Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2268: Misleading

On the other side of the fan, there was a girl with a graceful and slender figure, like a girl who shot a fairy. The girl was dressed in a thin white cloth, as if she was in the mist of smoke.

Except for her black hair, her whole body was white, but the most surprising thing was that the girl's face was blank.

Rao is so, Song Qingshu also feels a bit familiar with it, and can't help but ask: "Master Hou, who are you painting this?"

A fascinating look flashed in Hou Xibai’s eyes: "A fairy I came across by chance when I traveled the world a few months ago. Her name is Xiaolongnu. I have never seen such a fairy. I am ashamed. I was originally from a negative painter, thinking that I could draw the beauty of the world to life, but the little dragon girl I never dared to paint her face, because no matter how I paint, there is no way to draw her beauty in case."

Song Qingshu was surprised and delighted: "I don't know where Master Hou met her?"

Hou Xibai was taken aback and wondered why you didn't play the cards according to common sense. Normally, you should not question what I said, and then I will describe to you how beautiful the little dragon girl is.

After being surprised, he replied: "I met him by chance in Hengshan a few months ago, but after so long, she must not be there anymore. It's too late for Da Zong to go again at this time."

At the same time, I was secretly contemptuous in my heart. I had heard that Shuiyue was lustful, but now that it was so, when I heard me talk about how beautiful the little dragon girl is, he immediately wanted to find someone.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but regret it, letting this kind of people know the information of Xiaolongnv was simply blaspheming the goddess in his heart.

Song Qingshu was lost in thought, why did the little dragon girl go to Hengshan? Hey, I don't know when we will meet next time.

"Hey, I don't know what kind of fairy character Song Qingshu is." Hou Xibai suddenly sighed.

Song Qingshu was stunned: "Why did Master Hou suddenly mention me...hehe...he?"

Hou Xibai obviously fell into the memory of Xiaolongnv's beauty, and did not notice the strangeness in his words: "I heard that Xiaolongnv's sweetheart is Qi Wang Song Qingshu. Although I have not met him, I saw Yang Guo a few days ago. The arrogance is handsome and handsome, but it's still a point worse than Yang Guo's consciousness, but Xiaolongnv actually gave up a strange man like Yang Guo for Song Qingshu, and he must be like an immortal."

Boast, continue to boast, I like it! Song Qingshu raised his eyebrows when he heard it. If he had a tail, he might have already raised his eyebrows.

"Cough cough~" At this time, a light cough sounded beside him, and I saw the chief guard Alan Da'er looking at the two with an unkind expression: "Can you talk about women after the princess is finished asking about the business?"

Hou Xibai's face changed, and he saluted Princess Alan in a slanderous manner: "I was so excited that I forgot about the business, and I hope the princess will forgive me."

Princess Yalen snorted and looked directly at Song Qingshu: "Should Dazong tell me something?"

Her face was still beautiful and moving, and she was not as distressed as she had imagined. It was just a little more haggard than before. Song Qingshu secretly sighed. Her life was really bitter. It was originally the Queen’s life but now it’s only age. He was lightly widowed, but he didn't expect that even his father was dead now.

I want to come, too, I have experienced too much before, even if there is another accident, it will be difficult to defeat her.

Song Qingshu took out the jade horse she had given before, and said with an apologetic expression: "I didn't protect the safety of my dad on this road. I have been entrusted by the princess. I feel so guilty. I really don't dare to leave this thing. I hope the princess Take it back."

Princess Alan didn't even look at the box, and said coldly, "I'm not here to listen to this."

Song Qing showed hesitation in writing, and it took a long time to speak, "I don't know what the princess wants to hear?"

"How did my dad die?" Princess Yalun stared at him closely.

Song Qingshu briefly talked about the Gaochang Labyrinth. Princess Alan frowned upon hearing: "Who is the man in black?"

"I don't know either." Song Qing lied without heartbeat in writing.

A thin layer of anger enveloped Princess Yalen's eyebrows: "You can't keep him with your martial arts, is it because that person is still a great master?"

Song Qingshu secretly gave a thumbs up. The woman's intuition was really terrifying, but obviously she didn't think it was a great master, and she didn't delve into it from this point: "Then can you tell the origin of the opponent from his martial arts? "

Song Qingshu shook his head: "I'm from Dongying, and I don't know much about the martial arts of the Central Plains martial arts."

Hou Xibai, who was fanning his pose, said, "It's better to practice the situation with Da Zong and I will see if I can figure out the origin of that person's identity."

Song Qingshu was taken aback, but he was secretly happy in his heart: "Okay."

Seeing his promise, Hou Xibai swung his fan into the middle of the road. Although he looked like a fan with a fan, the fan was really not a display. He had successfully integrated his martial arts into the fan in his hand and created a set of his own. A hundred styles of martial arts.

Song Qingshu also played a set of martial arts. Of course, he would not imitate the Tongtian Witch, but imitated some of Guo Jing's martial arts. At the same time, he was very careful not to be so obvious, and did not use the signature Jianglong Eighteen Palms and the like. of.

When he was worried about whether Hou Xibai could see it, he had already jumped out of the circle to salute Princess Yalun: "Return to the princess, that man's martial arts skills are very complicated, and it seems that he has deliberately concealed his martial arts skills. There is a certain understanding of martial arts, maybe you really can't see it."

"Don't show off here, just say it when you see it." Alan Da'er obviously didn't like this little white face to be around her mistress all day.

Hou Xibai did not get angry, and a charming smile appeared on her mouth: "The man's body style has the shadow of the Quanzhen Jin Yangong, and he can vaguely see the essence of the fusion of the Taohua Island and the nine-yin scriptures. It’s very deep, but it’s a pity that a person’s martial arts go deep into his bones. No matter how disguised it is, it is inevitable to show his feet in the details."

"There is only one person in the world!" Princess Alan looked out the window in a certain direction, "No wonder I got the news before, sweating ran to the princess mansion to catch the old golden swordsman!"

Hou Xibai frowned and said: "But I have always heard that Guo Jingyi, the golden swordsman, is a hero who is admired by everyone in the world. How can he do such a sneaky assassination?"

"I don't believe him either." Princess Yalun remembered that when she visited Huazheng in the past, she had told her what happened back then. It was really impossible to connect Guo Jing and the murderer, but all the information she got now pointed to him.

"It's not good, it's not good!" Suddenly a Mongolian soldier hurried in.

Alan was taken aback, and Alan Da'er furiously reprimanded: "What's panicking?"

The Mongolian soldier glanced at Song Qingshu and stopped talking. Alan Da'er frowned and walked over. After hearing his whisper, his face changed drastically, and he hurried to the princess to whisper.

Although they lowered their voices, they couldn't hide it from Song Qingshu's ears.

"Princess, the mansion is here to report that the little prince was robbed!"

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