Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2376: One enemy three

"That's not necessarily!" Song Qingshu said Kung Fu, there was already a sword of true Qi illusion suspended in front of him.

"Do you want to fight one against three?" At this moment, there was a sneer from the rear right, a group of black crows hovered, and the figure of the Tongtian Witch slowly appeared.

Seeing that the morale of all Mongolian soldiers in his presence was greatly boosted, Tongtian Witch was the spiritual leader of the Mongols. Now the three recognized powerhouses are all here, and no matter how powerful the enemy is, it will not escape.

Hou Xibai couldn't help but shook the fan in his hand: "Song Qingshu is dead this time." I don't know why, his tone is a little regretful, I don't know whether it is because of the jealousy of the talents, or because of the little dragon girl.

Princess Alan had moved to a safe place at this time, and couldn't help but ask: "Is there really no chance at all?"

Hou Xibai explained: "Since they are all great masters, the cultivation base is between the first and the second. Although one enemy and two will be defeated, there may not be no chance to escape; but one enemy and three, even if you want to escape, you can't escape."

After listening to his analysis, Princess Alan was silent. She didn’t know why she cared about someone who had threatened her. Maybe it was because she was still respectful to herself and the process of cooperation was also considered pleasant.

Jin Bingyun on the other side was also frowning. She didn't know why she was upset. The imaginary enemy who had been studying with great concentration died like this, and her life seemed to have lost her goal.

At a certain moment, she even had a kind of ease, and finally she didn't have to be pressed by this heavy task. However, she immediately realized that even if Song Qingshu died, her mission would not disappear, because Master's Dao Heart Cultivation Dafa still lacked the last step, so she could only change the target to someone else. x

But for someone else, it's not as good as the man in front of her. She doesn't know why she thinks like this. It can only be attributed to researching him too much and subconsciously creating a connection. x

At this moment, Song Qingshu said: "I can force the sweat, the shaman master, and the magician to deal with me together, and I will be considered as having no regrets in this life."

He did not expose the identity of the Tongtian Witch. He knew very well in his heart that in front of so many Mongolian soldiers, the Tongtian Witch could not openly help himself, but if it really reached the last juncture, he would not mind exploding the behavior of the other two or five. Top mine for yourself.

Temujin opened his mouth and said: "You don't have to say anything. We Mongolians have always followed the principle of the lion fights the rabbit with all our strength, and will not fight you one by one."

On the other side, Pangban showed a wry smile. In fact, he couldn't do this kind of teamwork with others because of his temperament, but when he sweated profusely, he would not refute the opposite side.

Tongtian Wu's eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was making.

Song Qingshu said: "But I heard that you have another custom in Mongolia, which is to allow the enemy to die without bleeding. Can I use this for another requirement, which is to let them escape for a stick of incense before letting others go. Chase"

Once heard from Zhao Min, in the Mongols’ belief, when they die, they will not be able to return to the embrace of Changshengtian. Therefore, in the face of a respectable enemy, they will avoid killing with swords and choose to put them in a sack to be trampled on by horses. Death like death.

Temujin looked at Guo Jing and everyone, and fell silent for a while.

Song Qing's book thought he would refuse. Who knew he suddenly nodded and said: "Yes, we Mongolians have always respected heroes. You are a good man to save your friends regardless of your life or death. Let me order them to leave first. Chi Mei and Ba Siba are responsible for leading people to capture them."

"Yes, sweating profusely!" Li Chimei and Ba Si Bazi took their lives together.

Yang Guo saluted Song Qingshu: "Brother Song, take care!"

Xiao Wu even burst into tears: "Brother Song, you must come back safely."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly, and said nothing.

Hong Qigong arched his hand and said, "The old beggar Huazi takes your love. I don't know in this life if I can pay it back. If it doesn't, let my apprentice pay it back for me."

Guo Jing on the side looked tangled: "But I owe him several lives, I'm afraid I can't help you pay it back."

Hong Qigong patted his head angrily: "Go go, I'm not just your apprentice, I'm talking about Rong'er."

When Zhou Botong was about to leave, he shouted: "Song boy, remember to come back alive. You haven't taught me how to make a big kite to take people to the sky. But if you really die, don't be afraid, I will find my brother to avenge you. "

Song Qingshu heard a black line, thinking that Zhou Botong's brain circuit really had some problems this week, and he said something unlucky.

After they left, Temujin smiled and said: "I suddenly remembered that there seems to be a covenant between your Golden Snake Camp and our Mongolia. Isn't it a pity to turn against each other at this time?"

"I am in an alliance with Ruyang Palace, not with Da Khan." Song Qingshu replied lightly.

Temujin said: "Then I will give you another chance. As long as you rely on me, you can forget the things of today. I will even marry you and Princess Shaomin. In the future, you will not only inherit the Ruyang Palace, but also the Central Plains. You can also be King of Song in the land."x

Song Qingshu sighed: "Actually, when I arrived in this world, I have always subconsciously avoided being an enemy of you, because I know that you will be the most powerful enemy in this world, but blindly avoiding it is not the answer after all. I thought about it, it's time to Faced it."

It was not that he had never thought that Xu and Wei Snake would survive this catastrophe first, but Tie Muzhen's words just now were also ill-intentioned. If he inherits the Ruyang Prince's Mansion, wouldn't it be that the place where the son Wang Baobao was placed would split their brothers and sisters internally.

As for the king of Song, it’s even more nonsense. Now Mongolia’s tentacles have not reached the south of the Yangtze River. If you take the title of King Song, you will completely break with the Song court. When the time comes, the Central Plains countries will fight against the Golden Snake Camp and let Mongolia take the advantage of the fishermen. .

Song Qingshu would naturally not be fooled by a blank check.

"If that's the case, then it's horrible to keep you." As soon as Tiemu's voice fell, there was a surge of blood behind him and bound him.

Song Qingshu's cultivation was so terrifying at a young age. If he was given some more time, it would have been better. What's more, he was still a dominant force and had a close relationship with Song Ting. He was destined to be a potential enemy on the Nanzheng Road.

But under normal circumstances, it is very difficult to kill a great master. It is rare to have such a good opportunity today, and he will naturally not let it go.

Song Qingshu's expression is solemn, and the blood waves roaring in front of him are like a huge tsunami. It is vaguely visible that painful and wailing bones are looming in each wave. Before the waves arrive, the real murderous intent has been overwhelming, and the skill is slightly lower. I am afraid that the mind will be destroyed in an instant.

I don't know how many people have to be killed to become this sea of ​​bones and blood!

Feeling sighed, but daring not to be negligent in the response, Song Qingshu raised his arm, his fingertips faintly condensed the shape of a sword, and then cut it down with a sword. i

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