Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2402: Street assassination

Song Qingshu almost didn't choke to death with saliva, thinking that the number of times he has been carrying a scapegoat has risen sharply recently.

Fortunately, he didn't need to refute himself, Na Ya'a already shook his head and said: "It shouldn't be him, that man is not as good as him in martial arts, and he uses real swords, not sword energy."

Li Chimei thought for a while and replied: "Except for Song Qingshu, the well-known sword masters in the world must belong to the Huashan school. However, it is said that he fell after the undefeated battle with the East, and his fellow Linghu Chong Got its true story."

"Linghu Chong?" Na Ya'a thoughtfully, "Anything else?"

Li Chimei is in charge of the master of Tiemuzhen’s subordinates, and can be said to be familiar with the allusions in the Central Plains Wulin: "The head of the Wuyue Sword School is also a master of swords. Among them, the sword used by Mr. Xiaoxiang Yeyu Moda is slender and long, as you describe. Some of them are facing each other."

"Mo Da?" Na Ya'a thought for a while and shook his head, "It shouldn't be him."

"I heard that there has been a lot of turmoil in martial arts swordsmanship over the years, but to trace the source, it should be that Lin Chaoying's swordsmanship was somewhat related to that year. In the past, she had a battle with this peerless and graceful woman. Her swordsmanship was light. The spirit is curious, and it should be able to cause such wounds." When Li Chimei said this, a complex expression appeared in her eyes, and it was obvious that the impression Lin Chaoying left on him back then was extremely difficult to extinguish.

Song Qingshu was taken aback. He knew that the evil swordsmanship had a connection with Lin Chaoying, but he never thought that Li Chimei would even fight her.

"The age and cultivation are not the same..." Na Ya A muttered to herself, "Then she has any descendants or other disciples?"

Li Chimei replied: "I heard that there is one named Lin Pingzhi, but it seems that he has not obtained the true biography of the evil swordsmanship. On the contrary, it is the Yang Guo who was in the Fourth Prince's Mansion. Look at his physical style and Lin Chaoying's back then. It's a bit similar, except that he now uses the heavy sword instead, and is more on the path of seeking defeat."

Hearing this, Song Qingshu couldn't help asking: "Have you played against Dugu Qiuqiu?"

There was a trace of enthusiasm in Li Chimei's eyes: "I don't have that ability, but I heard the master mention it when I was young. It is a legend. If one day I can fight him, even if I die in his hands, my whole life will be worthwhile."

Najaa doesn't have his feelings. What he cares about is his own question: "Is there any kind that is more inclined to killer style?"

"Killer style?" Li Chimei was taken aback. Obviously, a master-level figure like him can't look down on those assassins. After all, most assassins are slanted swords, and martial arts cultivation has its natural flaws. Secretly attacking may be harmless, but Head-to-head confrontation is always less than real


For so many years, the only assassin he has been able to admire is the old man in the mountain, the Great Elder of the Persian Mingjiao.

However, he answered Na Ya'a's question: "As far as I know, the Emperor of the Song Dynasty has raised a killer named Zhongyuan Yihong. He is quick and accurate when he draws his sword, and he often only leaves a blood spot on the target. The size of the wound."

Song Qingshu was shocked to hear. You know that the identity of Zhongyuan Yihong is quite secret. He knows such people. It is conceivable how much intelligence work Mongolia has done with the countries of the Central Plains. Obviously, it has long been the idea of ​​going south. .

"It's too far from here..." Najaa asked again, "Do we have such a person in Mongolia?"

At this moment, Li Chimei did not answer immediately, but gave him a meaningful look: "Are you investigating something?"

Na Ya'a smiled bitterly: "It is not convenient to disclose the details for the time being. I hope to forgive me."

The Basiba next to him said: "I was born in the same line of the Sacred Gate, Li Chimei has something inconvenient to say. Lao Na has no such worries. As far as I know, there is indeed such a master of swordsmanship near Helin City. That is the descendant of the Evil King Shizhixuan Butian Pavilion-Yang Xuyan, known as the Shadow Assassin, but this person's whereabouts are mysterious and seem to have disappeared over the years."

