Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2265: Secret

In the end, Song Qingshu entered the Royal Palace of Ruyang. Although Temujin sent additional manpower, and now the outer defense flies can't fly in, he can continuously use it to pass through the outer defense line directly. Once inside the palace, the guards are relatively weak. Strictly. Please search on Baidu-

When I came to Zhao Min’s boudoir, I saw what she was drawing on the desk through the window, and was a little curious, and quietly approached from behind without making a sound.

I can faintly see that the skin on her face is slightly reddish, as if it is slightly drunk, and the appearance is more beautiful. Self-proclaimed beauty is not gentle and beautiful, or charming, Zhao Min and Wenya are completely unmatched, but To say that she is beautiful and can not fully summarize her temperament, because she is different from ordinary women, there is a unique heroic spirit between her eyebrows, and at the same time, because of her identity, she has developed a graceful and luxurious temperament since she was a child. This is awe-inspiring, and I dare not look at it.

An adulterer like Lu Zhangke, who used to work in the Ruyang Palace, even had evil thoughts towards Wang Baobao’s concubine Ji, but he did not dare to raise that thought to Zhao Min at all. It should be her unique temperament that suppressed it. For his sake.

Suddenly Zhao Min moved. The woman's keen sixth sense made her aware of the danger, and the pen in her hand turned around and stabbed her. She was talented and had been taught by a famous teacher in Ruyang Palace. Martial arts was always good. Later, Song Qingshu got her hands to point her. Wugong has gone up to the next level. Although it is a pen in his hand, its power is no less than a sharp sword.

Song Qingshu was also taken aback, and hurriedly raised her wrist up, and put her other hand around her waist, "Are you trying to murder her husband?"

Zhao Min was stunned. At this time, he could see clearly that it was him, and a smile gradually emerged from the curved eyebrows. "Who told you to sneak over? I thought there was a little thief."

"The guards outside are so strict now, can I not sneak in if I want to come in." With his arms around her soft body, Song Qingshu couldn't help taking a long sip of the fragrance from her. My Minmin is the best, beautiful as a rose. , Brilliant as the scorching sun, it is much more comfortable than holding Jin Bingyun's icy tuo.

"I don't know what's going on today, the guards outside suddenly increased a lot." Zhao Min was obviously also a little bit distressed about this situation.

"Because some people suspect that I have come and Lincheng." Song Qingshu said depressedly.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Min was also taken aback.

Song Qingshu then roughly recounted Jin Bingyun's guess in the palace, and Zhao Min's expression became more and more weird. "Would you not give up on others?"

"How can

can! "Song Qing Shuxin said with lingering fear, "Didn't I tell you, she is probably the medium for Pang Ban to cultivate Dao Heart Demon, how dare I touch her? "

"I've seen Jin Bingyun. He is indeed like a fairy daughter. I'm afraid your lecherous temper can't help it." Zhao Min looked at him suspiciously, obviously lacking confidence in his restraint.

"Am I that kind of person?" Song Qingshu said that he was a little guilty, and hurriedly changed the subject, "What were you painting just now?"

Zhao Min flushed quickly, and hurriedly hid the things on the table behind him, "Nothing painted?"

"Really?" Song Qingshu naturally didn't believe it. Even if he got out of the scratching dragon's claw hand, it made Zhao Min tremble with itching, and eventually the things in his hand were taken away.

It turned out to be a painting. On the scroll was a man with sword eyebrows and star eyes, abundance of gods and handsomeness, and Yushu near the wind... A breath of immortality came to his face through the paper, Song Qingshu sighed Zhao Min while he was painting, his face couldn't help showing A hint of a smile, "So I am so handsome in your heart? But your painter is not good. You only drew my five-point handsomeness, but didn't draw my outstanding temperament."

Zhao Min stared at him angrily, "Has anyone ever said that you are... cheap?"

Song Qingshu almost choked to death. Unexpectedly, Zhao Min would have used some of his catchphrases after being with him for a long time. So he pretended to be angry and wanted to shake up his husband. So scared Zhao Min hurriedly waved his hands. "Let’s talk about business first, you guys. What happened on the Gaochang Maze? I heard that Orchen was dead?"

Although she is under house arrest in the mansion, the power of the Ruyang Palace is not trivial. She naturally has channels to obtain information from outside.

Listening to her talking about business, Song Qingshu also put away the joking, and said about this trip to Gaochang roughly. Seeing that she looked dignified, she was about to discuss the matter of the Tongtian Witch with her, who knew she said abruptly, "Ya Lixian Aman's mother and daughter must be very beautiful, right?"

Song Qingshu nodded subconsciously, and felt a little guilty after reacting, "What does this have to do with them?"

Zhao Min showed an expression like this, and then looked at him with a smile, "Did you steal the small one or the big one?"

Song Qingshu couldn't help but move his position, "Am I that kind of person?"

Zhao Min nodded very firmly. "If you want me to guess, you should have moved the big one. Although you are lustful, you can't do things like chaos and end to the little girl, but the big one is different. Anyway, you are already married, and mature men and women don’t need you to take any responsibility."

"Cough cough..." Song Qingshu's back was chilly. No wonder it's not good to say that his wife is too smart. It's true that I'm not deceiving. He naturally won't admit it, and hurriedly said, "Don't be kidding, let's talk about Tong Tian Wu Thing."

Zhao Min also put away the joke, "Although I expected a conflict between Tongtian Witch and Temujin, I didn't expect them to be so serious. He killed Orchen, it should be to provoke the royal family and the Hongjira clan. Relationship, if nothing happens, he should have a fallback."

Song Qingshu then asked, "Do you think that the person who lost the sea is him?"

Zhao Min shook his head. "As Tongtian Witch, please don't move him when Hai is lost; the key is that Orchen is the patriarch of Hongji's tribe. How important is the killing of him, and Tongtian Witch will never leave such a big handle to others. This time. If it weren't for you to bump into it, no one would know that it was him."

Song Qingshu also had various speculations before, but it was difficult to make a final judgment. After her analysis, her thinking finally became clear.

"Huo Qingtong should be the one that Hai Mi lost," Zhao Min couldn't help sighing, "Although she knew that Hai Mi lost her heart with a fire of vengeance, she never expected that she would betray Mongolia with foreign enemies for revenge. Interesting."

Song Qingshu is worried that she will bring the topic to Huo Qingtong and Hai Mi. Hey, what am I afraid of?

"By the way, I also found an interesting thing today." After talking about the princess's mansion, he specifically mentioned the eye contact between Queen Hulan and Na Ya'a.

"Do they really have something to do?" There was a glimmer of excitement in Zhao Min's eyes. It was obvious that she had been seeking revenge. The more crevices around the enemy, the more she could use. "Queen Hulan At that time, she was the daughter of the patriarch Mi'erqi, the mortal enemy of Temujin's tribe. Later Mi'erqi was defeated and decided to surrender to Temujin. But at that time, the entire Mongolian grassland was in chaos, and Hulan was born extremely beautiful, and she had to reach Temujin's place safely It’s not an easy task, so the father and daughter of Hulan first took refuge in Na Ya’a who was on the battlefield. Na Ya’a took her to see Da Khan. Hulan was protected by him along the way, and he flew in his tent. It took 3 days before I arrived at Temuzhen's station."

"Temujin suspected that the two of them were unclear for the three days, and was extremely angry. He took out his whip and gave Na Ya'a a vicious meal. Na Ya'a didn't make any excuses."

"Under the great sweat, he still favored Hulan, but found that he was still a virgin, and under overjoyed he rewarded Nayaa, and at the same time named Hulan as queen."

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