Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2374: Pang Ban

The ghostly figure was taken aback, and hurriedly turned back. This time he seemed to ignore inertia and attracted the attention of all the masters.

"Teacher Li's light work is really amazing." Na Chen couldn't help but exclaimed. Even Temujin respected Li Chimei, so he couldn't call him a teacher too much.

Chabi nodded, and looked at the person in front of Guo Jing with some curiosity: "I don't know who the other person is."

Li Chimei also had the same doubts, looking at the figure opposite: "Your martial arts are definitely not an unknown person, who are you?"

Song Qingshu's heart sank, Li Chimei appeared, presumably Tie Muzhen is not far away, today there is a slight mistake, I am afraid I will explain here.

He ignored Li Chimei's words, with a finger move, a nearby sword flew up into the air, and then with a light flick, the sword shot into Chimei at such a speed that it was almost invisible.

Li Chimei was shocked, hurriedly transported the charm of the sky, and the whole person appeared and disappeared, appearing in various directions to try to get rid of the attack of the sharp sword, but no matter how he shifted his direction or jumped and moved, the sword was like a tarsal bone. The maggot was always behind him.

His heart sank, how could he not see that the opponent's cultivation base was higher than him, knowing that he would not be able to hide, so he had no choice but to take the opponent's sword with all his strength.

I saw a cloud of purple aura between his hands blocking him. When the sword rushed up, his whole body was shocked, his soft and handsome face was first flushed, and then pale again.

The exercises he practiced were originally feminine and internal strength, and he would hardly sweat in normal days, but now the sweat from his temples is dripping down one by one, and he has already transported all his skills, who knows that the sword is still moving forward inch by inch. , Seeing to completely break through the purple qi in the palm of his hand.

"My life is over!" Li Chimei closed her eyes in despair.

At this moment, a lotus flower mark appeared and bombarded the side of the sword. The sword deflected slightly and slid past Chimei's body, cutting a piece of his sleeve, revealing his. Arms whiter than women.

"Thanks to the emperor." Li Chimei thanked the great monk beside her with lingering fear.

Basiba looked at the red palms and couldn't help but sighed: "I'm afraid it's a great master."

Li Chimei nodded in sympathy, and subconsciously looked at the person just now, only to find that he was missing.

At this time Song Qingshu has appeared next to Nachen and Chabi, catching the thief first, and the king. He is a child.

He knew the truth, how could he not know. The soldiers along the way couldn't stop him at all, and the masters around the two hurriedly stopped him, but they collapsed under his sword aura.

There was only the last line of defense left by the two of them. A beautiful white-clothed woman stabbed him with a sword. Although she knew she couldn't stop it, this sword was full of determination. She didn't care about her own life, and only wanted to hurt each other.

Song Qingshu couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. Jin Bingyun looked at the woman quietly, but how could she play such a crazy dog?

After all, she was still cruel to destroy the flower, flicked the sword in her hand with one finger, took her aside, and then grabbed Nachen and Chabi with both hands on the shoulders.

At this moment, a gentle and mellow voice came: "Why bother to the younger generation, try it with me."

Song Qingshu suddenly felt that there was something strange between the world and the earth, as if several mountains were all squeezing toward him, and the oppression that came on made people breathless.

He knows that this is not an illusion, but someone is attacking with mental power, and this kind of attack is completely different from the old man Wusun. In the final analysis, the old man Wusun caused your hallucinations, but if you really want to hurt people, you still need to resort to attacks in reality. .

But this attack was far more powerful than old Wusun in terms of power and authenticity. He even had a feeling that if he left it alone, he would be crushed into meatloaf by this virtual mountain, no different from a real mountain.

There was a flash of golden light in his eyes, and a little golden figure was looming, and a muffled hum was heard in the air.

The golden villain in Song Qingshu's eyes instantly retracted, and then rushed to a certain place quickly.

A fist stretched out in the air, even though it was a man's hand, it was more perfect than a woman's hand, like a work of art carved from the world, the surface of the fist was crystal clear as jade, but it looked simple and restrained.

Song Qingshu used fingers to transform swords, fists and swords intersected, and the two separated at the touch of a touch.

A man a few feet away, like a demon, his purple-red embroidered golden garb was spotlessly clean, he wore a long silver cloak, and a three-inch wide belt around his waist, revealing a section full of gems.

His body is extremely majestic, and his appearance is almost evil and handsome. What is particularly impressive is that his skin is crystal clear and gleaming with dazzling luster. On both sides of the shoulders, which are much wider than ordinary people, the bridge of the nose is tall and upright, and the eyes are flying, like lightning, hiding the charm of almost evil.

"Magic Pang Ban?" I don't know why. Although I have never seen it before, Song Qingshuyi

Then he recognized the identity of the other party.

Pang Ban smiled slightly: "It is said that Song Qingshu, the king of Qi, is the most pitiful and cherished jade. I saw it today. With your martial arts, if you were not merciful just now, how can Bingyun live?"

"It made the magician laugh." Song Qingshu took off the mask, and just retired, Chimei, and Pangban, his martial arts skills are difficult to conceal anymore, and this is the end, so naturally there is no need to hide his head and show his tail.

Not far away, Jin Bingyun hurriedly looked at him after hearing the words, his beautiful eyes were full of curiosity and surprise, looking at this man who was destined to be entangled with him for life.

Not only her, but other people in the field are also looking towards this side. The movement here just now is so loud, it is difficult for the two great masters to fight against each other, and it is difficult not to attract attention.

Hou Xibai smiled with joy: "I'll just say why I was restrained by someone in the carriage before. It turned out to be him, hahaha." He has always been sceptical about being caught in one move when he joined forces with Alan Da'er. His life has shaken Dao's heart. Now that he knows the identity of that person, the whole person relaxes.

But he thought of the little dragon girl again, and his face continued to show bitter meaning: "No wonder the dragon girl will fall in love with him."

Princess Alan on the side heard his mumbling, and looked at the other curiously: Is he the one holding him? I heard that he is Princess Shaomin’s favorite, no wonder she would fall in love with such a proud and outstanding woman...

Na Chen's face was blue and white, thinking of the terrible oppression that the other party had just grabbed from him, his calf is still trembling now, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that his pride as a man has completely collapsed. , The other side's extremely powerful figure lingers in his mind, how can he be courageous to pursue Zhao Min in the future?

Princess Chabi also blinked. Unlike Nachen, who was almost in fear and collapsed, the strong oppression just now made her have a very shameful reaction. She didn't know why she had such a reaction. She was a little angry and angry for a while. Is shy.

At this time, Pang Ban’s voice came again: "A gentle lady and gentleman are so beautiful, so what is there to laugh at. Your Excellency was able to step into the realm of a great master at a young age, it really made Pang Mou ashamed, but it’s a pity that you are destined to fall today. Here it is."

Song Qingshu had to admit that Pang Ban's gestures and smiles were absolutely perfect, creating an incomparable attraction, and he was easily deterred by his temperament if he was not determined.

After listening to the other party, he shook his head: "Unfortunately, your technique is still flawed. It is not my opponent."

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