Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2260: Crash

"Song Qingshu..." Temujin fell into deep thought, tapping his fingertips on the chair lightly, obviously weighing the possibility.

Song Qingshu's scalp was numb, and Gou was the king in troubled times. He was used to hiding in the dark, but once he was targeted in the open, it was really difficult to be restrained everywhere, but for a while, he didn't know what to do. What can I do to dispel my suspicion.

The old man Wusun hesitated. His initial preparation was to plant the crime on Guo Jing. At this time, there was already a suspect. Is it necessary to throw Guo Jing away.

"Wu Sun, what do you want to say?" Temujin's senses were so keen, he immediately noticed his hesitation and stopped.

Seeing everyone's eyes fell on him, Wu Sun was heartbroken and decided to take a gamble and reduce his responsibility as much as possible: "I don't know if I don't know if I should say something wrong..."

Temujin frowned, "How come you have learned how to be a Han Chinese, don't hesitate, just say it!"

Then Wu Sun said, "I think the figure in black clothes is a bit familiar, a little like a person."

"Like who?" Temujin became a little impatient.

"I dare not say." Wu Sun hesitated.

"Which so much nonsense!" Tie Muzhen's face sank, and his eyes felt like choosing someone to eat.

Wusun was pressured by the opponent's air machine, and almost didn't catch his breath. He hurriedly replied, "It's a bit like the old golden swordsman."

Song Qingshu's heart jumped and wondered how he brought Guo Jing out. He immediately realized that Guo Jing was in danger, and he wished to inform him immediately, but where can he go now?

"Golden Swordsman?" Temujin was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted after a long time, "You mean Guo Jing?"

Seeing Wusun nodded, Temujin said angrily: "What does this have to do with Guo Jing? That ungrateful guy has defected to the Southern Song Dynasty, and I don't want to hear his name again."

He once valued this Han boy very much, let him lead the army, and even wanted to marry his daughter to him and plan to make him a king, who knows that he betrayed himself, how deeply he loved him at the beginning, and how deeply he hates now. .

Naturally, Wusun understood this, but now he can only bite the bullet and say: "Before the Southern Song and Northern Expeditions failed, Guo Jing's solitary army was deeply surrounded by the golden men. Later, he did not know why he escaped and was seriously injured by Princess Huazheng. Save, the princess brought him back to heal with all her heart, and gradually healed the wound."

"Do you all know about this?" Temuzhen suddenly looked at the rest of the people.

Li Chimei and Ba Siba looked at each other, and hurriedly replied: "We just heard about it, but we are not sure, and we haven't had time to verify it." Everyone on Helin knows that the golden sword and horse are the inverse scales of profuse sweat. But Princess Huazheng is his most beloved daughter. Whoever wants to wade through the muddy water would open one eye and close another.

What's more, the princess Huazheng did a good job keeping secret from beginning to end, changing Guo Jing to another place after a while, even if the people who are well informed only have rumours, there is no evidence.

Wu Sun said at this time: "A few months ago, the princess asked me to help me treat a patient, but I agreed without thinking. The man was injured too badly and had a high fever, and had hallucinations, and he needed me to use it. The spiritual energy brought him into a dream and calmed down completely..."

He described the previous events in a false manner: "At first the princess covered his face. I really didn't know that he was the golden swordsman back then. Later, after he recovered, I gradually learned the truth, because Knowing what happened back then, I am afraid of being punished by sweating, and even dare not say anything, but this time the relationship is too great and I have to say something."

"You said that the man in black is like Guo Jing?" Temuzhen's tone now calmed down, but everyone knows that this was just before the storm.

"I'm not sure, it's just a bit similar," Wu Sun paused, "Guo Jing escaped from death this time, thanks to the princess's unresolved care, coupled with the guilt of abandoning the princess in the past, it seems that later Feeling aroused, of course I don’t know where they are now."

The people around him looked different, although Wusun kept saying that he didn't know which step the two were related to, but the hint was not obvious enough.

Temujin sneered: "You mean this time I gave Huazheng and Orchen the marriage. They couldn't explicitly refuse. They could only find a way to get rid of Orchen so that Huazheng wouldn't have to marry?" He said He was stunned when he said that, because he remembered that the matter of going to the Gaochang Labyrinth was also mentioned by Huazheng, could it be that they were really brave?

Wusun’s temples broke out in cold sweat, and hurriedly said, “I didn’t mean that, but I didn’t want to give up any possibility, and the princess was a fairy-like figure. This matter must have nothing to do with her, maybe it was Guo Jing thinking about the loss of his beloved. So I took the risk."

Temujin snorted coldly, "Although the traitor Guo Jing is hateful, I know that his character is absolutely impossible to do such a thing!" On the contrary, Hua Zheng's temperament is a bit of me. It is really possible to do such a thing. It can be concluded that of course he would never say these words.

Wu Sun replied: "But Guo Jing today is not the Guo Jing he used to be."

"What do you mean by this?" Li Chimei frowned.

Wu Sun explained: "When I treated him, he was seriously injured and affected by a high fever. After he was cured, he seemed to have forgotten many things before, and now he is completely another person."

Even Tie Muzhen was shaken now. Originally, he was a little unbelieving, but after hearing what Wusun said, he also understood why Guo Jing, whom he and Huang Rong beloved so much, would like Huazheng again. If he loses his memory, he will be a victim of it. Encouraging it is really possible to do those things.

"Shuiyue Dazong, what do you think?" He looked at Song Qingshu who was aside.

"I haven't seen a golden swordsman, nor can I judge." Although Song Qingshu wants to clear his suspicion, he can't do it if he wants to put the charges on Guo Jing. "It's just that as far as I know, Guo Jing shouldn't Known for light work, with one person, he may not be able to run past me."

Basiba suggested: "The one in He Lincheng who knows Guo Jing's skills best is the King of the Golden Wheel, why don't you call him to ask?"

"No!" Tie Muzhen waved his hand to stop, paced back and forth in the hall, and suddenly made up his mind, "You and I will go to Huazheng to find out."

Everyone exchanged their eyes: "Yes!"

Temujin took the lead, and the rest of the temple hurriedly followed. During the whole process, no one was disturbed anymore. Except for Nayaa, who had gathered a group of guards, everyone looked serious along the way, and no one dared to make a sound.

Song Qingshu's heart is also extremely anxious, but Li Chimei, Tongtianwu, Na Ya'a and others faintly surround him. He can't do it even if he wants to tell the news. Now the only thing that can pray is that Guo Jing is not in Huazheng Mansion. .

The group galloped on horses and arrived at the princess mansion before long. The people at the gate of the princess mansion were controlled by the people of Naya's before they could react, and Temujin rushed into the inner house with a gloomy expression on his face.

After a while, Huazheng finally got the news, and hurriedly greeted him: "Father Khan, why are you here suddenly, don't notify me."

Noting the rouge blush on her face, Yun Temple was a little messy, and the clothes were obviously put on in a hurry. Song Qingshu was barely touching her forehead with her hands. These two would be like glue and paint and they wouldn't be able to do it in broad daylight.

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