Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2267: Passionate son

"Oh~" Wu Xiuwen stretched his voice as she watched her, "Nowadays, Yang has the glory and wealth of Mongolia, and there is a beauty like you by his side. No wonder I don't want to risk saving people."

Wu Dunru also agreed: "It's also fortunate that Fumei still liked him so much, so she was really blind."

"That's bad," Wu Xiuwen waved his hand immediately. "Fu Mei likes Song Qingshu, Song Daxia. Brother Song is handsome and martial artist. He has millions of soldiers. He is a first-class figure in the world. Some people are still a little self-aware. , Don't compare it."

Yang Guo's eyelids jumped, thinking that his beloved aunt was also snatched by the man, he felt that there was an anger in his body that was about to be uncontrollable.

Song Qingshu, hiding in the dark, was dumbfounded. Although the Wu brothers' martial arts were rubbish, but this **** was at a super-high level in history. He was an old yin and yang person.

If they let them spray Yang Guo, they would go violently. It was nothing but violent, but it felt very uncomfortable to be used as a gun.

So he hurriedly appeared: "The saving of people needs to be considered in the long term, and the two Wu brothers must not be rash."

He appeared in his original face, Dawu Xiaowu couldn't help but look excited when he saw him: "Big Brother Song!"

Song Qingshu nodded, and then said to Yang Guo: "Brother Yang, Dawu and Xiaowu are also eager to save the teacher, please don't be offended."

"Humph~" Seeing that it was him, Yang Guo's whole body was tight for an instant, as if he was about to make a move, but after all he held it back.

Gongsun Lue looked at Song Qingshu curiously. She was also a little curious about this legendary character, but she quickly looked away. Her thoughts were all on Yang Guo, and there was no room for other men.

"Where is my aunt?" Yang Guo looked at Song Qingshu with bad eyes.

Song Qingshu sighed: "Farewell to Wudang Mountain, I don't know where she went."

Hearing this news, Yang Guo's mood fluctuated, obviously ripples in his heart, Gongsun Lue on the side couldn't help but feel gloomy, and a burst of sorrow and grief surged into his heart.

"Leave the rest aside first. The most urgent task now is to save Daxia Guo." Song Qingshu originally wanted to call Brother Guo, but Yang Guo called him Uncle Guo, which might be a bit of an advantage.

Yang Guo also picked up his mood: "Yes, now with your help, our hope of saving Uncle Guo is a little bit bigger."

"It's far from enough." Song Qingshu roughly said the master in Mongolia. Yang Guo frowned as he heard it, and he knew it would be difficult.

"Then what should we do now?" It was strange. Yang Guoming said something similar just now, but Dawu and Xiaowu couldn't listen to it at all and instead ridiculed. Now Song Qingshu said, they immediately calmed down.

Song Qingshu replied: "As far as I know, Zhou Botong and Hong Qigong, two old seniors, should also be near Helin. You can find a way to get in touch with them."

"Yeah, with the two of them here, we will definitely be able to rescue Master." Xiaowu couldn't help being excited when he heard the messages from the two of them.

Song Qingshu said, "In addition, internal response is needed. There is one thing that needs to be done by Brother Yang."

Yang Guo said solemnly: "Say!"

Song Qingshu hesitated: "But this goes against the way of chivalry..."

Yang Guo said lightly: "As long as I can rescue Uncle Guo, what is the loss of my personal reputation."

"Brother Yang is really anxious for justice," Song Qingshu said, "For example, the general guarding Guo Daxia today is Wulianghetai. He is the old ministry of Mengge. If we can get the help of Mengge's widow, Princess Alan, we can Save a lot of things."

Yang Guo frowned and said, "How can Princess Yalun help us?"

Gongsun Lue, who was on the side, felt tight, wouldn't it be for Big Brother Yang to show off his beauty? For a handsome and attractive man like Brother Yang, even if he is a princess, it would be hard to resist.

