Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2266: Internal response

Zhao Min paused and continued, "Because of these, I thought they were innocent, but listening to what you just mentioned, I'm afraid there is something between them. Mobile phone."

Song Qingshu hesitatingly asked, "How did Temujin judge that she was a virgin? You know there are many ways to hide from the sky." Not to mention the major repairs in the hospitals of later generations, it is to calculate the date of the menstruation or take the chicken blood. What kind of disguise, no matter how good the acting is to hide it from the past, it is not a big problem.

Zhao Min couldn't help but cast a blank look at him, "What kind of person a sweat is, he reads...there are countless women, so how can he be confused."

Song Qingshu thought, too, that the experienced Temuzhen was not the silly receptive man of later generations.

Zhao Min couldn't help but pinch the soft flesh on his waist, "What mess in your mind all day long, how can you even know the dirty tricks in the brothel."

"I'm a scholarly man, cough cough," Song Qingshu also felt embarrassed to talk about this, and said hurriedly, "The matter between Hulan and Na Ya'a is going to be considered in the future. The most urgent thing now is how to save Guo Jing. Let us delay it. , I'm afraid he will die."

"Why are you so keen to save him?" Zhao Min looked at him suspiciously, "You have saved him countless times before and after, and every time you are so concerned about it, isn't it..."

"Could it be what?" Song Qingshu's heart jumped.

The corner of Zhao Min’s mouth rose slightly, "Is there anything between you and that glamorous yellow gang leader, because she was so concerned about saving Guo Jing? Actually, you think about it from another angle. Now Temujin killed him, so it’s not just for you. Remove obstacles."

Song Qingshu's expression was straightforward, "Guo Daxia has contributed to the country and is also an example of Chinese scholars in the world. Since I know he is in danger, how can I just ignore him?"

Zhao Min curled his lips, "Huh, who made me a demon girl, but not as noble as you, just measuring the gains and losses, anyway, in my opinion, you have taken so many odd risks to save him, it is really income and sacrifice. proportion."

Song Qingshu felt guilty in his heart, but there were many things that couldn't be explained clearly, so he had to say, "Minmin, help me out."

Zhao Min's expression eased a bit, and he slowly replied, "It is not wise to expose your identity directly to save him. In my opinion, you can help others to rescue him."

"Who to borrow?" Song Qingshu asked.

"Have you forgotten Yang Guo, who you saw in Kublai’s mansion before," Zhao Min smiled, "their two families are

Family friend, Guo Jing treats him like a mountain, how can he just sit back and ignore it? "

"Of course, although Yang Guo has a high level of martial arts, he can't do it alone. Didn't Hong Qigong and Zhou Botong have had trouble with Alibu and Kublai’s palace before? Find a way to contact them and ask them to help. Things are much easier."

Song Qingshu still has some doubts, "Ke Helin is Mongolia's base camp, not to mention the massive numbers of soldiers, the top masters alone are countless, can they really save Guo Jing by relying on them alone?"

Zhao Min calmly replied, "They are just foreign aid, and they need internal support. At this time, you need to be on the stage."

"Me?" Looking at the fox-like smile on her face, Song Qingshu wanted to give her a good grasp, and she insisted on speaking slowly.

Zhao Min said, "Didn't Meng Ge's widow, Princess Alan, give you a gift? This time his father had an accident in Gaochang Labyrinth, and you also have a reason to approach her..."

Song Qingshu hurriedly said with a serious face, "Although Princess Alan looks good, let me betray her beauty. Am I such a superficial person?"

Zhao Min glanced at him strangely, "Who told you to betray your beauty? Princess Yalen has always been dignified and reserved, and she never pretends to show off to men. If you want to betray your beauty, you can't sell it, let alone you. The respectful face of Shuiyue Grand Sect."

"Uh..." Song Qingshu realized that he was thinking of something wrong.

Zhao Min continued, "According to the information I got, this time Temujin detained Guo Jing in a jail, under the supervision of the general Wu Lianghetai, and Wulianghetai and Mengge have a deep relationship."

"Wu Liang Hetai?" Song Qingshu had an impression of this man in history, because his name was very special. In history, he and Kublai Khan went on an expedition to Dali. He is known for his wide range of conquests in his life. The Men River Basin extends to Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary and other places in the west, and conquered Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, to the south.

But soon after Kublai Khan came to power, he released his military power. Even if he later fought with Ali Bu at a critical moment, he did not let the famous general play, because he was the former confidant general of Meng Ge. In history, Meng Ge Sending him and Kublai Khan on an expedition to Dali, I am afraid it also means to monitor.

It's just that Meng Ge died young in this world, and I don't know what the relationship between him and the kings is.

Zhao Min explained, "Wuliang Hetai is the son of the famous general Subutai. In his early years, Sutai was defeated in a battle, and he was blamed by the sweat. It was Meng Ge who came out to intercede, saying that victory or defeat is

As a common matter of military strategists, please allow the speedy not to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds. This allowed him to save his life and have a chance to turn defeat into victory, so the Subutai family is very grateful to Meng Ge. Although Subutai is dead now, his son should also remember this kind of grace, and Princess Alan will come forward and he will certainly not stop it. "

Song Qingshu wondered, "It's nothing more than ordinary things, but this time it's not a trivial matter. How could Wu Liang and Tai take such a big risk for the favor of the past?"

Zhao Min replied, "I may not dare to change to other people, but Wu Liang has a special identity. You must know that his father Sutai was one of the top ten heroes when the Great Khan founded the country, and he himself was a famous general. Their father and son don’t know how much credit they have made, and the family power is not trivial, so even if they make some mistakes, Khan will punish him at best, and there will be no life worry."

After a pause, Zhao Min looked at him with a weird expression. "The question now is how do you tell Princess Alan to help you? Should you really consider sacrificing hue?"

"Nonsense, am I that kind of person?" Song Qingshu smiled wryly, "Then I'll go and make arrangements first, and I'll come back to find you later."

Zhao Min nodded, knowing that Guo Jing's life was at stake now, and she did not say anything to keep him.

Song Qingshu left Ruyang Prince's Mansion and went all the way to the recruitment hall in the south of the city. Just as Yang Guo had a headache where he lived, he suddenly heard a faint arguing sound from a distance and hurriedly followed.

"Yang Guo, you are here to push back and forth. In my opinion, you are greedy for life and fear of death, and do not want to save Master!"

"Big brother, what are you doing so much nonsense with him? Now that he has taken refuge in Mongolia and has become a running dog of Mongolia, how can he risk saving his Master? I feel sorry for the Master's kindness to him back then."

I saw Da Wu and Xiao Wu Zheng sing and sneer at Yang Guo continuously.

Yang Guo finally got angry, "Shut up, the pigs really want to worship you as kings, so they rushed to save people. Not only could it not save Uncle Guo, but it would only cost him his life for nothing."

"We are not afraid of death. It's a big deal to die with the master and his elders. It is also worthy of the master and the conscience of heaven and earth." Wu Dunru arched his hands in the direction of Peach Blossom Island.

"Not bad!" Wu Xiuwen raised his neck, "We are blind when we came to see you this time. You don't need to worry about saving people. Brother, let's go!"

A graceful girl in green clothes hurriedly stopped them, it was not Gongsun Lue who was "Don't misunderstand the two, Brother Yang is also anxious, the most urgent thing is to think of a safe way to save people."

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