Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2380: Save or kill

Seeing Song Qingshu's fall, Pang Ban also made a move. It was just a simple punch, but it was more powerful than any magic weapon. His punch seemed to carry the power of heaven and earth, as if there was the power of a mountain behind.

Song Qingshu can also feel a wave of mental power, knowing that this is the characteristic of Dao-Heart's enchanting Dafa. He is good at attacking each other from the spiritual level. If someone else encounters it, he will be affected by Pangban's strange spiritual power and will be everywhere. He controlled that before the fight started, defeat was set.

It's a pity that Song Qingshu is also good at mental power techniques, and to a certain extent he is immune to one of the opponent's greatest strengths, otherwise he wouldn't have to fight at all today.

Song Qingshu's body was shocked when his fists crossed. After all, he fought the two great masters one after another. Pang Ban seized the timing very cleverly and forced him back with a punch. However, he himself was also agitated with blood and he couldn't help but look solemnly. Looking at the young man, there was a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

The opponent has this level of cultivation at a young age, and it is simply amazing. Such a person is regarded as the furnace of the Dao Heart Seed Demon, can I become the number one in the world?

Thinking of this, his heart suddenly heated up.

Song Qingshu was forced back to the place, and Tie Muzhen made a comeback in the monstrous blood sea. A Mongolian soldier evaded and was caught by the edge of the blood sea. With a scream, it instantly turned into a white bone. I don’t know if it is an illusion. Vaguely saw a grimace with a distorted and painful expression in the sea of ​​blood, and it quickly blended into the other bones and disappeared.

Even Pang Ban and Tongtian Witch didn't get too close when Temujin attacked, obviously they were also very afraid of this sea of ​​blood.

Song Qingshu coldly snorted: "You are the only one who has a sea of ​​blood!"

After talking about one of his hands, the sword gas that has been rotating around his body turned into countless pieces. From a distance, it seemed that he was in a ball of light. Then he raised his hands, and suddenly a turbulent sea water surged behind him. Unlike Temuzhen's sea of ​​blood, his sea was extremely white.

"How is it possible?" Everyone was shocked, and the connection between Tianwu and Pangban also looked suspicious.

But they had better eyesight, and they soon saw that the wave was not white, but countless sword auras! Each sword qi is erratic, and they are too close to each other, together they look like sea waves.

Song Qingshu waved his hands, and the sea of ​​sword energy behind him rushed towards the sea of ​​blood in Temuzhen.

Bloody ocean and snow

The white waves crashed together, and the white grimace in the blood sea was nailed to death by a sword qi, but countless sword qi was also melted by the blood sea.

Everyone around seemed to hear the sound of the tsunami, but then all the sounds disappeared, as if everything was quiet.

Then the substances mixed with the sea of ​​blood and sword aura scattered one after another, and the Mongolian soldiers in the distance turned around in fright and fled. They were obviously separated from each other, but the speed of the splashing of these substances was so fast, it was almost instantaneous. Anyone who touches it will die.

Suddenly there were a few screams in the air, like a jackdaw. The overwhelming black crows flew up and hit the sea of ​​blood and sword energy splashing around, almost alone, blocking the aftermath of the battle between the two.

"The leader is mighty!"

Many people knelt down to express their most sincere gratitude to the Tongtian Witch. Shamanism has a lofty status in the hearts of the Mongols, not to mention that the Tongtian Witch has saved their lives.

Tongtianwu didn't look at these people. These people are just his tools to buy people's hearts. What he cares most about is the person in the field: "I have given you the opportunity, and it depends on whether you can run away."

Now in front of Temujin and other people, it is difficult for him to release the water. He just seized this opportunity when he had a headache. After all, he saved so many soldiers’ lives, and Temujin couldn’t accuse him afterwards. Work hard.

Song Qingshu spit out a mouthful of blood, but he didn't have time to pay attention to the rest, but quickly ran to the vacancy position that Tongtian Witch had just exposed.

Pang Ban's figure moved, as if he stepped forward in front of him. The opponent and Temuzhen were both defeated and it was now a good time to kill him.

He could not help but hesitate a little when thinking of Dao Xin's Demon Great Law, but immediately his face changed, because he noticed that the opponent's sword aura was extremely sharp and even surpassed the heyday.

Pang Ban couldn't think about it anymore. Now this situation is not a question of his inability to stay, but a question of whether he can save his life.

In a rush, he fisted, no more reservations.

The two separated immediately, Song Qingshu's figure disappeared at the end of the street, and Pang Ban quickly stepped back dozens of feet before standing still, still handsome, and exuding a kind of enchanting charm. Only Jin Bingyun who was beside him could see clearly and found that the blood in his fist was constantly flowing down his sleeve.

Jin Bingyun couldn’t help being shocked, knowing that Pang Ban’s fists are comparable to Jin Shi, even against Shangzhongyuan Dingding.

The famous Yitian sword and dragon sword, his fist won't hurt half a point.

For so many years, Pangban can kill with his fingers casually, and there are very few worthy of his fist, but now his fist has been so badly injured?

Jin Bingyun couldn't help feeling a little in a daze for a while: Is the man's martial arts really so high? Under the combined attack of the three great masters, two great masters have been hit hard. Can he escape successfully?

At this time, Temujin had been standing still and finally said, "I send my order, and the whole city will be searched and arrested. Even if you dig three feet, you must get Song Qingshu back!"

Tongtian Witch's eyes moved slightly, and he keenly sensed the tremor hidden in the opponent's voice. Obviously, he was trying his best to restrain his injury. Would you like to take this opportunity...

However, looking at the Pangban in the distance and the countless Mongolian warriors around him, he temporarily dispelled the idea.

After Temujin gave the order, he resisted the trembling body and returned to the king's account under the **** of Na Ya'a.

His orders have always been orders and prohibitions, but after speaking this time, everyone, whether they were ordinary soldiers or masters who were raised everywhere, looked at each other without moving.

They are great masters, and you can't keep them, aren't we going to die?

As if seeing everyone’s doubts, Pang Ban also spoke at this moment: "He just performed some secret techniques similar to the Holy Gate Demon’s disintegration great-method, overdrawing the life of essence and blood, and broke out for a short period of time. He became very weak, even ordinary soldiers could kill him."

In the presence of so many people, he was in complete condition against the seriously injured Song Qingshu, but was severely injured. Pang Ban was so calm, he had to explain the reason and save his face a little bit.

Hearing that this was the case, a Mongolian soldier showed excitement and screamed and chased in the direction Song Qingshu had just left, as if he saw the glory and wealth beckoning to them.

Seeing everyone leaving, Pang Ban said to the apprentice on the side: "Bingyun, you go too."

Jin Bingyun nodded: "Okay, I must kill him to avenge Master."

Pang Ban shook his head: "No, you are going to save him."

"Save?" Jin Bingyun was taken aback, but she was a smart person, and she immediately understood what the other party meant, showing a complex look in her eyes mixed with anger, resentment and sadness, "Okay!"

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