Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2408: Show up

Yang Guo and the others secretly cried out, how come there was one crop after another, and it didn't end there? Seeing that there were only a few steps away from the city gate, the moth came out again.

Li Chimei walked up enchantingly, circled the crowd a few times, and kept his eyes on the crowd, and finally fell on Xiao Wu: "You two are very nervous?"

The hands of the big and small martial artists were all sweaty, and they wanted to answer, but they were not proficient in the nonsense that they learned last night, but now that they are nervous, they have forgotten them.

Yang Guo reacted swiftly, and he immediately came over and smiled and said, "They have never seen anything in the world, so seeing a high-ranking official like an adult was a little excited and speechless for a while."

Although Wu Xiaowu could hear it, but knowing that Yang Guo was definitely helping them at this time, he nodded eagerly to cooperate.

Li Chimei screamed, and finally his eyes fell on Li Mochou again, and couldn't help but laugh: "It's rare to see such a handsome Hu people."

Li Mo frowned. If she had been in the Central Plains before, she would have taken action with such a molester, but now that the matter is very important, and the other party's martial arts is unfathomable, she would not be too small to bear the big plot.

Yang Guo explained: "This is my sister, who helps with business on weekdays. If an adult takes a fancy to her, even if she becomes a concubine, this is the blessing of our family."

Li Mochou couldn't help getting furious. He was about to attack on the spot, but saw Li Chimei waved his hands in disgust: "I'm not interested, let's go."

Li Mochou only quenched his anger, but when he thought of this dead ladyboy's disdain for him, his heart was extremely disgusting. Isn't he really not a little charming? Why do all the men use a pair of obsessive and disgusting fascination? Look at her?

Yang Guoxi laughed a few words, and then he greeted the "caravan" to go out. He saw Li Mo's sullen face, and when she was angry with herself, he leaned over and said in secret, "I just talked to him on purpose. By the way, this guy knows that he doesn't like women when he sees the sissy energy, so uncle must be offended."

Before the other party could answer, he changed his face and hurriedly turned around and greeted him with a palm. A hand that was more beautiful than a woman was silently printed, and the palms intersected, and both sides shook together.

Li Chimei flew back in a cool posture, looking at a few people with a sneer: "One by one, he breathes long and walks lightly. Wherever there are so many masters in Hushang, they will all be taken down by me, and the rebels will be killed."

In fact, when he just passed by, he noticed the strangeness of this group of people, and walking around them a few times is even more sure. The previous behaviors were just to paralyze each other.

Yang Guo and the others immediately understood, and while scolding him for being cunning and despicable, they were fighting with the Mongolian warriors who surrounded them.

Although Yang Guo, Zhou Botong and others have high martial arts, Li Chi

Meiwu Gong is no less than them. In addition, Li Chimei was originally responsible for arresting them this time. Her subordinates, Esoteric Buddhism, Magician Palace, and Western Regions masters did not know Fanji, and there were heavy guards near the city gate, they accounted for all of them. Advantage.

Fortunately, although Guo Jing did not fully recover, he lifted the prohibition, and it was considered a combat power. Otherwise, Hong Qigong would abolish martial arts, and Dawu Xiaowu would be wounded all over his body. I'm afraid he would have been captured from the very beginning.

Li Mochou attacked Chi Mei with a cold face, obviously she still remembered the contempt of the other party just now. Although her skill is not as good as Li Chimei, she is best at responding to actual combat. Back then, she was able to successfully capture Lu Wushuang and escape in the hands of Huang Yaoshi, not to mention that she has now made great progress in martial arts in Song Qingshu's "Jade Girl-Heart Sutra".

Li Chimei didn't expect this woman to be so difficult. He has always been good at body skills, but the other party's light body skills are also quite clever, and occasionally even sends out a hidden weapon in a hurry. No matter the timing or the technique, it can be described as antelope hanging. angle.

However, he still has the confidence to subdue the opponent within 20 strokes, because the opponent's skill is still significantly different from him.

Song Qingshu could see from the side that no matter how strong Li Mochou was in actual combat, the current martial arts would have at most a chance to escape her life in Li Chimei's hands, but with such a head-on confrontation, she would lose before long, if it were not for Li Chi Mei was a little jealous of her poison needle and didn't want to get hurt, I'm afraid she was already defeated.

