightened, so he drew out his knives and chopped off the figures on the murals, venting the negative emotions in his heart.

Who knows how to chop and chop, a figure in the mural suddenly reached out and grabbed his neck.

Or Chen's mouth gurgled, and he couldn't call for help wherever he wanted.

"Ghost!" The only remaining Mongol soldiers around him went out of their minds. The scene before him was so horrifying that the man on the mural came back to life and stretched out his hand!

Rao is that they have always been brave and courageous, but at this time they are also frightened, turning around and fleeing.

Song Qingshu was taken aback, and hurried over. The pattern on the wall seemed to come alive, and he walked out of the wall directly pinching Wuchen's neck. ——

I wish you all a happy new year and immune to virus in the new year!

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