Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2375: Monstrous blood

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the field was in an uproar. The Magician Palace in Mobei is almost tied to the shamanism, especially the Magician Pangban is the most mysterious and powerful person considered by many people.

Before the rise of the Great Khan, it was a matter of daily discussion for the Mongols who was strong or weak between him and the Tongtian Witch. Although the Demon Sect was split into three sects and six sects, the various sects were almost incompatible with each other, but people from other sects were not allowed Don't admit it, Pang Ban is now the first person in the Demon Gate.

Such a supreme powerhouse, this young guy on the opposite side is so bold.

The countless fans of the Magician's Palace in the field were about to yell, but Pang Ban slowly said, "Yes, my Dao Heart Cultivation Dao-Dharma has not yet succeeded. In a real fight, I am not your opponent."

The other righteous and indignant people suddenly became dumb. The scene was silent for a while, and many people still didn't want to believe it. The guy opposite seemed to be in his twenties or thirties. Even if he cultivated from the womb, he couldn't be so powerful.

Jin Bingyun was also very surprised. In her heart, the master was an invincible existence, but now she was inferior to a young man, which made her look at Song Qingshu a little more enthusiastic.

No matter who it is, there is respect and admiration for the truly strong.

Suddenly she turned her head back with feelings, and noticed that Pang Ban was looking at herself intentionally or unintentionally, and immediately remembered the task of seeding the Dao Heart Demon on her shoulders.

Over the years, in order to accomplish the task, she has studied a lot about this goal, and even consciously knows him better than his lover. She is already very sure in her heart, but now that the other party appears in front of her alive, her belief can't help but shake: I can really accomplish it. Task?

She was actually very resistant to this task before, and she had a desire to die in her heart. The reason for studying Song Qingshu desperately was to avenge Pang Ban. She wanted to see when she put herself in the arms of the other party and tactfully inherited-happiness. Is the master who loves and hates sad, sad, jealous?

He noticed that his beloved’s eyes were no longer as stagnant as usual, as if there was a little more fascination. Especially when looking at Song Qingshu, Pang Ban suddenly felt very uncomfortable in his heart, but he immediately noticed that he had stagnated for a long time. The cultivation base seems to have faint signs of loosening, and can't help thinking: "Does it mean that the heart is enchanted..."

He quickly picked up his mood. Now it is not the time to think about this. Yaoyi's eyes are looking at Song Qingshu: "Although your cultivation level is high, there is only one person after all, and you are destined to be alone tonight."

Song Qingshu was about to answer when he suddenly had a warning sign and looked at the battlefield from one side to the other.

Hong Qi Gongyi was fighting against the King Kong Sect Master, and suddenly noticed that his feet were blood red. He seemed to be in a sea of ​​blood. He was taken aback for a moment, and then his whole body was blown up. Since his martial arts success, he has never felt it. It's such an inexplicable danger now.

A palm pushed back the King Kong Sect Master, trying to fly out of this sea of ​​blood, but suddenly a monstrous sea surged in front of him and blocked the way.

Hong Qigong's complexion changed drastically, and he took out the dog-sticking stick that he hardly used from his waist. As soon as he shot it, there was no dog in the world. There were countless green bamboo stick shadows around him. Protecting him in the center, while hitting the **** waves around him.

In the distance, Song Qingshu had a solemn expression, and he directly approached Tianya and appeared beside Hong Qigong. Who knew that Pang Ban seemed to be prepared for a long time, and stepped out to stop him and Hong Qigong.

It was with this moment of effort that Hong Qigong had already decided the victory and defeat, the sky full of green bamboo sticks disappeared, Hong Qigong fell heavily, and the dog stick in his hand was broken.

"Master!" Guo Jing on the side only felt a sharp pain in his head, and he remembered many things at that moment.

Upon seeing this, Zhou Botong hurried over to catch him, his cynical face was a little more anxious: "Old beggar, what's wrong with you?"

Hong Qigong spit out a mouthful of blood, and smiled bitterly: "The old beggar will probably be planted here today." While talking, he looked at the figure that gradually appeared not far away with fear.

A burly and tall old man appeared a few feet away, his golden armor appeared extraordinarily heroic, and the two wolf hair pendants on both sides of the helmet added a bit of fierceness.

"Farewell to Khan!" The surrounding soldiers all knelt down and paid respect. Yang Guo and others vacated their hands and hurriedly brought Guo Jing to Hong Qigong to meet.

"What was the name of your move just now?" The soldiers around Tiemu Zhenzheng looked at Hong Qigong instead.

"There is no dog in the world." Hong Qigong watched as his hand was cut in half, and his face was full of bitterness. There is no dog in the world, which is the trick of the dog and stick method. He was cracked by Ouyang Feng on Mount Hua in the past. I care too much, because it was just a drill after all, and it gave Ouyang Feng a day and night to crack it. How could he have time to react during the actual battle?

And even if the move is broken, it doesn't matter. Moves are dead, and people are fire. It is true that individual moves are easy to break, but it is different when people use them.

But today he lost, he lost plainly, even if he did it ten more times, he still lost with this trick.

Temujin nodded: "Yes, it is said that the beggar's method of beating dogs and sticks is incomparable. At first sight today, it was extraordinary, and he was able to escape his life from under my hands."

Although he was complimenting him, Hong Qigong, as one of the five must-dos in the Central Plains, had been said so for so many years across the rivers and lakes. He couldn't help but vomit blood and vomit blood again.

Song Qingshu said solemnly: "As a profuse sweat, it was a bit wrong to make a surprise attack just now." Although Hong Qigong is not an opponent in the face-to-face confrontation, it will not be so miserable.

Temujin snorted: "We Mongols learned the tactics of wolves on the prairie. We tried to find the enemy's weakness in a vain opportunity, and then delivered a fatal blow. Only in this way, we have just taken down this huge empire. Everything must be upright. It is the pedantic of your Han Song Xiang formula, and it is destined to be reduced to our Mongolian slaughter."

"Sweat profusely, profuse profusely!" The surrounding soldiers cheered, obviously they are popular with this theory.

Song Qingshu knew that it would be useless to say more. He stepped forward to stand in front of Hong Qigong and the others, and said to Yang Guo, "Hurry up and take them away. There is me here."

"What about you?" Even though the other party is a rival in love, Yang Guo couldn't do anything to abandon his companion.

Song Qing said in the book: "Don't worry about me, no one will be able to leave without leaving."

Uncle Zhou's channel: "I stayed with you. I haven't seen any great master. I was used to practicing with my seniors every day."

Song Qingshu was a little moved. Zhou Botong's martial arts had indeed reached the threshold of that realm, and he was not without the power of a battle. But in the end he shook his head. The other party was too dangerous to stay here: "Yang Guo can't take care of him alone. Do you want Hong Qigong and Guo Jing to die here?"

Zhou Botong scratched his head and got his ears. Yang Guo was very embarrassed for a while. Yang Guo said at this time: "Old naughty boy, let's send Uncle Guo and Senior Hong away first, so as not to hinder him, and then come back to help."

Guo Jing guarded his eyes with tears: "Brother Song, this happened because of me. You don't care about me. You can take my master and them away. You have saved Guo so many times. I really don't know how this kindness should be. Repaid."

Song Qingshu replied: "Brother Guo don't care, I save you...and it should be, you leave first, it is easy for me to get out alone."

Temujin laughed haha: "Don't push around, you won't be able to leave today."

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