Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2259: Unexpected back pot

"Sun Moon God Religion?" Temuzhen's face sank, "We Mongolia and them have never been in intersection. Why would they intervene in this matter?"

Ba Siba on the side replied in a deep voice: "It may be because of the relationship between Ming Sect and Zhang Wuji. The Sun Moon God Sect was born out of Ming Sect, and the two sides are inextricably linked."

Li Chimei's feminine voice sounded: "I don't think so. Although the Sun Moon God Sect and the Ming Sect were one a hundred years ago, they have been independent for so many years. It is unlikely that they will offend us because of the origins of a hundred years ago."

When several people were puzzled, Jin Bingyun, who had been sitting quietly by the side, said softly: "As far as I know, the current leader of the Sun Moon God Sect is to do what I do. His son-in-law is King Song Qingshu of Qi, and Song Qingshu He has a very close relationship with Princess Shaomin. This time Ruyang Prince's Mansion has happened such a big thing. Could it be that he has arrived in Lincheng?"

Song Qingshu was startled. How did this woman think of me? Did I offend her?

Standing in the corner, Na Ya'a shook his head: "According to the intelligence, Song Qingshu should still be in the Qi Palace in Lin'an City."

Song Qingshu finally breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that Yingying's work has been completed satisfactorily, and no flaws have been seen so far.

At this time, Tongtian Witch, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke: "That's not necessarily. A cunning person like Song Qingshu is very likely to cross the ocean without telling the sky." After speaking, he gave Song Qingshu a light glance.

Song Qingshu was itchy with hatred, wondering if this guy has a bag in his head. What are the meanings of deliberately mentioning this? Are you afraid that I will be exposed and drag you into the water.

"What the leader said is not unreasonable," Temuzhen nodded, and told Na Ya'a at the door, "Send more people outside of Ruyang Palace, and pay attention to whether there are any suspicious people."

"Yes!" Na Ya'a went out first and ordered his subordinates to arrange immediately before returning.

Song Qingshu didn't mind very much. From the Manchu Qing Dynasty to the Southern Song Dynasty, from the Liao and Jin Dynasty to the Xixia, he had gained experience when he went to the imperial palace. No matter how strict the guards of the Royal Palace of Ruyang, he could find a gap, unless Tiemuzhen sent a great master to be there every day. Stalking there, but how is this possible.

"Let's talk about the situation of Gaochang Labyrinth." Temujin spoke again.

Wu Sun was overjoyed, knowing that the incident that had not been warned in time was temporarily revealed, and hurriedly explained the incident after the maze in detail.

"Why do those organ poisonous insects still function after a thousand years?" Li Chimei immediately realized the abnormality.

"I think someone with a heart had already prepared there," Temujin snorted, "but the hanging soul ladder is a bit interesting, if it is used in the formation.

I don't know if it will be effective. "

Song Qingshu opened his mouth at this time: "The Hanging Soul Ladder is mainly used to trap a few people. With a large number of people, the branch road will naturally be discovered quickly, and the tricks in it will be meaningless." This time he saw through the Hanging Soul Ladder. The main hero of, it is also the most convincing to explain by him.

"That's a shame." Temujin immediately followed the style of painting. "The mysterious man in black suddenly appeared. Wusun is better at spiritual spells, so he can't react at close range. The top master below, why is he still watching him kill Orchen?"

Song Qingshu had been prepared for a long time and explained: "It's just because the man was too cunning, hiding in the wall, and blending with the mural. When Wuchen approached, he suddenly made a move. It was too late for us to help."

"Every master has a sense of Qi, and they are in the same room. Didn't you and Wusun notice it beforehand?" Temujin sat up straight, although it was just a subtle movement, there was a powerful momentum rushing towards his face in an instant. .

Song Qingshu's heart was stunned. This Tie Muzhen didn't know what martial arts he had cultivated, and he had such a strong pressure, as if he had come out of a sea of ​​blood.

Wusun on the side noticed the suspicion in Da Khan's eyes, and he was scared to pee, and hurriedly said, "No, I didn't notice it at all."

At this time, Tong Tian Wu sneered: "I can conceal you and Shuiyue at the same time, it seems that a great master sneaked on you."

Temujin's face was gloomy, and he was obviously thinking. The Basiba next to him shook his head: "It doesn't have to be a great master. If a master of the same level is good at concealment, he can do it, and if he is really a great master, then There is no need to save both of them."

Li Chimei also agreed: "Yes, if I intend to hide, they may not be able to find me."

Song Qingshu finally understood why Tongtian Witch had deliberately spared Wusun's life in the first place. It turned out to be just for this.

At this time, Jin Bingyun frowned lightly: "You mentioned that you caught the Cuiyu yellow jersey before, but he was rescued later?"

Wusun hurriedly replied: "Yes, after the man killed Orchen, he took Huo Qingtong with his body as fast as lightning and left. Shuiyue Dazong was still catching up. I was a little bit weaker, and I don't know what happened next. "

Seeing everyone looking at him questioningly, Song Qingshu scolded Wusun secretly in his heart, but he still replied according to the answer he thought: "That person is extremely fast, even if I hold one person, I can barely catch , But he was very familiar with the terrain. With the help of the complicated passages in the maze, he quickly threw me away and I found

I haven't found it for a long time, and then I went back to find Wusun, but he was nowhere to be found. "

After speaking, he deliberately took a provocative look at Wusun, come on, hurt each other.

Wusun suddenly became anxious: "I saw you never come back, and thought you were in an accident, and I am definitely not the opponent, and I must save my life to come back and report to Da Khan, and I can’t let what happens in the maze forever. Buried in yellow sand."

Temujin waved his hand impatiently. Obviously, he didn’t want to listen to his high-sounding rhetoric. Instead, he looked at Song Qingshu like a torch: “Your water-moon sword technique is the heaviest step, so your light power is also top-notch in the world. Holding a person in your hand can prevent you from catching up. Is it true that the great master failed?"

Song Qingshu felt tight and replied: "I can't judge this." There are very few who can do this under the Great Master; if it is a Great Master, there will be only a few in the world, and it is easy to reveal the answer no matter what.

At this time, Jin Bingyun's ethereal voice sounded again: "Sweat, I know that someone meets all these conditions."

"Who?" All the people in the hall turned their eyes to this slender and slender figure.

Jin Bingyun opened her lips lightly, and slowly uttered a few words: "Song-Qing-Book!"

Tie Muzhen fell into deep thought, Li Chimei couldn't help asking: "Why would you guess that Bingyun is him?"

Jin Bingyun replied: "First, his martial arts is high enough, and he is best at light work;"

"Second, judging from all kinds of information, he and Cuiyu Yellow Jersey have a deep friendship, that's why he tried to rescue her; if someone else took away a woman like Huo Qingtong, he would have to have the thoughts of a strange thing to live in. , But not long after Huo Qingtong was rescued, he led the army to attack Chi Lao Wen again. Obviously, the two sides knew each other."

"Thirdly, Song Qingshu is not bloodthirsty, and it can even be said that there are some women's benevolence. This is why he obviously killed the Great Shaman and Shuiyue Dazong in the cave, but let them go."

"Finally, and most importantly, he has a relationship with Princess Shaomin. Now that there is an accident in the Royal Palace of Ruyang, with his temperament, he will definitely come to help his woman."

Song Qingshu was dumbfounded, and after half a day, he carried the scapegoat by himself?

The people around him nodded, and Li Chimei couldn't help but smile: "Bingyun, you really understand this Song Qingshu, even his little temperament is so clear."

Jin Bingyun's plain and watery eyes showed a hint of complexity. Can you not study the goal set by the master in advance?

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