Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2379: Tacit cooperation

The woman replied, "Wait to a safe place and talk more about it."

Seeing the doubts on other people's faces, the woman smiled: "Are you afraid that my design will hurt you? Then I'll go in first." After speaking, she went into the secret door first.

Yang Guo thought to himself that in this situation, Mongolia did not have to work so hard to design them, not to mention chasing troops in a hurry, so he followed, and at the same time secretly guarded, as long as the opponent showed a little abnormality, he would take action to control the opponent.

Zhou Botong and others followed closely, and Li Mochou hesitated and followed in.

After the mysterious woman closed the secret door, she found some stones to block the door, completely sealing the entrance here.

Yang Guo and others hurriedly stepped forward: "What are you going to do!" At the same time, a woman was secretly shocked, but she seemed to lift the heavy boulders lightly. This skill is definitely one of the world's top masters, and this group of people hurt one by one. Tired, tired, is the end of the battle, it may not be able to take advantage of the real fight.

The mysterious woman replied: "Of course it is to block this place, so as not to be found by the chasing soldiers. I don't want to get into any trouble because of saving you, you come with me." After finishing speaking, continue to lead the way.

Everyone looked suspicious and had to secretly guard to follow behind. A group of people circled around and finally climbed out of a well, and when they came out, they found that they were in a large house.

Another woman by the well responded, looking younger than the person who led them. Although she was covered in her face, she had a graceful body and eyebrows, and she could see that there must be a big beauty under the veil.

Li Mochou sneered secretly, really worried for the people of Ren Yingying, that the guy with the surname Song was surrounded by so many beautiful women wherever he went.

Although she didn't know the identity of the other party, she subconsciously thought it was related to Song Qingshu.

"Master~" The younger woman came to help and helped pull everyone up from the well.

The older mysterious woman asked, "Have you arranged it here?"

"The rooms and the like are all set up," the young woman hesitated, pulled her aside, and said in a low voice, "Master, why did you save them? It's too risky."

"I have an idea in my heart, just don't let other people in the teaching know it." The older woman replied, and then walked over to Yang Guo and others and said: "You have rested here these two days, and waited for the limelight to pass. I will arrange for you to mix into the business

The team leaves and Lincheng. "

While talking, he led everyone to a row of houses, and at the same time he asked: "I will bring you daily necessities. If there is nothing to do on weekdays, you should not go out, lest you show off."

"Why do you want to save us?" Yang Guo hurriedly asked. He was always smart, and he was inevitably thinking more than others.

The woman smiled and said, "You have just been hanging by a thread. Isn't it okay for someone to save you?"

Hong Qigong also smiled and said: "We have never known each other. It is really hard to imagine that someone will take such a big risk to save us. Please tell us your intentions, otherwise we will inevitably worry that you have other plans."

"We people stand upright and are not afraid of death. On the contrary, we are afraid of accidentally falling into other people's traps and making life worse than death."

The young woman was a little dissatisfied: "What do you mean, Master, who took such a big risk to save you, has attracted your accusations instead?"

The older mysterious woman stopped her: "They are so worried that they are not unreasonable. If I was rescued somehow, I would doubt the other person."

"The main reason I was masked before was that I didn't want to be seen by some of the chasing soldiers." As he said, he took off the veil, revealing a face that is quite beautiful despite the traces of time.

"Destiny teaches Fu Yaohong?" Yang Guo immediately recognized the other party. He was in Kublai Khan’s recruitment hall these days and knew many experts in Helincheng.

Fu Yaohong nodded slightly, and came to Guo Jing's side with a complex expression: "The restriction on his body was put down by Da Khan and Li Chimei. Li Chimei and I belong to the Sacred Sect. I can solve his acupuncture points. Open, I can’t help it when I'm sweating, but after a period of rest, it should be automatically unlocked."

All those present were masters, and naturally understood that even if acupuncture was not solved, it would automatically recover after a few hours, but Temujin and others had a too high level of cultivation, and it took longer to automatically unlock them.

Hong Qigong looked around and couldn't help saying: "We people have never had friendship with your Destiny Sect. Last time I was at that Alisha Mansion, I had a hard time with the **** hands in your Sect. It’s almost the same to say that there is grudge."

Hearing what he said, Yang Guo and Li Mochou secretly guarded, but Zhou Botong grinned and kept stroking his burned eyebrows.

Fu Yaohong shook her head and said: "The Hong Gang's words are wrong. Although Li Gong and I are brothers and sisters, we are not taught by God's Mandate, but Yin

Although the Kuei School and Tianming Sect strictly say it is a branch of the Yingui School, they have long been independent and are now in charge of my disciples. "

The young woman on the side took off her veil. Dawu and Xiaowu were flushed, and even Yang Guo looked at it twice, but Li Mochou was secretly surprised: What a powerful fox!

Although the other party's gestures are like saints, they are both women, and they can always feel the essence very keenly.

Fu Yaohong continued: "I'm saving you this time without telling other people in the teaching, so you don't have to worry about it."

Zhou Botong leaned close to her with a smile, and circled her a few times: "Why are you trying to save us without telling other people? Did you fall in love with Yang Guo? Or did you like Guo Jing? It could not be me and Old beggar these two bad old men."

As for the size of Wu, he automatically ignored it.

Guo Jing flushed with embarrassment in the Chinese character: "Old naughty boy, stop talking nonsense."

Yang Guo has some doubts. In recent years, many girls will show great affection when they see him, but this one...

Fu Yao's red face also flashed red, not knowing whether he was shy or angry: "I heard that the old naughty boy is acting unscrupulous. I saw it today. I am not afraid to tell you that I am not saving you, but to save him."

Seeing everyone looking at him, Guo Jing was a little confused: "Help me?"

Let’s talk about the other side, Song Qingshu watched the blood rushing from the sky, and cut it with a single sword. At first, the shape of the sword on his finger was similar to that of a normal sword, but as he cut under his arm, the sword seemed to be better in the wind. In the end, it turned into a long sword nearly forty meters long, and the surging blood wave was cut in half with one sword.

The blood wave did not disappear after being cut in half. Instead, it moved quickly on the ground, rolling towards his feet from the left and right sides.

Song Qingshu jumped directly into the air, and at the same time countless black crows swept in, and it was obvious that Tongtian Witch had also taken action.

"Is this guy forcing me to shake out his identity." Song Qingshu's face was cold, and his sword spirit swiftly walked away, quickly beheading the black crows that were coming over. He was taken aback, and the opponent's offensive looked great, but It's just a fancy, it doesn't contain much internal power.

He reacted quickly, and immediately pretended to fight the opponent with a lot of loss and fell to the other side.

The corners of the mouth behind the metal mask of Tongtian Witch in the distance rose slightly, this guy is not stupid.

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