Knowing this a long time ago, I should add more silver needles to her. Song Qingshu was a little upset, but he also knew that it was not easy to find these needles for her in a short period of time.

"Don't fall in love with war, go back to the city and take them to me." Li Mochou was relying on the tomb sect's light power and Li Chimei's ghostly physical skills to deal with, he couldn't help but froze. They worked so hard to fight. Isn’t it a dead end to rush out of the city and now you are going back to the city?

However, she knew that the other party would not aimlessly, gritted her teeth and decided to trust him once, and then greeted Yang Guo and others: "Follow me!"

After speaking, he released a few hidden weapons to avoid Li Chi Mei, and took the lead to fly towards the house of Shuiyue Dazong. Thinking of the key in his arms, I wondered why that guy didn't want to go back. It turned out to be used as an emergency.

Guo Jing and others were trying to rush out of the city gate, but they didn’t react to what they said. Yang Guo could understand it. Not to mention that more and more soldiers gathered at the gate of the city. Now they were found to have escaped even if they were lucky enough to escape, in the endless grassland. In the end, didn't this group of people become the fish and meat that were slaughtered by the cavalry? It's better to return to the city and use the complex terrain in the city to be able to deal with it.

The heavy sword split a **** road, and then called Guo Jing and others to follow. Guo Jing knew that he had always been clever, but had no doubts, so he carried Hong Qigong on his back and followed under the cover of Zhou Botong and Dawuwu.

Song Qingshu secretly used a yang finger to poke the samurai along the way, and a yang finger was colorless.

Xiang, he used it secretly, without being noticed by anyone, and helped them to blaze a trail.

Li Chimei was originally watching the battle. After all, the opponent's martial arts were too high, and he was also a little jealous. In case the opponent fished and broke his back, it would not be worthwhile, so it would be better to let the person under his hand consume it first.

He didn't know that the original formation like an iron barrel was rushed out of blood by them. He couldn't help but be frightened and angry. He roared all over his body, using the body technique of Heavenly Charm and Yin Yin, and swiftly approached Guo Jing.

Song Qingshu knew that Yili Chimei's martial arts, he wanted to make secret moves like just now, and he could never hide it from him, so he had to flash out from where he was hiding. He had already changed Shuiyue Dazong's clothes and screamed at each other as he ran. : "Mr. Li, it's not good, the big thing is not good!"

His figure is very fast, just blocking Li Chimei’s path, but on the surface it seems to have been accidentally caused. Guo Jing and his party took the opportunity to temporarily throw off the chasing soldiers for a certain distance. They didn’t know the identity of Shuiyue Dazong, just Secretly rejoicing, only Li Mo looked back anxiously, worried about how that person would deal with the situation in front of him.

Li Chimei had to stop her figure, looking at Song Qingshu with a somewhat unkind expression, waved her hand to signal her subordinates to surround him, her eyes were full of suspiciousness and murder: "What the **** are you doing Shuiyue Dazong?"

Song Qingshu quickly said, "Something happened to Na Ya'a!"

"What?" Hearing what he said, Li Chimei couldn't help being surprised. You must know that Na Ya'a is the important minister in the court, the commander of Xue Xuejun, and is also responsible for Temuzhen's guard work. His status and status are a bit higher than him. .

In addition, on weekdays, there are a few people who don't see and bow their heads to see each other, which is considered to be a lot of friendship. How can he not be surprised when he hears something wrong with Na Ya'a?

While waving his hand to let the people under his hand continue to hunt Guo Jing and others, he asked: "You make it clear, what happened to him?"

Song Qingshu looked embarrassed: "I don't know how to say it, but Khan wants to kill him, I am afraid that his life will not be saved this time." He does not know the specific plan of Hai Lost, but guesses that the actual net closing is almost the same now. Catching the thief and the stolen goods, catching-rape and catching the double, is it possible to let the two of them divide their things afterwards?

Song Qingshu took Li Chimei all the way to the Bayin Inn. Both of them were the best in the world. They arrived soon. They found that the outside of the inn had already been surrounded by water. Li Chimei recognized that these were all great. The most trusted guard around Khan couldn't help but sigh. Shouldn't Da Khan be healed in the palace at this time?

The two were stopped at first, but Richimei's identity was special. The guards let them go. The two hurried in, only to hear Naya's begging for mercy: "Profuse sweat, I am confused for a while, please see Forgive me this time for my many years of credit!"

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