Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2401: Take what you need

Song Qingshu never expected that she would be here, but he reacted with only a brief astonishment: "Could it be that the princess has a lonely sleep and comes to me in the middle of the night to relieve my loneliness? Hey, I really missed a great opportunity."

Hai Lost did not expect him to be so shameless. Although his dignity is indeed a bit ugly, when he is in her position, men no longer look at his appearance. On weekdays, no one dares to talk to her so easily. There are also some novelties: "Your Excellency is quite courageous."

"Man, no matter what it is, you can't be small." Song Qingshu said with a smile.

The smile on Hai Mi's face suddenly stopped: "Are you molesting me?"

Song Qing's book stall spread his hands and looked innocent: "Obviously you came to me in the middle of the night. Strictly speaking, you should take the initiative first. Why do you blame me on the other hand?"

Hai Mi snorted, obviously not having the time to talk to him again: "Dazong hasn't answered my question just now?"

Song Qingshu didn't panic at all: "Where do I go at night, don't I need to explain to the princess?"

Hai Mishou stared at him closely, and only smiled after a long time: "Yes, everyone has their own secrets. I won't ask them anymore, but for the sake of me waiting for you all night, are you? Should I compensate me?"

Song Qingshu's eyes fell on her full and undulating lines, and said with a smile: "Of course it should be compensated, is it okay to pay for the debts?"

"Bah!" Hai Mi lost a sip. After all, she couldn't hold it anymore. On weekdays, she was the only one who molested others. I don't want to take turns in Feng Shui today, "I came to you this time because I want you to do something for me."

Song Qingshu was strange: "Wang Hao has many capable people and strangers. I think that shadow assassin is very good at it. Why do you want to come to me?"

"Isn't Dazong knowingly asking?" Hai Mi gave him a blank look. "There are some things that my people are not convenient to come forward."

"So you're looking for me to carry the scapegoat?" Song Qingshu hummed.

Hai Mi lost and walked over with a smile: "You are as cunning as a fox. Even if you do something, you will definitely not be in the guilty."

"But why should I help you?" Song Qingshu directly sat cross-legged at the table, looking indifferent.

Hai Lost walked behind him, stretched out his hand and gently squeezed his shoulders for him: "According to our cooperative practice, you can also ask me for a request afterwards~"

Hearing her deliberately speaking in that delicate tone, Song Qingshu sneered secretly: "Any request will do?"

Hai Lost leaned in his ear and exhaled a breath of heat: "You bad embryo, you must be thinking about some messy pictures in your mind."

Song Qingshu replied: "Any man facing the princess like this, I'm afraid he can't help thinking wildly."

"But you are not an ordinary man," Hai Lost's fingertips gently slid across his chest, "Although you deliberately pretended to be lustful, but I didn't see desire-hope in your eyes. "

Song Qingshu couldn't help laughing: "You can see this stuff?"

"Of course~" Hai Lost raised his eyebrows, obviously a little arrogant, "In the past few years, I have seen too many men who seem to be serious, but are actually full of men, thieves and prostitutes, but this is the first time you have seen you like this."

"How am I?" Song Qingshu tried to describe it, "It looks like a lust-ghost, but in fact it is a gentleman?"

Hai Lost shook his head: "On the surface, he is a womanizer, but he is actually."

Song Qingshu: "..."

Hai Lost had already stood up straight at this time, came to the window to look at the sky, and slowly said: "You help me do this, I can promise you a request that is not excessive, but there is only one chance at that time, you If I think it’s too much, I’ll go back directly. A woman is a bit privileged in this respect, right?”

Song Qingshu naturally didn't think she would really donate to her body, and replied: "I want a warrant to leave the city, can you get it?" He was worried that he could not send Guo Jing and others safely. Now that he and Lin have closed the city, only a few people with a warrant can enter and leave freely.

Of course, he was not so stupid that Guo Jing and others would go directly to the gate of the city to challenge the IQ of the defending officials with a warrant, and he would definitely have to go through some disguise first.

"What do you want that thing for?" Hai Mi said, "Do you also have business in the Western Regions under your hands?" Many of the Mongolian aristocrats are closely related to business men and women, and even profusely sweats some private property to Hu. The business invests in business, so she subconsciously thought of this.

In fact, not only the Mongols, but the Central Plains dynasty is almost like this. Although the world is not a king, but the silver in the treasury is generally embarrassed to be used by the emperor, so the emperor has its own royal industry to make money for them, such as the Western Han Dynasty. Trade and the benefit of Shanze belonged to the emperor. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the emperor sold officials to enter his own pockets. In the Qing Dynasty, many of the money borrowed by wealthy merchants in Jiangnan was released by the Ministry of Internal Affairs after several layers of disguise...

Song Qingshu was thinking about how to explain it, and when she heard her say this, she replied: "You don't need to worry about it, I'm useful."

I don’t know how many times I have heard about the Hu businessmen in the Western Regions. It seems that the royal family’s participation in business is very popular. Thinking of this, he suddenly thought of a way to send Guo Jing and others out of the city. Of course, all of this first There must be a warrant to leave the city.

Hai Lost hesitated for a moment, and nodded: "Nowadays, the lockdown is stricter, and the warrant for leaving the city is hard to find, but I will find a way to get it for you."

Song Qingshu breathed a sigh of relief. In this regard, he believed that the Dark Sea Lost must be more capable than the silly white sweet Yalen: "What do you want me to help?"

"Recently, I have found a time to bring Naya Ayo out. I will notify you of the specific time and place at that time," Hai Mizui said.

Song Qingshu was startled: "Are you going to kill Na Ya?"

Hai Lost walked over and gently pressed him to sit down: "Seeing that you are excited, don't worry, I don't want you to help me arrange the killing, but there is a beautiful thing waiting for him."

Song Qingshu thought to myself that I believe in you a ghost, which one of the targets targeted by you woman will have a good end.

Noting his distrustful gaze, Hai Lost and his face became hot: "Things are indeed a bit tricky, so I found you, but you can rest assured that you will never be tired afterwards. After all, many things will be troublesome in the future. What about you."

Song Qingshu hesitated for a while, but still agreed, sending Guo Jing and the others out of the city is the top priority.

After Hai Mi lost and left, Song Qingshu ran to Li Chimei and Ba Siba to click Mao, and listened to the information they searched. Who knew that Na Ya'a was accidentally found there.

Na Ya'a waved when he saw him, "You came just right, I just have a martial arts question and I want to ask them, so you can also give me some advice."

Song Qingshu wondered when this is all, do you still come to ask questions about martial arts? Can't you see that you with thick eyebrows and big eyes are still a martial idiot?

But he knew right away that he wanted something wrong, because Najaa asked: "Several master-level figures in the martial arts field must be knowledgeable. I don't know if I know who is good at using that kind of slender sharpness in the world. His swords are basically the one that kills with one blow?"

"I am good at swordsmanship, and another blow is fatal?" Ba Siba thought for a while and replied, "Song Qingshu? He doesn't need a second move to deal with ordinary people, and he is good at sword aura, and the wounds are narrow and sharp. You describe it very well. Like."

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