Song Qingshu's heart jumped, and he finally understood why Hai Lost was looking for his own help. Thinking about it, Naya Acha had found something, she had to kill her.

Hesar and Nachen both died that night. Could it be that Hai Mi lost his hand?

But Na Ya'a is also the leader of Xue Jun, who is in charge of Temuzhen's guard work, can he kill it casually? Even if the forces in the sea lost secretly, it is difficult to deal with the aftermath of killing such a character, right?

Hearing the shadow assassin, Naya's eyes lit up, as if he had found the answer all the time, and said to the two of them: "Can I borrow someone from you?"

Ba Siba smiled and said, "The commander's words are too heavy. Just ask whoever you want to borrow."

Na Ya'a looked at Song Qingshu: "I want to ask Dazong Shuiyue to accompany me on a trip. I wonder if Dazong is happy?"

Song Qingshu guessed this: "I'm naturally happy, I don't know about them..."

Li Chimei and Ba Siba on the side would naturally not obstruct them, anyway, Shuiyue Dazong had nothing to do here, so it's better to sell them a favor.

Song Qingshu quickly left with Na Ya'a, as if seeing his doubts, Na Ya'a said: "I'm going to the evil king Shi Zhixuan this time to inquire about Yang Xuyan's news, facing that lunatic, you have you Such a master can feel relieved just by the side."


You are also the top master in this city, why are you so afraid of Shi Zhi Xuan? "Song Qingshu said strangely.

Na Ya'a waved his hand: "You are just putting gold on my face. Although I am not bad in martial arts, I still have a significant gap compared with Shi Zhixuan and you. That guy Shi Zhixuan is also a patching pavilion and a flower. With the strengths of the two factions, the body is extremely tricky, the best at making surprise attacks and killing people, and because of emotional instability, there is no sign of attack, making people hard to guard against."

After a while, he came over and lowered his voice and added: "A few years ago, a thousand households didn't know where to provoke him, and he killed him on the spot. The incident was a lot of trouble at the time, but in the end it didn't stop. I I don't want to be such an unlucky ghost."

Song Qingshu nodded, and if he changed to Na Ya'a, he would probably feel embarrassed.

When the two were chatting, suddenly a dark arrow shot over. Although Na Ya'a was humble in her mouth, she was not weak at all, so she grabbed the shot arrow in her hand.

At this time, a few husbands screamed and rushed over here with scimitars, but unfortunately they were not even close, and they were soon overpowered by the soldiers under Na Ya'a.

Na Ya'a walked over with a gloomy face, looking down at the few wicked men who were pinned to the ground.

"Nayaa, you can't die, you grab our property, and occupy our wife and daughter..." Several Husbands have strong accents. Although Song Qingshu only understands a few words, he can roughly restore them. what did you say.

Before they could finish speaking, Na Ya'a slashed off their heads and said coldly: "Assassinating court officials in the street is a death penalty!"

He wiped the blood stains on the spatula with the clothes of the corpse on the ground, and Na Ya'a just walked back and saw Song Qingshu's dumbfounded look, and put on the same smile as before: "They are the Hu businessmen of the Western Regions. Chi Laowen’s path, now Chi Laowen is dead in the Tieyan Department, the trade path under him will definitely be replaced by other people in the city, but these Husband merchants think I did it. I am really wronged."

Song Qingshu grinned reluctantly: "This is also considered to be their own responsibility." He looked kind before, and he was considered a good person, but he didn't expect to be black.

Na Ya'a went on to say: "If you are interested, I will give you some stocks. The noble families in this city have a big business, and you don't need money for food and clothing. How can you just rely on that little salary." Obviously, this move also exists. To buy his mind.

Song Qingshu's eyes lit up and Zhengshou couldn't send Guo Jing and the others out of the city. Isn't the identity of these Hushang merchants just used to cover people's eyes and eyes? Now only the lost out of the city textbook is left: "Thank you for your command, then."

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