Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2393: doubt

The mother concubine in Temuzhen's mouth refers to Torre's concubine Luhoteni, who is also the biological mother of Mengge, Kublai, Xuliegu, and Alibu.

When Torrey died unexpectedly, she took her orphan and widow, not only kept her family business, but also had a good relationship with the rest of Mongolian kings. Finally, after the deaths of Wokuodai and Guiyou, she succeeded in taking the position of crown prince. Contend for one's own line.

Of course, there are also rumors that Wo Kuotai and Guiyu's deaths also have her shadow, but no one has any evidence. Later, Temujin publicly ordered not to discuss the matter any more, so everyone guessed that they were silent.

Kublai Khan knelt down and said: "Yes, sweat!" This time the punishment is not serious. The people of two thousand households are a lot of wealth. In an empire as large as Mongolia, there are actually more than one thousand fiefdoms. There are only 95 nobles in the household.

Of course, this punishment is not a real injury, and it is barely within the range of tolerance.

However, Kublai Khan was not at all happy. If he really put his sister-in-law Aaron to bed last night, it would be worth even paying 2,000 households, but he did not do anything last night, but he had to bear such notoriety, really. Jumping into the Yellow River can't clean it.

Temujin paused in Khan's seat, and then said: "Nayaa, you will send him over in a while, and you must instigate Luhotini in person so that she can teach him well."

"Yes~" Na Ya'a arched his hands and took orders.

A group of people discussed some more things, and then Temujin waved his hand to end the meeting. Obviously, he was also a little tired and needed to go back to heal his injuries. Tongtian Witch gave Song Qingshu a meaningful look, and then left on his own.

Li Chimei and Basiba continued to search for the whereabouts of Guo Jing and others. Song Qingshu also wanted to follow up to inquire about some news. Who knew that Nayalla was pushed aside: "How is Dazong's injuries now?"

Song Qingshu was taken aback. It seemed that Shuiyue had no personal relationship with him, but he still replied: "It's okay, the leader is merciful, and there is nothing serious about it."

"Then you can make a move?" Na Ya'a smiled with joy.

"I can barely shoot, but if I meet the top, I am afraid that I am not strong enough." Song Qingshu replied hesitantly. Now he has the ability to protect himself, but if he encounters a great master, he still has to escape. Copies.

Originally, he wanted to pretend to be more injured, but was also worried about being associated with himself.

Naya hurriedly said: "Then I have to ask Dazong for a favor."

Song Qingshuxiao

Said: "You are polite, just say it." The other party's identity is equivalent to the leader of the Mongolian imperial forest. A good relationship with him always has more advantages than disadvantages. Back then, the Qing court had a good relationship with the group of people like Duolong and Suoetu. Everything is very convenient.

Na Ya'a looked around, then lowered his voice and said, "Dai Zong can accompany me to the Torre Palace later."

Song Qingshu knew that he was talking about sending Kublai Khan in the past, and he couldn't help being surprised: "It should be easy for you to send the Fourth Prince in the past. Isn't his mother so terrible?"

"It's not that Princess Kled is terrible, but..." Na Ya'a paused, and then said, "You have been here for a short time. Every prince on our side has recruited a group of strange men and women. Many of the magic gates from the past, of course, Princess Klie also has a group, the highest and most mysterious martial arts is the Evil King Shizhixuan."

"Shi Zhixuan?" Song Qingshu had a strange expression, "Does he have a beautiful daughter named Shi Qingxuan?"

"Shi Qingxuan?" Na Ya'a looked confused and shook her head, "I haven't heard of it, and in the impression he should have no children."

"Oh." Song Qingshu was a little disappointed, but it was a pity.

Na Ya'a then continued: "The Evil King is the head of the Butian Pavilion and the Huajian School of the Three Sects of the Demon Sect and the Six Sects. It is said that his martial arts are directly behind Pangban."

Chasing Pangban? Song Qingshu frowned, and then I am afraid I can't cope with it now: "You are the leader of Xue Jun, and you have been ordered by Da Khan this time. Does Shi Zhixuan dare to do anything against you?"

Na Ya'a smiled bitterly, and pointed to his head: "No one would dare under normal circumstances, but this guy is not normal here. He often talks about it and cannot be judged by common sense. So please let me have a lot of confidence. some."

Li Chimei and Ba Siba are too high in status and shoulder heavy responsibilities. He is not good to invite them. Shuiyue Dazong is relatively idle here.

"Okay, then." Song Qingshu also wanted to see the legendary evil king and the instigator Luheteni who made the sea lost and gritted his teeth.

Na Ya'a couldn't help being overjoyed: "I keep this love in my heart. If there is anything I can help you in the future, please don't hesitate to mention it."

"The general is polite." Song Qingshu thought that if you knew that my busy schedule was a terrible crime, I'm afraid you would regret saying this.

It didn't take long for Kublai to also come out from inside, apparently he was reprimanded by Temu Jinduo for a while, his face was very ugly.

Na Ya'a stepped forward and said:

"Four princes, please."

Kublai glanced at Song Qingshu. Obviously he was there with some surprises, but he didn't say anything. Now he went to his mother to think about it, and he didn't know how he would be reprimanded. Hey, the words spoken by the Han Chinese have the color prefix The last knife really makes sense.

Seeing his dejected appearance, Song Qingshu was a little embarrassed. It was not so kind that it was up to him to take care of the coolness.

The streets were extremely murderous all the way, and Lincheng did not have the usual excitement, but there were still a lot of husky merchants on the road. After all, the arrests were Han Chinese and they had nothing to do with them.

Due to frequent exchanges with the West, Mongolia as a whole pays great attention to business. Many Western businessmen even hold important positions in the Mongolian government. Mongolian princes and nobles cooperate with businessmen to pay dividends, and even the Khan also handed their money to businessmen for investment.

These Song Qingshu had been heard before, but did not have any intuitive impression. Until now, it is clear that the whole city is searching for criminals. These Husbands have not been affected in the slightest. He can't help but think about it. With this era of financial knowledge, it seems that he has to deal with it. Mongolia has one more method.

Soon I came to the Royal Palace of Torre. Compared to the former palaces of Kublai and Ali Buk, it was obviously deserted, but the momentum was still there, and you could vaguely see its former glory.

Instigating Luhotini looks like an ordinary Mongolian woman, with a kindness even between her eyebrows, but those who are familiar with this history know that she is actually a ruthless character.

Compared with Aaron's dignity and beauty, and the radiant beauty of the lost sea, she looks much more ordinary. Of course, she must be regarded as a beautiful woman when she was young. Now she still looks a bit milfs, and her charm still exists.

Of course, Song Qingshu didn’t have any thoughts about this age. His attention was all on the man behind him. He was a melancholy and handsome middle-aged man with a peculiar charm mixed with decadence. He had a clear, handsome face and a graceful face. Long hair, the whole person has a fatal attraction.

Unlike Pang Ban's evil and aggressive charm, his charm seems to be much calmer, but there is also a faint feeling of tranquility under the storm.

At this moment, he was still squeezing Luhoteni's shoulders unhurriedly, as if he hadn't seen anyone coming in, and his demeanor was so affectionate that he was not like an ordinary master and servant.

Song Qingshu couldn't help but glanced at Kublai next to him, thinking that a man would green your father in front of you, didn't you respond?

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