Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2264: Fox and Hedgehog

Seeing him in front of him, Jin Bingyun also stopped, slowly withdrawing the long sword in his hand: "Who are you?"

Song Qingshu pulled the mask on his face, making sure that it hadn't fallen off. He said with an urn: "If you want to hit it, why so much nonsense." As soon as the voice fell, he attacked the opponent. She came from the Magician's Palace, so he naturally wouldn't let it go. Take this opportunity to test it out.

Previously, the magician Fang Yeyu from his childhood had also tried it out, but after all, it was not comprehensive. I wanted to see if I could find out from Jin Bingyun what information related to the "Dao Heart Seed Demon".

Jin Bingyun was taken aback. She had a superb position in the Magician Palace, coupled with her outstanding appearance and temperament. Even in high-level Mongolia, everyone saw her politely. Ordinary men were more careful to show her best when she saw her. I have never seen such a person who attacks her as soon as they meet.

But she was only slightly surprised, and soon her heart was calm as water, waving her sword to greet her.

After a few moves, Song Qingshu frowned. Although the opponent's martial arts was good, but there was still not a small distance from him, trying to guess Pang Ban's martial arts from her might not be realistic.

But at the beginning, the Red Sun King mentioned that Pang Ban chose her as the medium for Dao Heart Seed Demon, then her cultivation method must be related to Dao Heart Demon, maybe we can see some signs from the internal force of the opponent.

However, Jin Bingyun felt that the other party was a little distracted, and he felt a little strange. The masters were only on the front line. Why did the other party make such a mistake?

Although I was a little puzzled in my heart, it would be unacceptable not to take advantage of such a good opportunity. The sword in his hand pierced into the other party's body.

On one side of Song Qingshu's body, avoiding her tenable sword, grabbed her wrist and pulled her forward. Jin Bingyun suddenly lost his center of gravity, and he staggered forward.

She was shocked, but the expression on her face was still as flat as water. With a flick of her left hand, she looked softly at her slender hand, but if it was compacted, it wouldn't be a problem to crack the stone.

It's a pity that she was only halfway through the stroke, and she was hit by the opponent's shoulder, causing her body to stagnate for an instant, and then the whole person rose into the air, and the opponent turned her head over.

Jin Bingyun tried to maintain her balance and kicked forward, but the opponent leaned directly on her body, leaving her nowhere to exert her strength. Immediately afterwards, she found that the other party’s hands were buckled behind her back, and the other party’s knees were also on her waist, letting

She couldn't move anymore.

"What kind of martial arts are you?" Jin Bingyun asked calmly without showing the slightest panic.

Song Qingshu was taken aback: "Aren't you afraid?"

Jin Bingyun said indifferently, "Why should I be afraid, it makes no difference to me whether it is life or death."

Unexpectedly, her words revealed a deep sense of depression, completely unlike the mood of a young girl, Song Qingshu deliberately said viciously: "But death is not the most terrible for a woman, especially if you look so beautiful. , Aren’t you afraid of me assaulting you?” After speaking, he deliberately chuckled a few times, feeling particularly like a bad person. The two of them were close to each other, and he could smell the elegant fragrance from her body, which made him more and more attracted. The feeling of drama.

I thought she would be scared if she said that, but she still looked like a mirror lake: "Whatever, I won't resist."

Song Qingshu: "???"

After a long time, he relieved his breath: "Woman, you succeeded in attracting my attention, why don't you even care about this?"

Jin Bingyun replied: "First, you will die immediately after you assault me; second, if this makes someone sad and painful, I feel a very happy feeling of revenge."

Song Qingshu tentatively asked, "You mean you have... poison in your body?"

"Poisonous?" Jin Bingyun was startled, then nodded, "You can understand that too."

"You can see that you are alive and kicking, and you don't look like poisonous in your body." Song Qingshu was chatting with her, and her inner breath had been quietly probed in her body, and her meridian movement and the nature of the inner force were checked one by one. Explore.

"If you don't believe it, you can try it yourself." Jin Bingyun was still cold, without any sense of shame because of being held back from behind.

When he met such a woman, Song Qingshu was helpless. If he were replaced by someone else, he might really have a fairy daughter like this, but he thought that she was the medium of the Demon Seed and all thoughts were dispelled.

Seeing him not speaking, Jin Bingyun asked, "You haven't answered my question yet. What was the name of your trick just now?"

"I don't have a name, I just used it." The pull and bump just now borrowed from the bird's tail in Taijiquan. I saw him use it once in Jinsheying and I was very impressed and imitated it casually. Martial arts reach

At this level, all martial arts are at their fingertips. Although the actual effect may not reach the original version, they can also imitate it.

"Oh~" Jin Bingyun just said he didn't want to say it, but didn't continue to ask, "Then you still want to invade me?"

Listening to her seriously asking such a question, Song Qingshu couldn't help having a toothache. How would he answer this?

Jin Bingyun said again: "If you don't intend to invade me, can you let me go? This posture is very uncomfortable."

Song Qingshu had already heard the footsteps of the Mongolian warriors from the brigade coming here, and he had checked the true Qi in the opponent's body, so he let go of her hands: "Haha, the timing is wrong today. Next time I will find a time to reconnect with the girl." After speaking, he floated away with a little toe.

Jin Bingyun rubbed his aching shoulders, looked at his disappearing figure, and suddenly asked, "Are you Song Qingshu?"

Song Qingshu almost didn't fall out of the air when he heard this. Why did this woman hit herself? Before in the palace, everyone's attention was drawn to me.

Nothing was appropriate at this time. He simply left, leaving Jin Bingyun standing silently in place. The cold north wind made her hunting and hunting in her dress, and her figure became more and more delicate.

At this time, a group of Mongolian warriors came and saw her hurriedly asking: "Miss Jin, where did the assassin flee?"

Jin Bingyun pointed in the direction Song Qingshu had left, then turned around and walked back. With the light work of that person, how could these ordinary warriors catch up.

Who is that person?

The setting sun shone, her shadow dragged the old elders on the ground, and the temperament of the whole person was incompatible with the others around him, showing a sense of loneliness more and more.

Song Qingshu got rid of the chasing soldiers and decided to find Zhao Min first. There were too many things that happened this time, and we needed to discuss with her, especially how to save Guo Jing.

When he arrived outside the Ruyang Palace, he couldn't help frowning, because he found that the guards around the Palace had another generation of strict guards, and it was very difficult for him to sneak in with his light work.

Jin Bingyun was the woman who made the talk in the palace before!

Especially when he thinks that the other party will never resist when you invade her, he is even more hateful. Now he is like a fox facing a hedgehog, and he can't get revenge.

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