Song Qingshu didn't know what she was thinking, and continued: "Princess Yalen has a child, the posthumous child of Brother Meng. She has always been extremely loving. Brother Yang finds an opportunity to take her child out as a hostage, and she will definitely submit."

Yang Guo couldn't help but stunned: "It's not good to bully orphans and widows."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "I also know that this makes Brother Yang embarrassed."

Yang Guo took a deep breath: "Don't worry, in order to rescue Uncle Guo, even if it is chivalrous, I will go back and do it, but I need you to promise that you won't hurt the child's life."

"This is natural, and I am not a bloodthirsty madman." Song Qingshu couldn't bear to think of Princess Aaron's situation with the child.

At this time, Gongsun Lue spoke: "Song son, although Brother Meng is dead, he was once the prince, after all, how tightly guarded his mansion is. I am afraid it is not easy to get in and arrest people. You let Brother Yang take the risk to do this. I don't know what you are going to do again?"

Song Qingshu couldn't help laughing: "The little girl started to protect her shortcomings before she got married."

Gongsun Lue's face flushed, and he glanced at Yang with a guilty conscience: "Where is there~"

Song Qingshu replied: "Of course I know that the Mengge Palace is heavily guarded, so I'm going to create a chance for you to move the tiger away from the mountain. You are taking the opportunity to sneak in and find someone."

After discussing some details with them, Song Qingshu returned to his residence to meditate. Not long after, a carriage slowly stopped at his door.

A team of cavalry quickly came down and dispersed to take care of the surrounding safety, and a beautiful woman got off the carriage, and it was Princess Alan!

After she got out of the car, she walked straight in and walked towards Song Qingshu's place. She stopped when she saw his figure and waved her hand to let the people go out. Then she said, "I've come, you can kill my father." Tell me the details."

Song Qingshu noticed that she didn't bring the child out this time, and he was secretly relieved. Although he guessed that she probably wouldn't bring it out, he was not afraid of ten thousand or just in case.

"This young man is?" Song Qingshu did not answer. Instead, his eyes fell on Young Pianjia who was next to her. Even though he was a man, he had to admit that he was an extremely attractive character, and there was a teachable female melting in his eyes. His gentle look, thick black and elegant moustache on his lips, seemed to make his handsome face hang a faint smile at any time.

His eyes fell on the paper fan in his hand, and a lot of complaints suddenly rushed to his heart. This Mobei bitter cold place always carries a fan on his body, and he is not afraid of being too cold to fan?

The young man smiled slightly, and showed a folding fan in his hand. There was a picture of a lady on it. The painting was so beautifully done. A fairy-like figure appeared on the paper. It was not Jin Bingyun and who was it: "Send Hou Xibai in the Xiahuajian, I have seen Shuiyue Dazong."

"Hou Xibai?" Song Qingshu was startled, why did he even appear? Speaking of the shadow assassin's help for the lost sea, and Hou Xibai's help for Princess Aaron, these two brothers are really interesting.

"Da Zong knows me?" Hou Xibai felt his tone and couldn't help but curiously asked.

"What's the relationship between you and Nian Lian Dan?" Song Qingshu thought of Nian Lian Dan's sordid attitude in Xixia City, and had no affection for the three words Huajian School.

"Although he and I belong to the same faction, they belong to different factions. There is no intersection. Hou Mou has never been ashamed of him, and I hope that Da Zong will not confuse us." Hou Xibai said sternly, obviously not less misunderstood. .

Song Qingshu gave a hum, pointed at Jin Bingyun on his fan and said, "You painted her on your fan, don't you fear that the magician will blame it?"

Hou Xibai took a fan and looked at the portrait of Jin Bingyun, smiling slightly: "I only record the beautiful things in the world objectively, and there is no blasphemous meaning. How can a magician care about these trivial things with such a demeanor."

Song Qingshu couldn't help but admire his ability to make the idiot's behavior so artistic. Just as he was about to compliment a few words, he suddenly noticed the portrait of the woman on the other side of his fan and was startled.

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