Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2392: Interrogation

The few people in the hall looked at each other, and after a while, Yuri Chimei replied: "Kai Khan, I haven't seen Shuiyue Dazong in the past two days."

"Did you not see him during the hunt yesterday?" Temujin asked in a deep voice.

"The situation was too chaotic yesterday. Maybe we didn't see him on other routes. You can ask if anyone saw him." Li Chimei replied.

"The person who rescued Guo Jing and Song Qingshu secretly last night was extraordinarily mysterious. Could it be him?" The speaker was a tantric monk with a fat head and big ears. The most striking thing was that his head was extremely flat. There is a certain curvature, but the top of his head seems to have been patted by a pan, which is extraordinarily flat.

He is the proud disciple of Ba Siba, who has obtained his true teachings through his cultivation, and there are even rumors that his martial arts are no longer weaker than his master.

The hall suddenly fell into silence. A group of people frowned, thinking about the possibilities. Jin Bingyun quietly said, "Do you have a basis for this judgment?"

Yang Lianzhenjia said: "Because of the Xixia incident, this person knew that it was difficult to be reused in Mongolia. Later, he was unprotected in the Gaochang Labyrinth. Everyone knew that his future was broken, so he gave birth to a rebellious and true human nature. Moreover, his martial arts is very high, which is also in line with the characteristics of saving a mysterious person last night, so I doubt him."

"Dazong Shuiyue is famous for his swordsmanship, but the person who rescued Song Qingshu last night used a sword." Jin Bingyun and Dazong Shuiyue didn't have friendship.

"Martial arts are high to a certain level, what is the difference between using a sword and a sword?" Yang Lianzhenjia said, "And even if it wasn't him who saved Song Qingshu, it might be him who saved Guo Jing and others."

"Dare to ask me, Guo Jing and the others, what is the connection, and want to take such a big risk to save him?" Suddenly a voice came, and everyone looked back, only to see the tall figure of Shuiyue Dazong walking in step by step.

It was Song Qingshu who came naturally, and he realized from Yalun that the status of Shuiyue Dazong would cause trouble, which was another important reason why he wanted to let Kublai Khan.

Of course he can disappear directly and let Shuiyue Dazong disappear without a trace from now on, but there is one thing that needs to use this identity in the future, and he can't fall short.

"Where have you been before?" Temuzhen's eyes were fierce and fierce, as if he wanted to order him to be killed if he didn't agree with him. The Tongtian Witch's eyes on one side were quite playful. He didn't understand why Song Qingshu came here at this time, and he was even more surprised. What was happening was the speed at which the opponent's injury recovered, which was far beyond his expectations.

"I was hurt a bit before, and I found a place to adjust my breath, so I came late." Song Qingshu was afraid to say healed his injuries at home, for fear that these people would visit him at home.

"Oh, how did you get hurt?" Hearing that he was injured, everyone involuntarily tensed up, and the Qi machine locked him.

Song Qingshu pointed to the Tongtian Witch, who was sitting on the wall and watching from a distance, and said: "I saw the heroic figure of the Great Sweat yesterday, and I am very yearning for the realm of the great master, and I have a sense of understanding, so I secretly challenged the leader. Unfortunately, the leader is supernatural, and I am still no opponent. , So I got some injuries."

"Challenge the leader?" Everyone turned to look at Tongtian Witch.

Under the mask of Tongtian Witch, he almost scolded his mother. How could he not understand Song Qingshu's plan? If he denies now, the other party will definitely expose what he did on the spot. In desperation, he gritted his teeth and admitted: "Yes, he came to look for him last night. I challenge."

"Then why didn't you just say it?" Temujin was obviously dissatisfied.

Tongtianwu replied: "Because this is not a glorious thing, so I didn't say it."

"Disgraceful?" Temujin continued to ask.

Tong Tian Wu gritted his teeth and said: "Because I was slightly injured in yesterday's test, I don't feel so glamorous." It is just this reason that I can push off some actions afterwards. Now Temujin and the magician are both injured. It would be too eye-catching if it were intact.

Everyone in the field took a deep breath, and even Jin Bingyun blinked and looked at Song Qingshu. He couldn't believe that this man who had escaped and was easily defeated by Fu Cailin could hurt Tongtian Witch.

"Will you be hurt by him?" Temujin also didn't believe it.

Tong Tian Wu replied: "I had a bad breath with Song Qingshu last night. Shuiyue Dazong came to the door. I didn't take it too seriously. I didn't know that the opponent's strength had improved a lot, so I suffered a little injury."

Song Qingshu also replied at the right time: "The leader is humble. If the leader hadn't been merciful yesterday, I'm afraid my life would be accounted for."

Listening to his pun hint, Tong Tian Wu snorted secretly, but did not refute it.

Temujin turned his anger into joy: "Hahaha, it is a good thing to watch the battle breakthrough. I hope that I will have another great master in Mongolia in the future, hahaha." Before that, he was a little indifferent to Shuiyue Dazong, but after learning that his strength has improved, Attitudes changed immediately, and Mongolia is like that, everything speaks with strength. Of course, another reason why he was so happy was that he learned that Tongtian Witch had also been injured, so that the heart he had been hanging on was completely relieved.

At this time, the emperor Ba Siba said: "Song Qingshu escaped under such circumstances last night. Both Da Khan and the magician were injured, and even the leader was also affected. It is really terrifying for this person to be so young."

Li Chimei's feminine voice sounded: "The emperor does not need to be too ambitious to destroy his prestige. Last night, Song Qingshu used a forbidden technique similar to the disintegration of the demon to break out such high combat power for a short time. The surgery is extremely harmful to the body, and he may not be able to recover for a long time after the incident. On the contrary, the injuries of the Khan Demon and others after recuperating, it will take a long time to heal, and cannot be generalized."

Everyone in the hall agreed, only Tongtian Witch's eyes flickered, staring at Song Qingshu, who was okay in the room, wondering how this guy looked like his body was damaged?

Temujin said: "No matter what, this son must not be kept, so if you bother you, you must find him out. You should cooperate with them in the Shuiyue Dazong."

"Subordinates obey." Song Qingshu, Li Chimei and the others took their orders, thinking that they would take this opportunity to find the whereabouts of Guo Jing and others.

"Report, the fourth prince has arrived." A samurai came to announce.

Temujin's face sank: "Let him in!"

The others were about to retreat, but Temujin motioned not to: "Everyone is the person I trust the most, and you don't have to avoid you."

After Kublai ran all the way in to salute, before he had time to speak, Temujin asked directly, "What did you do at the Mengge Mansion last night?"

Kublai Khan was also depressed. What else did I want to get, but I didn't get anything, so I hurriedly reported what happened last night.

"Toya is a maid so bold?" Temujin snorted. "You and Aaron are alone behind? Who else is there?"

A cold sweat oozes from Kublai's forehead: "Grandson... Grandson can't remember either."

"Huh!" Tie Muzhen's face was pale, "From today, you are not allowed to go to Meng Ge's Mansion. In addition, the people in your fief will allocate 2,000 households and distribute them to... to the people of Hongji's tribe."

Originally, he wanted to share the line with Alan, but felt that this arrangement would inevitably be confusing, so he changed his mind.

"In addition, go to your mother and concubine by yourself. She should take care of all these messy things in your family."

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