Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2245: Extinction

Song Qingshu also had a numb scalp. Could it be true that he met a thousand-year-old ghost?

However, after the initial panic, he quickly calmed down. This vague figure was mostly pretending to be a human being, so he drew a water moon knife and slashed at the arm.

The figure stretched out his hand, Song Qingshu only felt a strong force coming from the knife, and the knife in his hand almost couldn't hold it and flew out, and couldn't help being shocked.

Because he was worried about revealing things, he used the level that Shuiyue Dasong can show in his consciousness. Originally, he used the Shuiyue Dazong's martial arts to deal with most situations with more than rubbings, but he did not expect this guy who does not know whether it is a ghost or not Awesome.

The figure took advantage of his astonishment and directly grabbed Wuchen and threw it over. Song Qingshu didn't dare to be careless, worried that he had used secret energy on the opponent, and took Wuchen with soft force, only to find that Wuchen's head was weak. Dangling to one side, the corner of his mouth was bleeding, and his neck was obviously twisted.

The black shadow rushed to the other side like lightning, grabbed Huo Qingtong and left. Song Qingshu couldn't help but glared at Wusun: "Why don't you make a move?"

Wu Sun was also dumbfounded: "I made a move, but he didn't respond to my mental power."

Song Qingshu's brows frowned, and at this time he didn't care about anything else, and hurried to catch up. He accidentally lost Aman before, but this time he couldn't let Huo Qingtong lose it under his eyelids.

The black shadow was extremely fast, even if it was carrying a person, but Song Qingshu had no reservations at this time, and the speed reached the limit. After a while, the distance between the two parties was getting closer and closer.

Seeing that he couldn't run away, the black shadow suddenly stopped, threw Huo Qingtong aside, and then looked back at Song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu didn't dare to be careless, and stopped to be fully alert. The black shadow in front of him was indeed a person, but he was covered in black robe and couldn't see his face at all: "You are not a ghost."

The man snorted, "Unfortunately you are about to become a ghost."

As soon as the voice fell, he rushed towards Song Qingshu. With his shot, the surrounding light was distorted, as if an invisible force field would affect the surrounding air.

Song Qingshu felt that breathing was a little difficult, and now that he still dared not retain his strength, he directly smashed into the darkness in front of him.

He no longer imitated Shuiyue Dazong's sword technique this time, but used the magic sword in the mandarin duck knife. A bright round moon instantly cut through the darkness and took care of the entire stone room.

The black shadow has returned a few meters away, with a slight knife mark on his sleeve, and his face is solemn: "You are definitely not the Shuiyue Master!"

"You actually know Shuiyue Dazong?" Song Qingshu frowned, recalling his move just now, and suddenly an inspiration flashed in his heart, "You are the Heavenly Sorcerer!"

The gaze in the dark shadow's eyes condensed, and the murderous intent flashed away, but he couldn't see through his reality and didn't dare to act rashly for a while.

Huo Qingtong's eyes widened. She had been an enemy of Mongolia for a long time. She naturally knew who the Tongtian Witch was. As the spiritual leader of the Mongols, why did she fight this group of Mongols? It seemed that Orchen was killed just now?

In addition, according to legend, the Tongtian Witch has the cultivation base of a great master, and he is capable of dealing with ghosts and gods. This Shuiyue great sect can even tie him?

Wait, Tongtian Witch just mentioned that he is not the Shuiyue Grand Sect at all, and then thinks of the situation when he just cracked the Suspended Soul Ladder, who is this person on earth.

"You guessed your identity, so I won't be able to let you go today." Tong Tian Wu was shocked, and his entire popularity skyrocketed. Two black holes appeared on the palms of his hands, and a black shadow appeared from him. His feet spread out, and quickly spread to the wall, like a huge mouth from **** about to pounce on Song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop it: "Don't panic, the leader, our goals are actually the same, there is no need to kill each other."

Tong Tian Wu sneered: "Unanimous? How do you know what my purpose is."

Song Qingshu said: "I was a little surprised before. Although this labyrinth was created by the ancient Gaochang country to deal with Tang Jun, no mechanism should work anymore after a thousand years, but the traps used when entering the cave seemed to be new. , And the scarab in the box, it is absolutely impossible to live for thousands of years. It seems that they are all masterpieces of the leader."

Tong Tian Wu snorted, did not speak, and at the same time, he did not make any more moves.

Song Qingshu continued: "Our party came to look for the treasure on behalf of the sweat, but the leader chose to take action against us. He just killed the patriarch of the Hongjila clan, Orchen, which can be said to have got rid of the sweat’s right hand. I think about it. The leader was obviously to deal with Da Khan, I pretended to be Sui Yue Dazong lurking beside Da Khan, and naturally I wanted to deal with him."

All this is thanks to Zhao Min. If she hadn't analyzed the situation with Lincheng before, how could he, an outsider, know the intrigue between the high-level Mongolians.

Tong Tian Wu condensed his eyes and suddenly laughed: "I also know who you are."

"Oh? I would like to hear the details." Song Qingshu's heart jumped.

Tong Tian Wu gave him a deep look: "Although there are many masters in the world, there are very few who can tie me. The younger generation, who is good at light work, and at the same time conflicts with profuse, is only one person, the Golden Snake King. Song Qingshu!"

Huo Qingtong exclaimed and couldn't help but cast a surprised look. He didn't expect that this person was actually Song Qingshu's pretense. No wonder he had taken a lot of photos of himself along the way... Thinking of this, her face blushed, but fortunately it was in the dark. Among them, there is no fear of being seen.

Song Qingshu was silent. Once they reached their level of cultivation, they had fought against each other again. It was not too difficult to roughly judge the age of the other party, and it was unexpected to be guessed of their identity.

Tong Tian Wu suddenly laughed: "Hahaha, nothing else, you are also qualified to cooperate with me, but today's matter is very important, there can be no leaks, and this woman can't stay."

After saying that, he slammed Huo Qingtong next to him, how great the Grand Master's attack was, not to mention that she was restrained, unable to resist, and could only watch the opponent's palm slip.

"Be merciful!" Song Qingshu grabbed Long Gong and pulled her to his side, avoiding a casual palm of the opponent.

Tongtian Witch's eyes narrowed: "Why, do you want to protect her?"

Song Qingshu said in a deep voice: "This woman has led the Wooden Table Lun Department to defeat the Mongolian army several times over the years. It is Temuzhen's object that he wants to be fast afterwards. Didn't you kill her exactly what Temuzhen meant?

Tongtian Wu snorted: "Of course I know this, but our identities are extremely sensitive, and we must never be known by others. Even if we kill her, it's a pity, we must kill!"

Seeing the other party's resolute attitude, Song Qingshu was having a headache and didn't know what to do, Huo Qingtong suddenly said: "I am Song Qingshu's woman, of course I won't reveal your identity."

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